Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Chapter 1590: Twenty-year-old tail (1)

Especially for her, now there is no trophy for a queen. There are three Chinese awards, one and a half years, there are two rounds, six full hits, and six chances. She needs to win three trophies in six times.

It seems that there is hope, but this is not a lottery, this is a selection. Even if she performs well on her own, who knows if anyone else has performed above the level, and who knows what will happen?

In fact, from the point of view of the timeliness from the movie release to the awards evaluation, their main body competition has ended, and the rest must be handed over to the director, to the production team, and to the audience and judges to make a decision.

She and Shang Feier also reached a point of view and would never use rules to win this award. Even if someone operates in the dark, it will definitely not be them. Even if he didn't win the game, he wouldn't do anything against fairness.

Xia Siyu probably also knew that he might lose in this competition. In particular, she will start to declare the next three grand prizes in the near future, which happens to be the year she was delayed. Her entry this year is "Youth 2", a commercial film made by Director Ji. To be honest, there is little chance of winning. The more promising "Spring Light" did not even go through trial, and could not get the dragon mark, and was unable to release it for a long time. After modifying many versions, Sun Wujiu finally decided to participate in the three majors in Europe.

But the problem is that for the three biggest and latest Venice Film Festivals in Europe, the time to register for the main competition unit this year has passed. If you want to report, you can only apply for next year.

And the new movie "The Allure of the Country" she hopes Wang Shi, and the "Sunrise" filmed by Bo Yan, are still in post-production, and I don't even know when it will be released. I have no idea whether they can participate in the next round of selection. Knowable.

It is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice, even if she is anxious to get angry now. Who can blame this? After all, the fall in word of mouth last year was an accident, even Hui Xing, before that happened, would definitely not be willing to push her out as a shield. Should we blame those "just passers-by" who refused to let her be shortlisted and reported her name as soon as she saw her name?

She can only blame herself, because she didn't even think about improving her acting skills or winning prizes a few years before she joined the industry. She wasted years of time and wasted time.

On the twenty-ninth birthday, Xia Siyu actually started a live broadcast.

Naturally, she will not do the background in her own home. Her background wall is her own studio. Xia Siyu's fans have experienced many major events. They ran and scattered before, but now they can stay. All of them are diehards. Of course, there are also newcomers who have watched her movies and entered the pit, but her fan stickiness is not as good as the idols who cast and cast her. After all, she is an actor. After joining the group, she can't come out to interact with fans for several months.

However, you still have to be happy for your birthday. She is not actually afraid of aging, female stars do have peaks and troughs. Many choose to marry and have children around the age of 30, and gradually fade out of the entertainment industry. However, for her, this age is the most clear and open-minded age. She used to be too young, but now she clearly knows what she wants and works hard for it.

Fans gave her gifts, but she refused: "I will buy you what you want, so don't spend the money.

As soon as the voice fell, the next ID called "Midxia Misty Rain" gave her a rocket.

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