Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Chapter 1591: Twenty-year-old tail (2)

Xia Siyu saw it, and continued to chat with the fans as if she hadn't seen it.

Bo Yan also has other activities today. In fact, he could schedule his work, but Xia Siyu refused: "It's just a small birthday, not a whole life, not a child, so there is no need to celebrate."

Bo Yan did not confuse her, and agreed. He also pointed out: "If you need me to come back, you tell me, I will arrange in advance."

Xia Siyu waved his hand: "What do I need for this little thing. Chocolate is not allowed, and I won't eat birthday cakes-too sweet. Why are the cakes sweet? It would be great if they could be replaced with braised pork. Flowers are also good. No. The flowers in the studio are all piled up into hills, and it's useless to throw them away after they wither."

So Bo Yan had to give her a rocket. Moreover, he also changed the ID to "Mission Rain in Midsummer at work" to directly show his situation.

Xia Siyu also deliberately pointed out the identity of Bo Yan: "Thank you for the rocket sent by Misty Summer, I have received your kindness."

Soon after, Misty Rain in midsummer swiped the screen and sent a row of roses.

Xia Siyu seldom broadcast live before. For one thing, she disappeared for a few months as soon as she joined the crew. Except for some necessary business affairs, she rarely appeared on the crew. She was busy every day from morning to night.

The second reason is that she was too unpretentious. Before, she scolded reporters, criticized black fans, and ridiculed them. In case she said something that was cut out of context, spread it wildly, and then got PR again.

So even though the live broadcast industry was in full swing in the past few years, Qin Baizhou tried to reject her as much as possible in the past. Except for some charge to help bring the goods. After she became independent, she was at a trough last year. She resisted as soon as she came out. Although she was not afraid of rumors, she didn't need to scold her. After the word-of-mouth flipped, he joined two groups in a row, and was filming for most of the year, and there was no time to come out.

But unless Xia Siyu asked a question she didn't want to answer, she could especially say that she could chat for three to five hours without stopping. Of course, it is impossible for her to talk about relationships with fans, all she talks about are on-set interesting things.

Xia Siyu's fans are divided into three groups. Those who have not left after several trough baptisms are already diehards. People like to listen to what she says. New fans are divided into career fans and Yan fans. Needless to say, Yan Fen, the nympho, she "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh) As long as her face is not broken, Yan Fan will not run away. Career fans are concerned about her movies and her development, especially after she took the Cannes female role, the career fans suddenly increased. All the opponents, excessive exposure and variety shows, and men that hinder my sister from climbing the road to the sky are all hindrances! My sister was born for Oscar!

These people are more **** than she is. On the one hand, they worry about her development plan and the play. If the script is not good, they are more anxious than Xia Siyu himself. On the other hand, they began to worry about box office and data. There are even more professional ones who start to look forward to the awards and analyze whether her inventory can be awarded, and how many can be awarded. Then they regretfully analyzed that next year's three awards are estimated to be difficult to harvest. "Shounen 2" and director Ji’s commercial films are not like winning awards. They can only hope for the future inventory.

In addition to fans, there are also celebrities coming in. The live broadcast of her birthday was at 8 o'clock in the evening on her birthday. In the early morning, a wave of friends in the circle had sent congratulations on Weibo. But at night, some celebrities still came to stroll around.

For example, Wang Zisu.

He is the kind of person who congratulates his birthday with a pinch in the early morning, and because he is abroad, the time difference is not accurate, he even posted a Weibo one hour earlier, made a joke and quickly deleted and reposted. Today this matter is still on the hot search. Last year, she was scolded for a year. Most of the friends in the entertainment circle who had a good relationship with her in the past, including Zhou Weiwei, did not send congratulations on Weibo on her birthday, but Wang Zisu seemed fearless. Up. Although Xia Siyu's black fans rushed to him, he ignored it. But this year, after her word-of-mouth flipped, Wang Zisu's Weibo instantly became wise and wise.

Today too, he did a lot of search for yacht rockets just like Bo Yan, and he has the wealth and money to rank first on the fan list in the live broadcast room. Xia Siyu was not polite with him, and directly shouted: "Wang Zisu, don't read gifts. I have been swiped by you and I can't see fan messages."

It didn't take long for Wang Zisu to make another gift. Because the gift has a topping function, he replied at the end of the gift: "Congratulations you are one year old again."

Although Xia Siyu was not afraid of aging, and did not insist on the so-called "girly feeling", how could this person be so annoying to speak. She snorted, "Is that old? That's mature and charming. You little kid doesn't understand."

Below, her fans shouted: "Yes! I refuse age anxiety, my daughter is the most beautiful!"

These days, fans not only want to be the wives/husbands of celebrities, but also painless mothers. Even if he was younger than Xia Siyu, he couldn't help but take a bite of "my daughter"!

After Xia Siyu finished speaking, she didn't forget to come back and look for supplements: "But the prince, you have given so many yachts, although it is my birthday, but it's not impolite to come and go, I will also give you a gift."

In Xia Siyu's live broadcast room, she directly said that Wang Zisu also responded, but she soon disappeared in a group of barrage, not real.

But it doesn't matter, Xia Siyu knows that he is watching it-she smiled triumphantly, and then said: "That is, you will hear my singing! I will sing your group's famous song "Our Little Life". "

Others want money to sing, Xia Siyu sings to death! As long as Xia Siyu's fans know that she is beautiful and has good acting skills, she is good at dancing and martial arts, but singing is the only scary thing. I don't know how such a beautiful face can sing such a bad voice. Suddenly, a long line of "soul singers" appeared from the barrage in horror.

Xia Siyu coughed lightly and began to open his mouth. Good guy, the front melody, the five words ran out of four notes, and because the microphone had not been adjusted, there was a sharp piercing noise, which almost sent people away. The fans wailed: "No, I'm asking for a pair of ears I haven't heard before!" "I can just look at the face, I can still love it!" "Survival confirmation! The singing is so beautiful!" "My sister This confident expression won!"

The fans ran halfway, and Wang Zisu also retreated with a smile.

The live broadcast is still going on. Xia Siyu started live broadcast at 8pm and has been talking for two hours without stopping. The number of people watching the live broadcast has also been increasing.

But when there are too many people, it is inevitable that there will be a mixture of fish and dragons, for example, there are a lot of black powder, smelling the smell, and cursing the street.

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