Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Chapter 1600: Untitled (2)

Xia Siyu has always been Meimeimei's spokesperson since his debut. She is beautiful and has always been a model for plastic surgery. She is good-looking and anti-aging, and she has never done medical beauty.

In the movie too, she debuted as an innocent female student, and later she became a glamorous queen. The word beauty, she has heard of it since she was a child, and it is no longer rare to talk about it. Although she herself is very confident about her appearance, she is also very disgusted that others only see her face and can't see what she thinks.

Especially after she now wants to expand her drama, she doesn't like others only mentioning her face. It turned out to be a compliment for her, but now it has become a door that hinders her expansion.

She doesn't want a high salary, she's still dedicated to her work, and she has a coffee position. There are indeed many film companies looking for her. It turned out that she thought that there were no good books in the movie market, but later discovered that it turned out that it was not that there were no good books. It was just that some books could not be handed to you in the past. Some new directors and screenwriters may think that Xia Siyu is too big and there are rumors that she is not dedicated to playing big names, and she does not think that she can perform well in literary and artistic films, or that the pay is too low and is filtered out by the company. Died prematurely.

Now that she had this opportunity, she seemed to have opened the door to a new world. She wanted to try this one, and that role felt good.

In fact, acting is suitable for ADHD patients like Xia Siyu. Her attribute is Erha. If you tie her to the house, it will only demolish the house, but if you throw it in the ground for a few laps, it will not only not be tired, but will also be very happy.

But she wanted to pick everything, and she was stunned. In addition to her own team's reference, Bo Yan also gave her reference.

The reference Bo Yan gave her is to turn down these drama appointments. If it is really boring, you can go to a variety show, and he can accompany her.

Moreover, this variety show is really called "Get up from wherever you fall", and it's also a love variety show.

Those who come to participate in this variety show are all male and female friends or couples who have already been made public. It was the third season of the rival Taiwan's love variety show that Shang Feier and Han Yifan participated in at the time.

In the previous seasons, couples of boy and girl friends gathered together, and several couples participated in activities together, but this time it was different. They were shot separately. In addition, a pair called "love reserve" is added, which means that a pair who has not publicly acknowledged their lover is also brought in to participate in the show. Of course, this so-called "reserve" is Bo Yan and Xia Siyu.

Because the two of them haven't made it public yet, even if people outside think they are a pair, as long as they don't admit it, it won't count.

Xia Siyu didn't understand: "So you want to participate in this variety show with me, is it a public warm-up for the two of us?"

She does not care about the words of CAER's black fans, but she still cares about it. Like her, I don't want his fans to conflict with her. But conflicts are always inevitable, and at best they can only ease a little, and he can only try to make some changes.

"It's one of the reasons." Bo Yan nodded.

"Then there are two of the reasons?" Xia Siyu glanced at him suspiciously.

Bo Yan said: "Of course there are. For example, Feier Shang and Han Yifan were also invited to return to the factory." Their performance in the first season was well received, and the program team invited them to return to the factory. Besides, although this time is a one-on-one shooting, you can also visit each other. Didn't he want to stop by at public expense?

"For another example, Zhou Weiwei and her little boyfriend were also invited to participate." Of course, Xia Siyu is now estranged from Zhou Weiwei. It seems that the two have never quarreled, but when they are estranged, they are estranged. Xia Siyu's personality is that as long as she cares about you, she will help you consider everything about you. But once she doesn't care, the old lady cares who you are, as long as Zhou Weiwei doesn't jump, she won't have any fluctuations even if she stands in front of her.

Although Zhou Weiwei and her little boyfriend really hate her, she doesn't want to look at them, let alone tear her face with them. Nonsense, what kind of identity is she, what kind of identity the two, are not as good as her when tied together? Even if Zhou Weiwei sat down firmly with Huixing's first sister, she just didn't want it. She doesn't care about this name at all, doesn't she care about it for both of them?

However, it's not bad to grab their limelight in the past. Needless to say, Huixing is a big marketing player. When Zhou Weiwei and her boyfriend are on the show, they will definitely be able to carry out carpet marketing. A Shang Fei'er probably can't stand it. What her Xia Siyu does is to grab other people's hot coquettish goods. As long as others are unhappy, she is also happy.

"Also, although you want to make a movie, acting, like a rubber band, you have to loosen and tighten it to create well. If you enter the group seamlessly, you will go to the next one when you come out of this group. If you don’t have a good debugging, you can’t find the status, and you will only get worse. Acting requires creation and investment. Different crews have different acting methods. You work so hard and immersively every time. , It's easy to consume yourself."

Very good, Xia Siyu thought it was good for this reason, and she nodded.

In fact, there is still one unfinished statement. When Xia Siyu shoots a variety show, although the variety show will focus on their "dating" process for 20 days, there will be successive supplementary records in the follow-up. For example, visit each other, such as a few groups to participate in some small competitions and the like.

When does the variety show start shooting? It was when the Golden Moon Award was drawn, and when the variety show was supplemented, it was when the Golden Phoenix Award was in progress.

Xia Siyu won the Golden Moon Award this year for director Ji’s "Poppy". Poppies and poppies are both plants of the genus Papaver, which is the anti-drug film. Xia Siyu plays Narco No. 2 with an undiminished conscience. When he is beautiful, he is like a poppy, but when he is sinful, he has a poppy on the back. Although she performed the double-sided feeling of the Flower of Sin, unfortunately this year is the golden moon award year. There are many excellent films shortlisted, and it is unlikely that Xia Siyu will win the award.

The Golden Phoenix Award was not even given to her as a shortlist last year. Although I gave it this year, it was given to "Youth 2", which is a pure commercial film. She doesn't have much room to play and has little hope of winning the prize.

If Xia Siyu was filming and didn't win the prize twice, she might be hit harder, which would affect her state. Moreover, once she was filming, she would separate from herself, and he couldn't come to comfort him either.

It's better to throw her away to shoot a variety show with yourself, and he just passed by. After all, the quality of the selected films this year is indeed only that, and both of them know it well, no matter how much pressure it is, it will only increase worry.

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