Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Chapter 1601: Love Reserve (1)

"Besides, didn't you have an accident in a love variety show before? Get up from wherever you fall."

Xia Siyu had missed two awards because of the love variety show last year and was scolded for a whole year. Moreover, Huixing "supported" the TV station instead of her at the time. She later terminated the contract with Huixing, and she didn't ask for the resources that the TV station originally wanted to give. Now to show variety shows on Dujia TV is the best way to respond to the previous TV station, Huixing and the past.

Xia Siyu didn't think so much, she just lifted her small chin and said, "Since you asked for it in every possible way, then I can barely agree to it."


The third season of the Love Variety Show has completed the first round of investment promotion. According to international practice, before the first round of investment promotion, a bunch of stars will be invited, but there are no blunt words and Xia Siyu. The two of them have never made it public, so there has never been an opportunity for an invitation.

However, the executive director of the project, Bo Yan, and Han Yifan are all from the N major directors department. They are considered to be in the relationship of brothers and sisters. This was mentioned during the party. After the fire in the first season of this variety show, the second season has also continued its popularity, and it is one of the most watched variety shows at present. As soon as the news that the third season was about to start filming came out, many couples in the entertainment industry wanted to participate. But shooting the same content every season will make the audience feel tired, and they want to make some changes.

It happened that Xia Siyu was so crazy that she wanted to make various scenes. If it wasn't for the lack of energy, she would even want to take over the scenes. He understands this feeling. It is true that after opening the door to a new world, he is willing to devote his limited energy to infinite work, but their work requires creativity and spirituality after all, and it will not work if it is not used for too long. Excessive use is even worse.

Moreover, he and Xia Siyu have always had jobs, and they had to be separated for several months once they worked. Only those who were visiting the class could get together a day or two. It really takes a certain amount of time to relax and relax. She was under such a lot of mental stress, especially when she played the role of "Sunrise" and non-stop into the "Allure of the Country" in order to rush for the prize, and almost all of them were 100% dedicated, which was very exhausting.

Although she didn't say anything, she lost weight even if she ate a lot. The body is not deceiving, and if she is so nervous and anxious, I'm afraid her condition will get worse.

So Bo Yan proposed to add a "love reserve", and the other party agreed. He also proposed that the program can be broadcast in the form of live broadcast, just like their "Flowers and Grasses" at the time. He also said that he would definitely bring Xia Siyuguai to the show, but there is a condition that he can secretly attract business in their name, but he does not want to make it public before the official show is released.

Bo Yan and Xia Siyu were originally top performers, and countless variety shows and events wanted to invite them. It's just that they hadn't made it public before, and the program group didn't dare to invite them. Now that they have agreed to come, they will naturally welcome them and cooperate very hard.

Although under the name of "reserve", the public is not a fool. This is just making love announcements. With this gimmick, plus their own fame, plus the pair of Shang Feier and the others, as well as the newly promoted Zhou Weiwei, no matter what the variety show is, the ratings and webcasts of the previous episodes are guaranteed. Now, China Merchants will be on the next level.

When Bo Yan was added, it was already in the late stage of preparation for the show, and it was officially aired in one month.

As soon as Bo Yan and Xia Siyu signed the contract, the program team began to promote.

The first official announcement was Shang Feier and Han Yifan. Shang Feier had won the trophy before, and although she was still in a PK with Xia Siyu, she did not have the sense of urgency that she had when shooting before. If you can't get a good book, you can pick up variety shows and business. In my spare time, like Xia Siyu, I learn all kinds of skills to prepare for the future. As for Han Yifan, he participated in a variety show in the first season and was still a pendant of Shang Feier, but his humorous speech comes with a sense of joy, which is still very popular with the audience. Moreover, when he participated in the show, he actually announced silently to his family that he had decided to be with Shang Feier, and the family would not want to separate them easily.

Then there was Zhou Weiwei and the male idol. Since Xia Siyu broke the news last time, most of the fans recognized the pair, and he has been tepid in the group for several years. Huixing simply let him choose to participate in the show. Increase his exposure. Although his girlfriend's fans are gone in this way, he doesn't have a few fans anyway, and the two of them may be able to take the business together.

The third pair is a well-known entertainment couple, both of whom have been famous for more than 20 years. This is also something that every variety show will have. There must always be a senior in the town to show the love and marriage status of different ages.

There are three pairs of CPs, and each pair of introductions is officially announced every Saturday. It’s only half a month before the show is broadcast. The program group will also contact each pair separately. Fortunately, the first few episodes were shot separately by several pairs of guests. The content of the first few episodes only needs to be moved to the program group. In the villa, you can record enough footage in three or five days. In the later stage, we will join in the event of visiting each other and acting together. As for the live broadcast, it will have to wait until the effect is good in the later stage before an additional period is given.

In the fourth week, there is still one week before the program is officially launched. Obviously there should be no guest officials to announce this week, but the program team suddenly announced a pair of "reserve" members on the official website.

It didn't announce who it was, just typed the words "top-ranking guests", and the rest was "Please look forward to it."

Moreover, at this time, it was also the publicity period before the launch, and the program group began to buy hot searches. This "love reserve" gimmick attracted a lot of people to discuss.

After all, people have watched a lot of love variety shows these days. The men and women who don’t know each other pair up with each other, and the couples in the entertainment industry who have been in love for a long time show their affection to each other. Several couples compete together. Baby, second child, everything.

What is this "reserve"?

Moreover, the word "top stream" is also marked in the front.

Speaking of top trends, those first-line idols are the first to suffer. From the top of the Weibo Super Talk, from the first to the tenth, every idol was picked up and discussed. "Top stream" originally represented the top traffic, which is exclusive to idols. Because of the popularity of this variety show, fans of idols are also most afraid of their own house collapse, forcing their official account to come out against the black, and they have proved that they "have no love plan and will not participate in related variety shows."

After the male idols are finished, the eight female idols begin. Compared with the girlfriend fans of male idols, the male fans of female idols are generally more acceptable.

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