Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Vol 2 Chapter 699: Dating (5)

Xia Siyu clearly curved the corners of her mouth very sharply, and she also asked: "How did I hear that dreams can only be realized if they cannot be realized, and ideals can be realized by working hard."

Bo Yan immediately changed his words: "Then, my current ideal is to make a movie by myself. I will be the male lead and you will be the female lead. My dream is that the two of us will be together forever."

Xia Siyu wanted to say, and Bo Yan immediately replied to her: "Don't say it for now, listen to me and finish. There are many joys and sorrows in human life. Even if I say anything in my life, there may be various situations in the future. If I am unfortunate enough to leave first, just like my parents left me. Then you don’t have to worry about me. If you have a better choice in the future, you must choose. Because I am not selfish trying to keep you, I just want to be good to you."

Xia Siyu was stunned for a moment, but a few simple words warmed her heart more than words like "live and die together, never change your heart".

In the past, she chose Bo Yan, just because Bo Yan is handsome, she took his face. I chose Bo Yan recently because he is the best choice so far. Regardless of their appearance, family background, character, as well as work and hostility, they are very good match. It's not so much that she likes thin words, it is better to say that thin words suit her.

But at this moment, she had the intuitive feeling that Bo Yan liked her much more than she liked Bo Yan. Bo Yan is so stingy, she uses Qin Baizhou's cell phone, and he will be jealous when she sees other people's babies. But in the choice of life path, he has always respected her.

"Why do you like me so much?" Xia Siyu was a little bored, leaning on his shoulder and said.

In fact, she looked back on his past with her. Apart from the unclear relationship between Bo Yan and Xia Siwei back then, apart from his comparison of dogs, other indicators really have nothing to say.

Bo Yan was stunned for a moment: "Do you still need a reason to like someone?"

He likes her beautiful, good figure, her sunny character, she loves work, and she never gives up. I like her to go straight and be free from fans. I like her to be self-aware, aware of her shortcomings, and work hard. She is also very kind. To this extent, she gave him courage.

To put it in a very common language: Start with appearance, fall into talent, and finally character.

Xia Siyu didn't reply. Bo Yan walked all the way with her behind her back. When she was almost at the hotel, she said dullly: "No one treats me so well except my mother."

Bo Yan stopped for a while, his voice became extremely soft, like this night wind, like the dim light of this street lamp: "Can you tell me, your mother? She should be a very gentle and powerful People, can teach you so well."

Xia Siyu paused for a long time, until she reached the hotel downstairs, Bo Yan put her down, and the two took the elevator separately. Going back to the room one after another and entering the door, Xia Siyu opened his mouth: "My mother's name is Wen Qunxiao."

Bo Yan nodded: "I know that she is a double actress who has won a gold medal in dance. She is a very good person. No wonder you will follow her as an example and want to win the actress trophy before the age of thirty."

Xia Siyu smiled bitterly: "She is very strict, but also loves me very much, but I always feel that her life should be better without me."

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