Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Vol 2 Chapter 700: Dating (6)

Wen Qunxiao and Xia Youbiao are married to Fengzi. At that time, Wen Qunxiao was still in the whirlpool of being splashed with dirty water by his ex-boyfriend. Although she took two actresses, the folk customs were too conservative back then. A yan's back door can ruin an entertainment circle. Now, it has even become a means of hype.

Women, famous women, as long as someone sets you a target of "private life chaos", there will be countless "just passers-by" criticizing you. Even all your hard work will be attributed to your physical superiority. You are only thirty years old, and you have only abandoned dancing and acted for a few years, and you have no background. Why do you have such a high achievement? It must be a physical exchange!

She and Xia Youbiao have been dating in secret, and the Xia family is also a relatively conservative family. They don't want their children to get involved with actors in the entertainment industry. Wen Qunxiao took two movie queens, and the wind comment was just right. The two did not have so much worries about getting along. The dirty water came when they were just pregnant with the baby and were about to explain to the parents.

Naturally, the Xia family would not accept such a daughter-in-law with a low reputation. Xia Youbiao, who has always been the only one, did one of the most daring things in her life. Under the pressure of the whole family, she and Wen Qunxiao obtained proof. The two looked forward to Xia Siyu. Birth.

But what Xia Youbiao did not expect was that even if they were already a husband and wife, even if they had children, they would still not be recognized by the Xia family. Xia Youbiao is not afraid of going out of the house, and returning after all his wealth is gone, he can make money for his wife and daughter by himself. But he didn't want to sever the relationship with his parents and relatives, especially for fear that Xia Juan and Xia Siwei would deny him.

Wen Qunxiao knew his embarrassment, and she also had her own pride. She would rather take her children across the ocean than go to war with her husband and his family.

So what can be done if there is love, what Xia Siyu fears most since childhood is only love, a man without responsibility and responsibility. When she grew up, she also understood her father a little bit. After all, being alive cannot live by love alone. But she understands, but never forgives.

She has been thinking that her mother is so good, if she is not tied down by the Xia family, even if she travels far away, she can live better. She can also have her own business, and now the social environment is better, and she doesn't have to bear the reputation of the past.

She actually doesn't believe in love. Even if she likes Bo Yan, it's just a heartbeat. She likes it faster and leaves faster, and she will never let love get her heart caught.

But Bo Yan was too good to her. Although she hadn't let go of her grudge in her heart and couldn't accept him completely, she could already slowly open up to him.

This evening, Xia Siyu lay flat, turned sideways, and did not do very intimate things, but it was rare for the two of them to open their arms for the first time and begin to communicate.

Therefore, although Xia Siyu did not say anything, Bo Yan vaguely guessed that they broke up seven years ago because of the Xia family and her mother.

However, he was also very happy. This was the first time Xia Siyu calmly talked about her inhumane secrets and the past of her parents in front of him.

No wonder she is not afraid of online violence. Her mother is the victim of the first generation of verbal violence. Rumors have ruined her mother and her family. She has learned a lesson and treats black fans as shit.

"So, I don't like the Xia family at all. I hate Dad, Ms. Tong, Xia Siwei, and everyone who is sorry to my mother."

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