Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Vol 2 Chapter 701: Swimming (1)

"I'm sorry." Suddenly, he said dullly.

Xia Siyu turned her head to look at him, her eyes full of guilt.

He didn't know that she had experienced this. Now, when he thinks back, their relationship deteriorated back then, and it was Xia Siwei who came to the school to find him.

Xia Siyu wouldn't make trouble with him. He consciously had no place to be sorry for his girlfriend. Although Xia Siwei was close, he had always regarded her as a friend, and had never been ambiguous. But he was close to others, even Wu Di, but Xia Siwei.

"I didn't know the relationship between you and Xia Siwei at the time, so I didn't avoid suspicion. But I promise, I have never been sorry for you." Replaced by him, if Xia Siyu is still in contact with Bo Yi when he is dating, he I can't stand it.

"Yeah." Xia Siyu just nodded. Those are all gone. She is not a person who likes to turn old accounts. Now she and Bo Yan are a natural alliance. If she and Bo Yan were not destined to oppose Bo Yixia Siwei, she would not like him.

Bo Yan moved his body and approached her. He lay on his side with one arm propped on his head, and the other hand gently smoothed her messy hair, his fingertips brushed her cheek, and her eyes sparkled.

"I don't want to say anything about love, and I don't think the vows matter. But in the future, I will try my best to work in the same direction with you. Whether it's work or family. For everything else, whatever happens."

Love is not such a strong relationship, only interest is. She has the same interests as Bo Yan, and the same enemies. This is the basis of their family. As long as they have the same interests, it is difficult for couples to disperse. Just like her parents, there is no common interest, even if they are barely together, they are a pair of grudges.

Of course, it would be even better if there is love to join.

"I believe in you." For the current Xia Siyu, trust is more important than love.

With these simple words, the corners of the thin mouth have been bent. He approached again, this time his arms no longer supported his forehead, but instead circled her head, letting her head rest on her arm, fingers lightly piercing the black hair behind her head.

Xia Siyu leaned forward obediently, rubbed his arm with his head, and found a comfortable posture: "Go to sleep."

Then fell asleep in one second.

It's just after eleven o'clock now, and it's too early to tell the night owl, it's not too early for those who want to get up early to film.

But Bo Yan was fine. I was full today, and I deliberately ate lamb loin and oysters and chives to make up for his evil fire.

But Xia Siyu was already asleep, and still sleeping so sweetly. Compared to the straightforward communication, the sleep talk between the two tonight made him even more happy.

Maybe they started not so gloriously this time, starting from the body. But now, they have gradually added trust, ideals and love.

In the near future, they should be like a loving ordinary couple in the world.

That day should not be too far away.


The next day, Xia Siyu, who slept well and said what was in his heart, was obviously more relaxed and in better condition than yesterday. Even the excessive blueness of the eyes from the previous night was gone.

In addition to eating a lot and not so light, she is simply a girl.

Today, the main subject was shot in middle school. On weekends, I took advantage of the students’ vacation and quickly took the location shots.

On Monday, they changed the scene again, in the swimming pool, filming the men and women in the play to have swimming lessons.

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