Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Vol 2 Chapter 702: Swimming (2)

Since it is going to be swimming, it is natural to wear a swimsuit.

This point has been written in the script for a long time, and there are also scenes about the male protagonist and his good buddies going to pay homage to the beautiful women (mainly the heroine).

This is also the key plot in the movie, and it is estimated that it will be used as a poster in the future. In order to take a good swimsuit, Xia Siyu did not let Bo Yan touch her last night. I am afraid that he will not pay attention a little bit and leave a mark, which is not good for the movie.

After two days of unpretentiousness, he was recharging his energy and was going to leave today. Because he didn't eat it, he stayed one more night.

Also, when my wife took a swimsuit, it was easy to miss. He saw how good Xia Siyu's figure was, and he knew it best in his heart. In case any mad bee wave butterfly comes over to find a sense of existence, it will not be worth the loss.

Not to mention, he came from afar and immediately saw the first crazy bee wave butterfly-brother glasses.

In the past two days, the two drama groups started filming, and he hasn't seen Brother Glasses for a long time. Not only did he not see Brother Glasses, the kid Han Yifan got his "reminder" and went to lay out the arrangements, but he did not see him either.

Today I also went to the swimming pool of a certain university, but I did not expect to collide with Shang Feier. Shang Feier also came here to film, playing tennis. They happen to be engaged in sports, right next to the swimming pool.

Two big stars came on campus all of a sudden, and the students from the upper city x big city suddenly boiled! Of course, it would be better if you could see the one in the swimming pool, but the swimming pool is closed after all. You can't see anything unless you look at it with a high-powered telescope in the dormitory next to it.

But Shang Feier is different. The tennis courts are usually outdoors, and even if the crew desperately drive them, they can't drive them away.

It's rare for Brother Glasses to be here on Monday, but Shang Feier doesn't want to make it public. If he is around, he will be too conspicuous. It happened that Shang Feier had set up a posture here, and the bus from the crew of "Youth 2" had already arrived. When Brother Glasses saw the other party entering the swimming pool, his eyes brightened.

He coughed: "I'll go to see you in the stands."

Shang Feier didn't think too much. Besides, she and Brother Spectacles were not good enough. It was best for him to avoid suspicion.

Brother Glasses stayed here for a while before heading to the swimming pool.

As soon as I entered the swimming pool, there was an exclamation.

Xia Siyu didn't need to dress up, she even wore a swimming cap to swim, and wrapped all her blue silk in the swimming cap.

But her skull is very beautiful, her facial features are symmetrical, her forehead is full, and the tightly wrapped in the swimming cap does not reduce her beauty, on the contrary, it is a little more fresh and natural.

Some people who are not white enough need to put foundation on their whole body. She doesn't need it at all. Xia Siyu itself is cold white skin with long legs and no trace of fat on her body. Not to mention the uneven curve. In short, she wore a bath towel and a conservative one-piece swimsuit, which attracted everyone's attention as soon as she appeared.

Even if there are two girls and three girls next to her, she is too beautiful, she has the purity of a girl, and a lot of charming women.

After all, after so many years, she has been eliminated by the cruel entertainment circle without two brushes.

In the face of pure beauty, all talents, acting skills, and scandals must all stand aside.

Bo Yan didn't object to her taking swimsuits, after all, it was serious work. The people around him admire her, he is not jealous, he just thinks that he has a good vision, and put her in the bag early. The only pity is that the hero is not him.

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