Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Vol 2 Chapter 705: Swimming (5)

Sometimes the classics are just like this, and the classics are created inadvertently.

How many states were wrong before, but it was just a flash of inspiration at this moment, the state was right.

The director really admired Xia Siyu this time. When filming "Youth 1", Xia Siyu was at a career downturn, and it was the former company that was packaged and sold to this company at a very low price in order to disgust her. After the film was shot, because of the shortage of funds, I almost didn't have the money to make the film. It took two years to make it. I didn't expect the box office to be good.

Even so, when the second film was filmed, the film crew was a bit more generous than when the first film was made, and the pay for Xia Siyu was higher. Anyway, it was a series, and Qin Baizhou helped her pick it up. At the beginning, the salary was increased, and neither the filming party nor the director was afraid that the cost would not be recovered. But now Xia Siyu's performance is simply excellent value for money!

The filming of the swimming pool must be completed during the day. The program team only rented one day. Xia Siyu still laughed: "Is it possible to go back earlier today?"

She just summoned Bo Yan on purpose just to hook him. Go back to rest early in the evening, and filming tomorrow.

The director smiled slightly, then shook his head: "No."

Xia Siyu looked disappointed.

The director also said: "Tonight, we will arrange a night scene to be filmed in the alleys, but during dinner, you can go back and have a rest."

What's the use of taking a break? Several protagonists have been in the water, and they must go back to take a bath and remake up. Xia Siyu didn't want to waste time, Bo Yan was leaving tomorrow, she must accompany him tonight.

"Then come over to film after dinner. Take a break early after filming. I was exhausted just swimming."

In order for the director to make a good-looking shot, in addition to the scene that just came out of the water, which made her ponder over and over again, she also jumped for at least an hour or two in the previous diving and swimming scenes.

It means that she spent three or four hours in the swimming pool today, plus those taken on the shore before, and spent one day in the swimming pool today. Fortunately, she often exercises, and this kind of intensity work is equivalent to two hours in a normal gym for her. But it is obvious that those men are not very good, even if the male lead is from idol, he has been wasteful of practice for a long time, and now he is a little tired.

The director was a little embarrassed: "But a few of them..."

Xia Siyu smiled and said: "They are all amazing, one by one who exercises regularly, their body is very good. You can do it, right?"

At this time, I definitely can't say that I am "no". Several men nodded one after another.

Xia Siyu smiled, "Then it's such a happy decision."

When they were parting, Bo Yan and Xia Siyu walked away separately. He pretended to be packing things and did not keep up with Xia Siyu's car.

There are many assistants around the star, and it's not surprising that one or two of them didn't go with the big team occasionally. However, those who didn't go with the big army were not only the bluff words deliberately detouring to avoid suspicion, but also the glasses brother who left first and joined with Shang Feier.

In order to avoid suspicion, Xia Siyu went back to the hotel with the army, had dinner together, went upstairs to take a shower and cleaned up for less than half an hour, and then came out to make up and film. It’s not until ten o’clock in the evening that work is closed.

Xia Siyu also went back with the army. When he arrived at the hotel, he couldn't help but feel excited. He wanted to rush upstairs and reunite with Bo Yan, but was stopped by the director and changed the scene for a while.

At eleven o'clock, she finally went upstairs, and as soon as the elevator opened, she met someone oncoming.

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