Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Vol 2 Chapter 706: Swimming (6)

"Miss Xia, good evening."

Xia Siyu raised his eyes and saw that it was the brother glasses. Wearing a white casual shirt, he looked gentle, and he seemed to have taken a bath specially, and he smelled of shower gel and shampoo.

Xia Siyu was too lazy to pay attention to him, and was not familiar with him, so what did he say. He is still Shang Feier's rumored boyfriend, she has to avoid suspicion. Besides, there was Bo Yan waiting for her in the room. He had said that he would come back as soon as possible, but it was now 11 o'clock. She had to pretend to be a priority, accepting the director's drama humbly, and not saying a word that sounds bad, for fear of being noticed.

Obviously it's just a relationship, just like an underground party connection.

But she still has basic politeness, so she said lightly: "Good evening."

Without looking at him, he was ready to go around him.

Just two steps later, Brother Glasses called her: "Miss Xia."

Xia Siyu shook his head directly: "I'll talk about it tomorrow, I'm a little sleepy."

After saying this, she trot all the way on high heels, rushing to her door like a hot wheel.

When she arrived at the door of the room, Xia Siyu calmed down instead. She took out the room card and swiped the door gently. The room was dark, like a trace of no one.

Xia Siyu inserted the room card into the meter and turned on the electricity. The room was clean, the curtains were pulled, and the air conditioner started operating, as if there was no one in the room.

Xia Siyu also looked in the bathroom, well, no one was there either.

She was a little puzzled. While bowing her head and walking forward, she was about to call Bo Yan. In the evening, where did he go? Can't you just go looking for a woman?

As soon as he walked through the corridor to the room, Bo Yan had been hiding aside, waiting to scare her intentionally.

Xia Siyu was really taken aback by him, and the phone almost fell out. After she reacted, she immediately waved a small fist and punched your chest: "Why are you so disgusting, disgusting! You scared me to death, know? I thought you were gone."

Bo Yan was beaten by her and hugged her. When her voice fell, Bo Yan was already tightly hugged, and he kissed him: "Why did you let me wait for you for so long? Thanks for the flowers I waited for. Okay?"

Xia Siyu also hammered him: "Then you can't scare me! Are you wrong?"

Bo Yan smiled: "Wrong, wrong, my wife, I was wrong." He lowered his head, hugged her sideways, and took a deep breath. But he was taken aback for a moment, and then asked: "Wife, do you have a dog outside?"

"What's the matter?" Xia Siyu was stunned for a moment, then Bo Yan said: "There is someone outside. Did you meet someone just now?"

He is a dog nose. When he was young, he went to Europe and the United States to participate in survival summer camps and was very sensitive to smells.

Xia Siyu smells of smoke and beer, as well as men's cosmetics and perfume. This is normal. She was called by the director after the filming. Neither she nor other actors or directors had time to take a shower.

But in addition, there is also a smell of shower gel and shampoo.

Xia Siyu thought for a while before nodding, "I saw Shang Feier's boyfriend when I first got out of the elevator."

It was those glasses, Bo Yan knew in his heart. On a good night, he didn't want to be given to Huohuo by a messy person. He immediately took Xia Siyu to the bathroom: "There will be no pool scene tomorrow, right? Can I be happy tonight?"

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