Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Vol 2 Chapter 708: New Scandal (2)

Xia Siyu is not so foolish. She has a turbulent personality. She hasn't finished one thing, and she's determined not to do the next one or engage in multi-threaded actions.

She slapped Bo Yan's paws off her face with an upset. In fact, with her reputation and appearance, there have never been many mad bees and butterflies who come to pursue her. Before, she didn't bother to look at it, let alone give it a look. As for whether he is Shang Feier's rumored boyfriend or the real boyfriend, it has nothing to do with her. There are many rich and powerful men who step on two boats to provoke her. She sees more.

But Bo Yan is her husband, isn't it saying that all men must be exclusive? Why is he not angry at all.

"Someone wants to harass your girlfriend, aren't you angry?"

Xia Siyu stretched out his hand and pushed Bo Yan away with an unhappy expression.

"Who said I'm not angry, I'm very angry." Bo Yan's expression was calm, and she didn't get tangled when she pushed him away.

"You are angry with a hammer." Such a perfunctory answer, how could she be happy. Having said that, only when the man does not pay attention to the woman, will he not care about the suitor of the woman.

Bo Yan immediately made a grimace of "gritting his teeth", and he smiled and said, "That's all right."

Xia Siyu was originally very angry, but when he saw his hideous look, he was amused by him. She also turned her head: "Bah, there is no sincerity at all."

Having said that, the curvature of the corners of the mouth is not fake.

Bo Yan said that he wanted to "do something", which was also a joke. He had just eaten and drank enough, so he wouldn't be so anxious. He put his arms around Xia Siyu's shoulders: "You, it's just that you are too impatient. It's not that I can go up to demonstrate, and I can make him retreat. If nothing else, he is still Shang Feier's boyfriend, so I dare to beat you. Obviously, he did not take you and Shang Feier seriously. Of course, you still have to refuse to refuse. However, you don’t need to worry about the latter means."

When Xia Siyu heard of this, his eyes lit up. She still sat up and turned to look at him: "What means?"

Bo Yan watched her plasticine tremble slightly with her movements, and her throat went up and down: "You want to know?"

Xia Siyu would not be threatened by him, and quickly turned his head: "Huh, love to say nothing. I don't want to listen yet."

When she turned her head, the plasticine shook more severely, making her thin words dizzy. Although her arrogant personality blocked some of the mad bees and butterflies, it was really a little tricky. Like a rose, although beautiful, it is prickly.

But in other words, if there are no thorns, the personality is very boring. This is just right for her, she wants to hear, and of course he is willing to teach her.

There is no need to change Xia Siyu's temperament and personality. It's just that when facing such a villain, she has to be more scheming. For example, in her trough three years ago, these villains were behind the scenes.

"I don't want to listen. Forget it, go to sleep." Bo Yan stood up pretending to be ready to turn off the bedside lamp, Xia Siyu turned his head and complained.

"Sometimes I really don't know how to say hello." Bo Yan sighed, stretched out his arm around her shoulders, moved forward, and leaned against the bedside with her: "In fact, it's nothing. , You have to find his sore spot, hammer down fiercely, to kill, don't give him a chance to relax. What is his dependence, then hit him hard and knock out his backing. "

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