Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Vol 2 Chapter 709: New Scandal (3)

Xia Siyu said: "He seems to be a doctor."

"It's a pharmaceutical company. To be precise, he did study medicine, but he didn't study a special medical specialty, but a medicine research and development market packaging."

In the past few days, Han Yifan told him the information he had investigated. Brother Glasses's family is a listed company. Once you check the shareholders, corporate structure, and legal representatives, you can check it all at once. For pharmaceutical companies, it's okay if there are no problems. Once a problem occurs, it is a big problem.

Han Yifan uses the relationship to see if he can find a pharmaceutical company. The public opinion here can help build momentum. The two brothers have a clear division of labor. Even if they can't be defeated in one blow, they can at least make this glasses brother's house cause some big trouble.

In the same way, Bo Yan had already burnt the plastic tires that had previously harmed Xia Siyu and Li Weiyi's father's company, causing them heavy losses. Jinsu tires have been in decline. Find some reason to make a fuss about product quality, wait for the cash flow to break, and then find a reason to buy. Especially Li Weiyi, who is still in the detention center awaiting the court's verdict, because of its bad nature, netizens spontaneously commit human flesh, and the media also followed up. The illegal operations of his company have been known to everyone, and shareholders withdrew their capital. Even if the company is still there, it hurts vitality.

As for this brother glasses, other things like stepping on two boats are minor problems. Moreover, this Xi You is not married, and has not been able to poke the thunder of the majority of women. At most, he can only say that he messes up the relationship between men and women, and he is even envied by many men: there is a chance to get the two top female stars in the entertainment industry. , Is it a winner in life?

To be honest, the companies that have been in the mix these days, which is not a pigtail, just usually see if anyone is staring at you. Even if there is nothing wrong with the leader, but the employees, can you guarantee that each is good? Even in the Han family of Han Yifan, all kinds of intrigues and clinging to the powerful are open secrets when real estate companies are fighting for land. Those who have the ability to understand the sky are no longer called "acceptance of bribes" but "policy support". A little bit of the above policy will be enough for your company to eat for several years.

These dirty methods, Bo Yan did not want to mention to her. He just said: "He provokes you because of his own character, but he also has the confidence, and his confidence is his family. But you also have the confidence to reject him, your confidence is your own over the years. You want to play with him yourself, otherwise he won’t be able to see you at all. However, you would rather offend a gentleman than a villain. There is Li Weiyi closer, and the boss with plastic tires farther away. Although with your current status, You don’t need to be afraid of them, and you don’t need to be too polite. But your temper is too grumpy. If there are people who will treat you like this in the future, you must tell me."

Xia Siyu nodded first, and then asked with confusion, "Who are Jinsu tires?"

Bo Yan said: "Three years ago, you were splashed with sewage. He pushed it behind the scenes. He seemed to have a bad idea about you and was ruthlessly rejected by you."

"He's meow, a tire maker is too embarrassed to provoke me? Do you think the old lady is really the rubber in his hand?" Although Xia Siyu still doesn't remember which tire boss she had beaten, this does not affect her meaning of cursing.

"However, I am very grateful to him. If it were not for him, you might not have chosen to marry me three years ago."

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