Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Vol 2 Chapter 713: Serial scandal (1)

Strangely enough, the spectacle brother didn't come to speak when the scandal was rumored just now. Instead, it was the next afternoon after Xia Siyu clarified. He immediately stood at the door of the crew and apologized very cautiously: "Sorry, I didn't know that the reporters outside would write it. That day, you and Mayfair went to the university together She is an open-air tennis court. There are too many people around, so I had to come to the gym. I stopped you in front of the elevator that night, and I planned to explain it to you. I just didn’t expect that they would Taking out such ambiguous photos will cause you trouble."

Xia Siyu didn't want to contact him very much, and didn't want to be labeled as "scandal". She directly said: "If there is such news in the future, I will respond directly as soon as possible."

Brother Glasses looked at her, really as the name suggests, Xia Siyu said and did everything directly from herself, straightforward, and never procrastinated. Generally speaking, shouldn't she also ask him about the situation here, and would his girlfriend mind it?

She has no interest in this kind of red tape, even the most basic courtesy. Sure enough, it was the completely opposite type to Shang Feier.

However, being straight also means that if she is fancy, she won't be entangled, it is easy to chase her. It's a pity that the temptation this time didn't achieve the effect, and instead started to startle the snake. Judging from Xia Siyu's response, she is not interested in herself at all.

However, Xia Siyu never responds to scandals, whether it is true or not, she acquiesces. This was the first time that she directly and explicitly denied.

Brother Glasses has an intuition that Xia Siyu seems to have a boyfriend. Although her last gossip subject had to be traced back to Li Weiyi, and it was proved to be false-that was almost a year ago.

Compared with the news that Xia Siyu changed her boyfriend once in a few months, she seemed to have disappeared a lot. She is not a person who cherishes feathers, even Li Weiyi did not rush to deny it at first, taking advantage of the news of the fight with him.

Only if you really have a boyfriend will you immediately refute other unreliable scandals.

"Is it because your boyfriend also knows what is the inconvenience? If there is, I am willing to explain." Brother Glasses decided to retreat as an advance and explain in another way.

Xia Siyu frowned impatiently: "No need."

The voice was extremely determined.

But he didn't refute that he already had a boyfriend.

Oh, what a pity. Knowing this a long time ago, he wouldn't have to be so fanciful to chase after Shang Feier, maybe he could still catch Xia Siyu.

"Oh, isn't this Doctor Xi? Not going to the crew next door?"

Xia Siyu talked to Brother Glasses, right at the gate of the crowd, she just didn't let people think she was avoiding suspicion, and deliberately explained here.

The person who spoke was Han Yifan. His voice was so relaxed, it was obvious that he had caught the handle of Doctor Xi's house.

I have to thank the spectacle brother for this temptation to make things worse. From behind the scenes to the front, there will be countless people who eat melons to pick up his housework. At the beginning, it was only that he was a rich second generation, but his family was indeed not clean enough, and there were some illegal operations. Moreover, his family is a pharmaceutical company. A violation by a pharmaceutical company can range from injury to fatal, which is a big problem.

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