Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Vol 2 Chapter 714: Serial scandal (2)

Places that violate the regulations, such as drugs that are still sold after they expire. If some warehouses storing drugs have been flooded, they should logically be discarded. But after airing, it was still added to the potion against regulations. Eating is undead, but maybe the medicine is not effective, and there may be other diseases. As a listed company, there is also the problem of false financial reports.

These news were reported by some local paper media, but they were quickly dismissed by public relations and never caused large-scale discussions. After all, this company is a pillar company in a city in the southwest.

He has given these materials to Bo Yan, and Bo Yan will arrange it first. How to arouse attention in major forums, how to build momentum on Weibo, how to contact the navy to buy popularity, all of which he played around.

But these alone are not enough. This is just a problem in his family. He dared to arrange an affair with Xia Siyu, which shows that this kid is a habitual offender who steps on two boats. This side of him must be shown to Shang Feier!

"Because of the affair with Miss Xia, I came here to explain it."

"Explanation, she won't like you for Siyu." Han Yifan really didn't like him and cut off his words directly.

Xia Siyu didn't say anything, and this time left with Han Yifan.

In the evening, two major events happened. One is that some "enthusiastic netizens" deeply opened up the company of Dr. Xi's family, and poke the sale of expired drugs on the Internet. This year, the safety of food and medicine is the most concerned topic. Soon this post was built with a tall building of 700 or 800.

This forum published by "enthusiastic netizens" is the place where the most marketing accounts and gossip accounts are located. Some marketing accounts are linked and immediately forwarded to Weibo. Bo Yan started to warm up over there. At first, the hot search was not very high, and only reached the top ten, and soon fell out.

It was because it was in the top ten and dropped again, it aroused the rebelliousness of the people who eat melons, thinking it was "public relations". After that, another wave of "netizens" opened up on Weibo, exploding the illegal use of medicinal materials that had been soaked in the flood. This blew up the hornet's nest. This is almost like taking the patient's life as a trifling matter, and adding words and words, instantly rushing to the top of the hot search.

By the time the pharmaceutical company reacted and started public relations, it was already the next day. Bo Yan once again threw out the false financial report, and once again turned the silent news on the hot search.

Then this time I was really enthusiastic netizens. In the evening, netizens broke out that several shareholders of this company, some of whom were related to Lai Lai, who owed money and were dragged into the list of dishonest people, broke out. extraordinary.

Things were gradually progressing. In two days, several bad reviews caught the company by surprise. When the market opened, the stock price dropped by 20%. The supervisor directly ordered a thorough investigation, and the Food and Drug Administration, the China Securities Regulatory Commission, etc. have also sent "congratulatory messages" to start a comprehensive rectification and inspection.

In just a few days, a large pharmaceutical company was faltering, and Xia Siyu hadn't seen Brother Glasses come to find Shang Feier for several days.

But she was not very happy, because within a few days, she found out that her target of the scandal had changed, becoming Han Yifan.

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