Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Vol 2 Chapter 715: Serial scandal (3)

Changing to Han Yifan was something she really didn't expect.

The photo was taken that day, when Brother Glasses came to talk to her and was interrupted by Han Yifan.

Xia Siyu has had a lot of paparazzi recently. Every time Bo Yan appeared, he was very low-key, and he was dressed in the same way as ordinary staff. There were no bodyguard assistants around, and no driving, and no one recognized him.

But Han Yifan is different, anyway, the two of them have nothing to do with each other, but they are very generous. Shang Feier didn't accept him, and it was difficult for him to go to Shang Feier's crew every time, but he wanted to "encounter" her, so he had to come to Xia Siyu next door.

After going back and forth, the paparazzi took more pictures of him, so the rumored boyfriend changed and became him.

In order to avoid the embarrassment of confessing the wrong person last time, the paparazzi really did a little homework. After investigating Han Yifan's family background, he posted with confidence.

Han Yifan is Xia Siyu's senior, and both of them are N big. He was born in the Han family, engaged in real estate business, and was the second son of the family. There is a bar that likes to play heavy metal music. Perhaps for this reason, he and Xia Siyu "have a common language." Moreover, the two have a close relationship, and often see him go to Xia Siyu's crew to explore.

Hearing that Han Yifan originally wanted to chase after Shang Feier from the crew next door, but was unsuccessful, he turned to Xia Siyu for comfort. Unexpectedly, it would hit it off and the two would even eat together. He was photographed by the paparazzi when he was on the Xia Siyu RV.

Occasionally, when Xia Siyu was resting, she and Han Yi were talking and laughing, very close.

Xia Siyu frowned while holding this eloquent scandal. Then he looked at Han Yifan, who was eating in the car next to him. Well, let alone, this scandal is much more reliable than the last one, at least it is true to have dinner together.

But she was still a little unhappy: "This paparazzi is too disgusting. The old lady is so ugly! Especially this one, I'm still eating, he secretly photographed me with his mouth open, who is this paparazzi? Damn it. money!"

However, Han Yifan was a little nervous: "After seeing Mayfair, I won’t really think that we two are together? How could I fall in love with you. Do you think I need to explain to her, I am interested in you at all? No."

"Explain your size." Xia Siyu wanted to knock him, "Besides, why can't I be taken by you? What's wrong with me?"

After a pause, she said, "Shang Feier is so good, she should have known about me and Bo Yan. As for you, she would never look down on you, no matter who you are rumored with. Not on."

Both she and Han Yifan were joking, and no one took this scandal as the same thing.

Similarly, Bo Yan would not take this news seriously.

The few of them knew that Han Yifan was chasing after Shang Feier, but he was a little bit roundabout. Xia Siyu couldn't empathize, she was still in touch with herself every day.

However, some of the parties did not think there was any problem, but that does not mean that the other spectators would not be nervous.

For example, the scandal between her and Han Yifan exploded Xia Youbiao.

Since the last time Bo Yan's grandfather's birthday, Xia Siyu has never paid attention to Xia Youbiao. Although she restored Dad from the blacklist, she also blocked his news. Xia Youbiao didn't dare to play a voice or video or something. The heart of a beloved daughter could not be displayed at all.

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