Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Vol 2 Chapter 837: Dangerous (5)

Especially after Xia Siyu finished cursing, he still said, "My hand hurts so much."

She just fell to the ground with her hands on her body, rubbing her skin. The more she thought about it, the more angry she got, and she even hammered out a few words, although she now has little strength: "It's all you."

Bo Yan is so angry and funny, holding such a big baby in his arms, I don't know how this guy has a bad temper. When he was pursuing her before, although she was also bad-tempered, he punched and kicked as soon as he approached her, but now he added acting like a baby, and the effect was doubled. Being polite and rude, she had the final say anyway. Now she is like a child who tripped over a chair and got up and kicked the chair to get angry.

It is not clear to reason with her. All you can do is to overwhelm her and kiss her hard. Xia Siyu was originally in the bath, her body exuding heat, and the bath towel wrapped in her spread out, and her soft and warm body suddenly appeared.

Bo Yan hugged her and fell down on the edge of the bed, acting seemingly domineering but very gentle. Xia Siyu had just fainted again. His body was soft and he had no strength to resist, so he could only hug him. After a long kiss, Xia Siyu said angrily: "You still bully people now. I haven't kicked your parts for too long, right?"

Bo Yan was very smart and changed the subject at the right time: "Siyu. You haven't brought a sanitary napkin."

Xia Siyu hurriedly got up, immediately ran to change clothes, and also put on new sanitary napkins. When he came back, he had to hammer him with a small fist: "You know how to bully."

Although she has hanged up her free card now, he just hugged and kissed him. It was better than nothing. When he was in a good mood, he immediately apologized: "I was wrong."

Xia Siyu became even more angry when he heard his insincere apology. She was also aggrieved: "Of course you have enough strength to eat and drink. I didn't even eat dinner, and I wanted to be with you when I came back all the way back. You are still angry with me."

So many delicious foods, she didn't even touch them. This is simply the most unforgivable guilt for her foodie.

Bo Yan stretched out her finger and nodded her head: "You are stupid, you are really not fake. Didn't you taste it when you just kissed? I didn't eat dinner."

Although a little helpless, he still felt a little warm in his heart when she heard that he came back to accompany him without dinner. Well, this little unscrupulous person still remembers him a little bit.

Xia Siyu immediately put on another statement: "Forget about starving to death."

Bo Yan shook his head: "You have a little temper, that means I can bear you. If you are sick, do you want to go to dinner together? It happened that neither of us had any food."

"I don't want it!" Xia Siyu turned his head.

"Really not?"

"No!" Xia Siyu turned his head firmly this time, and the back of his head was directly at him.

Bo Yan helplessly: "Then I'm going to have dinner, and you will eat some later. If you have to go on a diet, you can't mess around. Low blood sugar is not fun."

Xia Siyu let out a heavy "hum" to answer him.

Bo Yan had no choice but to go downstairs first. There was a disturbance, and the soup was already cold. He had to pour it back into the casserole and heat the soup. Some of the desserts he bought were meringues, and they were put in the oven to heat up. The sweet smell lingered throughout the house.

When he was about to move his chopsticks, Xia Siyu sat down beside him with a stern face and snatched his tableware: "I'm not for you. I'm just afraid of waste."

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