Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Vol 2 Chapter 838: Danger (6)

After saying this, she immediately lowered her head and drank a big sip of the soup-it had just been heated, and she fanned it straight into her mouth.

This guy didn't know how he grew up, so he couldn't bear to look directly at him. It's really the best Tsundere, and it's a bad thing to meet him. If it is another man, although he is greedy for freshness for a while, it is estimated that she will wear off his feelings in the end.

But what to do, except helpless, he can only spoil him. After all, she was the daughter-in-law she came after, and she had to spoil her on her knees.

Xia Siyu drank two sips of soup and squeezed a few more cakes. She was so hungry that she was choking with her cheeks bulging. Bo Yan quickly poured her a bowl of soup: "Drink slowly, no one will grab you."

But let's not say that she is really very hungry. He drank the soup and stuffed a few bites of pastries she couldn't eat, all into his stomach.

Satiated with wine and food, Xia Siyu touched her bulging belly, still sighing: "This pastry is delicious. Where did you buy it? Next time I will ask Wei Jingjing to buy it. The soup is also good."

Bo Yan said, "It's at Nanji Pastry in Nancheng. You remember to say hello to the store a few days in advance and ask them to make sugar-free and low-fat ones. As for the soup, I bought it at Youhexuan."

For Xia Siyu's food, she knew the location as soon as she heard it, "Nanji Pastry is the old shop that queues up for purchase at 12 noon, limited to make, and sells out after half an hour? You Hexuan, I know, soup and vegetables All are good, but the queue time is a bit longer. On holidays, it is normal to queue for a few hours."

And one in the South City and the other in the North City. It takes more than an hour to drive past.

Bo Yan nodded: "Yes, so you have to make an appointment in advance. I asked Song Fengzhi to make an appointment the day I returned to Yancheng, and it went well."

Xia Siyu realized that this meal seemed simple, but it had been a long time. She was originally in her menstrual period when hormones fluctuated and she was prone to lose her temper. Now that she heard what he said, she regretted a little bit in her heart.

Bo Yan also said: "But it's okay. If you want to eat in the future, I will ask Song Fengzhi to prepare it in advance. Even you have to pay attention to it. At this time, you have to go out to socialize and drink. You don't want to be healthy anymore."

The more Bo Yan said, the more uncomfortable she felt, and finally she leaned on his shoulder, her voice a little soft: "Bo Yan, I will miss you very much after I leave tomorrow."

Bo Yan was stunned for a moment, and his heart softened. I wanted to warn her not to lose my temper outside, and I couldn't tell. She can have the status it is today, and sometimes it is not a bad thing to be hard-tempered. A girl who is in the entertainment industry can't stand up without a temperament. Her temper will also dissuade a group of pretenders who have evil thoughts towards her, at least some people dare not give her the idea clearly. But she has bad temper and bad things. For example, those who dare not to beat her clearly will slander her secretly and discredit her reputation.

"When you go out, be careful in everything, especially safety. Know that you are very hard in filming, but if you can't figure it out, let the double come. In this kind of martial arts film, it is not shameful to use the double, and people are more experienced than you. Don't be aggressive."

He always felt that Xia Siyu would encounter any danger when he went out this time, and he was a little worried.

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