Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Vol 2 Chapter 839: Exposure (1)

Xia Siyu nodded in response. Bo Yan is still a bit regretful: "Your mother also made similar movies back then. Originally, I planned to have no work lately. I would watch it with you. It's a pity..."

"Is there?" Xia Siyu also got up immediately.

In fact, when she was young, she did not know that her mother was an entertainer. Wen Qunxiao took her to Italy after leaving the circle. Although she lived in the Chinese district, she acted low-key. Most of the people living in the Chinese district over there were people who woke up in Europe early in the last century and had a certain degree of China. bias. At that time, the output of Huaxia Kingdom's entertainment industry was not good. Many people had never seen her movie or knew her.

When she was young, her mother would only teach her to dance, and never mentioned acting. Wen Qunxiao also doesn't want her daughter to return to this path. She feels that the entertainment industry is complicated, and every word and deed will be magnified, and if she is not careful, she will become a target. After returning to China, she gradually learned of her mother's job from the contempt of the Xia family.

But at that time she wanted to revisit her mother's movies and dance clips, but found that the Xia family had already done some cleaning. After she was dignified and covered with two films, she has not been well-known in these years, and even one of the award-winning films was blocked because of "political involvement." For so many years, it has not been re-screened or broadcast on TV. It is not easy to find the source of the film.

However, Bo Yan studied film culture before, and he also collected it.

It is still early at half past nine in the evening, and the two of them are not sleepy anyway, it is better to watch a movie.

So Xia Siyu went to the audio-visual room on the second floor with him. In the afternoon, Shang Feier recorded a program in the next room and returned everything to its original place when he left.

Bo Yan picked out the magnets from a pile of databases, turned off the lights, and the two of them sat in front of the curtain pulled by the projector and watched.

At the beginning of the film, the mother happened to act as an ancient knight, dressed in a blue shirt, her hair was simply **** in a bun, without decoration, but her eyes were firm. Both in terms of skill and acting skills are impeccable.

This is a film she just shot shortly after her debut. Although she is only a female partner, she has excellent acting skills. She became a hit after this drama. She has acted as the protagonist since then and quickly won the award.

Xia Siyu is usually the same person as Erha, with springs on the mats, and jumping up and down if he can't stay in one place for five minutes. But at this moment, she looked very seriously, almost intently.

The same goes for Bo Yan. Although he does not have the deep feelings of Xia Siyu, he also has a Confucian admiration, a learning attitude towards his predecessors, as well as his own research carefully, and he also sees the whole process very carefully.

The film is not long, and after 90 minutes of watching it, Xia Siyu rarely said much. It's already eleven o'clock. After I cleaned up, I went to rest. Turning off the lights, Xia Siyu squeezed into Bo Yan's arms and said dullly, "I will work harder."

Although Xia Siyu usually has high self-esteem, bragging, self-confidence, and knows that he is very aura. But in fact, her mother is a genius. There is still a long way to go to catch up with mom.

Bo Yan nodded and touched her little head: "You will."

In the darkness, Xia Siyu raised his head: "Bo Yan."

Bo Yan bowed his head, Xia Siyu kissed him on the cheek: "I love you very much."

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