Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Vol 2 Chapter 874: Candid photos (6)

Midsummer Misty Rain has always been a mystery. Xia Siyu only knows that this is her **** fan, die-hard, and will definitely spend money when she wants to spend money, but never see when she wants to meet.

She only knows that Misty Rain in this midsummer is her only fan, only the kind of her. Later, she and Bo Yan's CP were also cute, and they would leave a message and check in on their CP super chat.

But Midsummer Misty Rain never mixes with Bo Yan's fan circle, and never interacts with Bo Yan's large size. As we all know, all CP fans are actually only fans. Even if the fan is the ambiguity of these two people, there will be a bias in the heart. If the two people have a good relationship, naturally they don’t say that, fans are also happy to cheat. In the same box, if you are a little more intimate, rounding up is equal to getting married! If the two are in business, CP fans are probably going crazy happily. There is a phrase in the fan circle "I can be single, but the CP of my fan must get married", which means that.

But as long as the two are torn apart, CP fans will definitely "purify", that is, lead to one side, or even stand on the side, desperately slandering each other.

It’s not wrong that Misty Rain only fanned her in midsummer. Not long ago, she also paid to organize fan visits. It’s okay for him to knock on CP, and it’s okay for him to even talk in fans. But how do you feel that when Midsummer Misty Rain replied here in Bo Yan, the tone was so familiar, like someone she should know, but she couldn't remember it for a while.

When Bo Yan used Midsummer Misty Rain, she did pay attention to her tone, which made her not recognize it for the first time. But people's habits are always the same, and clues can be vaguely guessed in words, even in emoticons.

She originally thought Misty Rain never met in midsummer, could it be that this guy looks bad and refuses to face him. Or they are low-key and too lazy to show up. Now that I think about it, maybe it was someone next to her, she knew, so she simply disappeared.

Who will this person be? Is it the boss who has seen her want to pursue but has no results before, is the executive who wants to poach her on a certain platform, is it a certain financial dad she has worked with before, or... maybe it is She hates people.

Xia Siyu frowned. At this moment, someone came to her, she didn't think much, put her phone down.

If you can't figure it out, don't think about it. Anyway, Midsummer Misty Rain only contacted her online, and she didn't tell him any secrets, so pay more attention to it in the future.


Generally speaking, Xia Siyu's work in the past few days is still very fulfilling and hard.

Thinking of Bo Yan coming to see her on New Year's Eve, he should stay for another day or two. The crew does not have a holiday on New Year's Day, but she can ask for leave. Since Xia Siyu joined the group and focused on shooting, she has never missed a day. At the beginning, Director Ji was worried about her busy business and her work attitude, but she was the most serious one.

Of course, Xia Siyu asked for leave for a reason. After Qin Baizhou and her renewed their contract, all work was on the right track, and commercial cooperation was immediately put in place. One is on New Year's Eve, and the other is on January 2nd. On the afternoon of the 1st, there was an interview with quick questions and answers, and a magazine shot. So Xia Siyu also took three days off from the 31st to the 2nd. Director Ji didn't feel embarrassed, and even said: "If time is too late, you can come later on the 3rd."

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