Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Vol 2 Chapter 875: New Year's Eve (1)

With director Ji's guarantee, Xia Siyu naturally decided to be happy and agreed. This way she can accompany Bo Yan at least until the third day. No way, the artist's time is really money, and every single cent has to be carefully calculated and not wasted.

Then, it soon arrived on December 31st.


Xia Siyu got up early that day and went to the studio happily in the morning. She was shooting a game endorsement this time, and the one she is more familiar with is the "I am scum ash, my brother will kill me". She did take a similar model, except for makeup and a few pictures. Three-dimensional photos, but also a section: "I am Xia Siyu, I am waiting for you in XXX (game name)."

No way, this kind of endorsement gives money fast, and it also gives a lot of money. Xia Siyu has no requirements for advertisements and variety shows, only one. The advertisements try not to accept drug advertisements and micro-business advertisements. The medicine is unusual, if you step on Lei Na, it will stoke a big basket. Firstly, the products of Weishang are afraid of being forced by her. Secondly, the supervision and quality of this thing are also uneven. If something goes wrong, it will be over.

There is a reason why Xia Siyu is so jealous. When she debuted, the company asked her to endorse a micro-business cosmetics. Xia Siyu only entered the business at that time, and she didn't know much about it. He waited until he found out something was wrong and would rather pay the penalty. The contract was cancelled abruptly. At that time, this matter was quite a big deal, and it became one of the "crimes" of her word-of-mouth crash three years ago. Especially in the industry, her evaluation was one level lower. It wasn't until the year before last that the Weishang, which was originally going to cooperate with her, was exploded with three no products, selling high prices on celebrities and packaging, and reaping huge profits. Xia Siyu's reputation among passers-by was only slightly better. But the industry still has the shadow of "playing big names and not cooperating".

It is also the first time for the other party to cooperate with Xia Siyu, and I am afraid that she will make a lot of requests. Who knows that Xia Siyu will receive all the photos. The only request is: "make me more beautiful!"

She is also in a fast state, and she has a good degree of cooperation. She originally thought it would take a day, but who knew it would be done in the morning. In the afternoon, Xia Siyu also advanced the interview with quick questions and answers. So on New Year's Day, she only needs to take a few still photos of the magazine. For a person like Xia Siyu who has been in magazines all year round, it takes almost no time to take photos and poses for POSE. With makeup time, it is estimated that it will be done in less than three hours, so that she can accompany Boyan for a long time tomorrow.

Quick question and answer is actually not that exaggerated, but a simple interview requires a 30-second answer. The star did the interview, and Taiben gave her all the interviews, and she also had some questions to ask.

Interviewing Xia Siyu is probably the most favorite topic of journalists, because this product does not follow the rules at all, and does not play official words. She can say whatever she wants. Sometimes she is so straightforward that even the agency thinks something is wrong and asks them to edit later. Put her horrifying remarks up to the point.

It's the same this time, let's talk about work first, then feelings. Xia Siyu’s scandal is probably a topic that all gossip magazines have to talk about. This time is no exception. She has a calm face: "I do things that I do. I don’t do them, and I don’t bother to explain. You say Those crooked melons and cracked dates are so much worse than mine. I told him about the scandal. What do I want? I want him to be older and not take a bath?"

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