Best Son-in-law

Chapter 102 One leaf obstructs the eyes, how can I see Mount Tai?

"Okay, Weng Qishu, that's what you said." At this time, Liu Zhiyi had narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at him with a sneering expression.

"I said." Weng Qishu took a deep breath, and respectfully extended his hand to Li Fan: "Brother Li, please."

"Okay." Li Fan smiled and nodded.

Weng Qishu walked in the forefront, leading the way for Li Fan.

Liu Zhiyi and a group of Western doctors behind him also quickly followed.

The two nurses stayed and looked at each other with doubts and confusion in their eyes.

Some of them didn't understand how a big man like Weng Qishu could be so respectful to a young man.

Walking through a long corridor, Weng Qishu came to the innermost ward.

The two special police officers in front of the door had serious faces, were fully armed, and stood upright, with no emotion in their eyes.

Seeing that a group of people from Weng Qishu came, even though they knew each other, they glanced vigilantly and stopped him.

"Permit." The special police blocked Weng Qishu with one hand.

"Well." Weng Qishu didn't talk nonsense, he took out a white document from his arms and handed it to the special police in front of the door.

The special police looked at it again, then looked up at the people behind Weng Qishu and checked it carefully.

When he noticed Li Fan, he frowned and asked, "Mr. Weng, do you know the person behind you?"

At this time, another SWAT policeman was already vigilant and touched the gun in his arms with one hand.

"Oh, this is my senior brother, Chinese medicine is far ahead of me." Weng Qishu smiled.

"Senior brother? No way? So young?" The SWAT officer was a little suspicious at the moment.

Still, he opened the door and let them go.

The intensive care room was filled with all kinds of medical equipment. Several nurses were sitting next to them to take care of them. When they saw Weng Qishu and others coming, they quickly stood up and told them what happened yesterday.

"The old general is still in a coma, but the heart rate is still stable, but the blood pressure is a little high, look at this." The nurse explained.

"Well, I understand, go and get the old general's medical report, as well as the treatment records, and the ingredients list of each nursing medicine, all of them." Weng Qishu waved his hand and said.

The nurse responded and hurried out.

"Brother, look." Weng Qishu was still respectful.

At this time, Li Fan also slowly shifted his gaze to the old man on the hospital bed.

The old man's face is very kind and kind, his eyes are closed, his hair is all falling out, his face is age spots, and his body is thin, like dry wood, as if it will disperse when touched.

Both cheeks are also cut like knives.

Just like that, Li Fan stared at the old man for a while, his lips moved, but he didn't speak.

But the group of Western doctors in the back couldn't sit still, and with mocking expressions on their faces, they talked in a low voice.

"Will it work? Isn't this a waste of time?"

"Hey, it is estimated that Weng Lao wants to regain his face. He refuses to admit that traditional Chinese medicine can't be done, so he did this. Forget it, forget it, let's say a few words less, just treat it as a face for Weng Lao, Give him a step down."

"That can't be the case. We have to investigate the patient's current condition, hold an expert symposium, and discuss future treatment plans. Does he not know how much the above attaches to the old general's condition?"

"Can you really do it? If you can't, don't pretend and waste your time." At this time, Zhou Chuanjian couldn't help but scold.

After all, he has been practicing medicine for more than ten years. He is quite a statement in the Western medical field. He is usually very proud. After being scolded by Li Fan just now, he was naturally unhappy. Demolition.

"Don't you know it's forbidden to make noise in the ward?" Weng Qishu frowned, turning around and giving Zhou Chuanjian a cold look.

"Hey, Mr. Weng, it's been a long time, how long are you going to be stunned? Don't you know that time is precious? Later, there will be well-known western medicine experts from abroad coming for consultation, every minute is precious, if it doesn't work, then retire Come down." Liu Zhiyi sneered.

At this moment, Li Fan laughed out loud: "Traditional Chinese medicine pays attention to seeing, hearing, asking, don't you know? This is really ignorant."

"You!" Liu Zhiyi's face was annoyed. He was used to being pampered on weekdays, and everyone was respectful to him. This was the first time he had been contradicted continuously. Wherever it will happen.

"Forget it, Doctor Liu, wait a little longer. If it doesn't work, or something goes wrong, it's not too late. Even Doctor Weng, I'm afraid he won't be able to keep this kid." Zhou Chuanjian smiled evilly.

After hearing this, Liu Zhiyi calmed down a little: "Let's talk if you can't be cured!"

At this time, everyone in the ward was not optimistic about Li Fan.

After a while, the nurse came over with a pile of materials and looked at Weng Qishu with inquiring eyes.

"For my senior brother." Weng Qishu pointed to Li Fan next to him.

The nurse was stunned for a moment, but didn't move. She thought she had heard it wrong. The young man in front of him was so young, how could he be the senior brother of Weng Qishu, who was half a hundred years old?

"What are you still doing, give it to this Senior Brother Li." Zhou Chuanjian sneered at the situation.

There was a hint of puzzlement in the nurse's eyes, but in the end she handed over the documents to Li Fan, and pointed at each document to explain it to him.

Li Fan took the document and did not open it, but said lightly: "The patient's heart mucosa is damaged, arrhythmia, and tuberculosis. In addition, the five internal organs are damaged to varying degrees, the spine also has problems, and there are malignant tumors in the spleen and stomach. The tumor is also accompanied by high blood pressure, high blood sugar, damage to the hypothalamus of the brain, and nerve damage to varying degrees."

"This is the condition of the old general, isn't it?" Li Fan said, and looked at the little nurse next to him with a smile.

At this time, the little nurse's eyes were widened, her mouth could not be closed, and her face was inconceivable. It was obvious that the young man in front of him had not seen the medical case file. How could he know such details, even the same as the one recorded in the file. Not bad words.

Not only this little nurse, but the other doctors were shocked. All of them were dumbfounded, their words were stuck in their mouths, and they couldn't say a word. No one dared to speak in a low voice.

"You are planning to use a laser to cut the tumor, but you are afraid of injuring the nerves, and you want to perform brain surgery, but you are afraid that the spine will not be able to bear it. You want to perform nerve recovery surgery, but you are afraid of the tumor spreading, and you are also worried that the blood pressure, blood sugar, and lipids will not be controlled. Complications and hidden illnesses caused by living in, this should be the result of what expert forums you spent so many days discussing, right?"

Li Fan's face was calm, but the expressions of the Western doctors next to him were not calm, and their chins were almost thrown to the ground.

"How do you know?" Zhou Chuanjian's eyes widened, staring at Li Fan, even if the facts were in front of him, he still refused to believe it.

Liu Zhiyi also had the same expression, his heart was ups and downs, his right hand trembled involuntarily and swayed.

What Li Fan said, the results discussed with their experts at the symposium are exactly the same!

"With your medical skills, that's all." Li Fan smiled casually.

This sentence really made the group of Western doctors choked to death, but they didn't have any words to refute, so they could only stare at Li Fan.

"It's really a frog at the bottom of the well, I don't know there are mountains outside the mountains, is there anyone outside?" At this time, Weng Qishu was also very happy, as if all the anger he had received before had been vented.

"Everyone will say good things, do you have a solution?" Zhou Chuanjian said reluctantly.

Liu Zhiyi also took three or two steps back abruptly, and after taking a few deep breaths, he slowly calmed down the rapid beating of his heart.

"It must be this kid who secretly read the dossier. That's right, he just has a little bit of skill in his mouth." Liu Zhiyi deceived himself crazily, and only then did he regain his composure.

"What's the hurry? I'll take a look." Li Fan walked over to the old man's bed, slowly sat down, tapped the old man's pulse, and slowly narrowed his eyes , carefully exploring a series of hidden illnesses on the old man's body.

Seeing that Li Fan was using the pulse to detect hidden diseases, several Western doctors couldn't help sneering and relaxed their expressions.

At most, this kid can only see the symptoms of the disease, do you still want to check the pulse to find out the hidden disease?

In their hearts, these Western doctors do not look down on Chinese medicine, and they all think it is a decadent feudal superstition, far inferior to the scientific medical skills of Western medicine, so seeing Li Fan's actions, his eyes immediately rise with disdain.

"What? Has it been found out? Can it be cured?" After a while, Zhou Chuanjian couldn't help but leaned over and asked.

"Of course it can be cured." Li Fan smiled and said, "Although the old general's condition is serious, what is difficult is nothing more than the hidden diseases and injuries caused by his years of hard work and battles. As for this malignant tumor and damage to organs and nerves, only need A few herbs of traditional Chinese medicine can resolve it.”

After hearing this, these Western doctors couldn't stand up anymore and couldn't help but scold.

"Little thing, you have to have a limit when you talk big, right?" Liu Zhiyi was furious, pointing at Li Fan's nose and scolding, no longer as indifferent as before.

He has been practicing medicine for decades. He has seen so many diseases, treated countless patients, and accumulated a lot of medical experience. Even he dare not say that he can resolve this malignant tumor and damage to organs and nerves.

An empty-mouthed, stinky, stinky boy dared to say such a big thing.

He couldn't help it now.

"Doctor Liu, please show some respect to my senior brother. As I said, his medical skills are far superior to you and me. My senior brother said that there is a way to resolve it easily, but there is a way to resolve it easily." Weng Qishu said a word, and then added Liu Zhiyi choked.

"Okay, he's just a blind eye. How can he see Mount Tai? Today I'll let him open his eyes." Li Fan stroked his palm and stood up.

He has already investigated the condition clearly, and he will start medical treatment next.

Hearing this, Liu Zhiyi almost turned his back in anger, his face flushed red, his small eyes focused, as if he was going to eat Li Fan raw.

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