Best Son-in-law

Chapter 103: Shirking the Responsibility

"Junior brother, I have a silver needle. I need to get the needle to control the condition first." Li Fan turned to look at Weng Qishu and asked.

"Silver needles have already been prepared for you, do you need anything else?" Weng Qishu took out a bag from the small medicine box he was carrying with him. On it were a row of silver needles of different lengths. The shapes also vary.

"This is the silver needle I have obtained from practicing medicine for many years. I use it myself, and it works very well. There are all kinds of needles. Brother, try it, see if it goes well?" Weng Qishu respectfully handed the row of silver needles to him. Li Fan, his face was solemn and solemn.

He had never seen Li Fan practice acupuncture, this was the first time he had seen him, and his excitement was self-evident.

"No matter how good the silver needle is, it depends on the person who takes the needle." Li Fan took out a silver needle and slowly closed his eyes, using the power of inheritance obtained from the water god.

Immediately, blue smoke curled up in his hands, and sweat dripped down, and then Li Fan suddenly opened his eyes and pinned it directly on the old general's forehead.

After plunging in, the old general's body trembled slightly, and it caught everyone's eyes.

Weng Qishu watched Li Fan's needle carefully, but he didn't even dare to blink his eyes. As soon as the needle fell, his body couldn't help trembling. Disturbed that Li Fan practiced medicine.

It was this seemingly easy stitch that set off a huge wave in Weng Qishu's heart, which almost overturned what he had learned for most of his life.

"It seems that the difference between me and my brother is not only 108,000 miles, but the distance between the sky and the earth." Weng Qishu became more and more respectful, and bowed slowly, his forehead was covered with sweat.

Several Western doctors around have also studied Chinese medicine, and those who have read Chinese medicine classics.

Isn't this a taboo in Chinese medicine? This kid stuck the needle in the dead end! Will he be able to do medicine?

These doctors who knew Chinese medicine suddenly became suspicious.

Didn't Elder Weng see it? Why doesn't he stop it? Judging from his appearance, it seems to be the default.

Could it be that Weng Lao really wants to abandon the old general's illness because of this conflict of spirit?

These people were all messed up, their lips were trembling, and they couldn't help pointing at Li Fan.

"What's the matter?" Liu Zhiyi suddenly became unhappy when he saw Weng Qishu and several doctors looking shocked, and couldn't help but ask.

"Liu, Doctor Liu, this kid put a needle on the old general's death point. I don't know why?" said a doctor tremblingly.

"What? Achilles?" Liu Zhiyi's expression changed drastically. Although he didn't understand Chinese medicine, he had heard of the dead points and knew what it meant. He couldn't stand anymore, and said angrily, "Stop it, Weng Qishu. , you are murder, I want to report it to the top, you are finished!"

Liu Zhiyi blew his beard and stared angrily. This Weng Qishu was playing with him with his own future. If the old general encounters an accident, he will be tracked down. Even if the main responsibility can be pushed to Weng Qishu, he is also the same. Guilty is also inevitable.

Therefore, Liu Zhiyi didn't want the old general to have an accident.

"What are you panicking about?" Seeing Liu Zhiyi pounce on him, Weng Qishu stood up straight, glanced at him, and said calmly.

"Weng Qishu, you, this is a murder, you don't want to live anymore, we still want to live, stop me!" Liu Zhiyi had completely lost his previous indifference and rushed over, just wanting to stop Li Fan from giving the needle.

"What murder is not murder? Do you know Chinese medicine well? If you don't understand, don't interfere with my senior brother's injection." Weng Qishu scolded coldly.

"It's all stuck in the dead end, Weng Qishu, do you think we are all fools, blind?" Liu Zhiyi said angrily.

Hearing this, the other doctors next to them also moved. They wanted to help stop it. After all, if something happened, no one could bear the monstrous guilt.

"Get out of the way. You have studied Chinese medicine for a few days. How can you know that there are all kinds of things in it, and the pharmacology is unpredictable? I have been immersed in Chinese medicine for so many years, why haven't I said anything? What do you want to do?" Weng Qishu angrily scolded everyone.

"Mr. Weng, don't make trouble. This is a dead end. It's not a trivial matter. It's hard to escape the investigation."

"Yes, Mr. Weng, we have old people and young people, but we can't get involved in this matter. You should be considerate and considerate of us." These doctors were completely panicked, and what they said was almost the same. pleading.

"This has already been stabbed in the dead end, do you think this can be stopped? If it destroys my injection, the old general will inevitably die. Now you have no choice but to watch me pierce the needle here. "Li Fan's dull voice sounded, and at this time he casually pulled out a silver needle.

"Come on, go to the police, no, no, call the special police at the door, and then call the old general's family, this is already a big deal." No matter how calm Liu Zhiyi was, he was completely panicked at the moment, he thought The only thing is that his future can't be ruined just because of this incident.

"Quick, stop this lunatic!" Liu Zhiyi's eyes were red, urging everyone.

The doctors looked at each other and took another step closer to Li Fan.

"Didn't you listen to my senior brother? The needle has already been dropped. Interrupting the treatment will put the old general's life in danger. Do you want to kill the old general?" Weng Qi said with a stern voice.

"Old Weng, don't punish us. Can we talk about the grievances later? The old general's illness is not a child's play, it's killing people." Moving along, other doctors rushed to the corridor.

Really called the old general's family and asked the SWAT to come over.

"Didn't you hear what I said? The scalpel has already moved, so there is no reason to stop halfway. You are blocking my treatment now. In less than three hours, the old general will surely die, and no one will be able to escape by then!" Li Fan Seeing these doctors coming over, he frowned and said.

"Even if you can't escape the relationship, you are also the main responsibility. And you, Weng Qishu, killed the old general. You two can't escape. Wait for the trial. You must be punished for murder." Liu Zhiyi was angry. Jumping up and down, like a red-haired monkey, saliva sprayed all over the floor.

At this time, the special police had been invited into the ward. The two of them looked puzzled and asked, "What's going on?"

"Someone wants to murder the old general, they are two lunatics, let them get out." Liu Zhiyi was already dizzy with anger.

When the two SWAT officers heard it, they immediately brought out their submachine guns and pointed them at Li Fan: "Please put down your things and come out with us."

"Yes, hurry up and take them all away." Liu Zhiyi pointed.

Li Fan held a silver needle in his hand, his mind moved, and the power of inheritance was running, and suddenly white smoke billowed in his hand.

"Sir, please put down what's in your hand, or we'll shoot." The two SWAT officers had their fingers on the trigger, ready to pull at any time.

"Stop, we are practicing medicine, and the process of practicing medicine cannot be interrupted, otherwise the old general will be completely finished. Can you bear the blame for this?" Weng Qishu came up and stopped the two special policemen.

"Don't listen to him, this kid is stuck on the old general's dead end, isn't that just trying to kill him? Hurry up and shoot, kill this kid, and stop them." Liu Zhiyi said angrily.

The two SWAT officers looked at each other and hesitated.

"Shut up, didn't you listen to my senior brother? The needle has already been pierced. Stop giving the needle. The life of the old general is in danger. Do you want to kill the old general?" Weng Qishu was furious.

"Who wants to listen to your nonsense, this kid has no medical skills at all, he is just talking nonsense, you listen to me, he just wants to murder the old general, shoot him quickly." Liu Zhiyi was dead at this time. I am willing to believe Li Fan, but I just want the two SWAT officers to shoot and kill Li Fan.

"Then shoot me first." Weng Qishu stopped in front of Li Fan.

The two special police officers hesitated for a while, then sighed and said, "Old Weng, don't embarrass us, the old general is out of business, but no one can afford it."

"After all, you don't believe me, do you?" Weng Qishu was already angry at this time.

"It's not a question of whether you believe it or not, it's because the above people are very concerned about the old general's condition, and it's a little bit wrong. It's unreasonable." The two special police officers wondered.

"Okay, I won't be cured of this disease, okay? You can just watch the old general die here!" Li Fan couldn't hold back the anger in his heart, he stood up and put down the silver needle.

"Boy, if I can't run away from you, just wait to die." Liu Zhiyi's eyes lit up with success, and he narrowed slightly.

"Brother SWAT, hurry up and take him to the police station. This kid has ulterior motives. You must investigate thoroughly. Maybe it has something to do with some overseas organizations." Liu Zhiyi deliberately gave Li Fan a big hat. He just tried every means to put Li Fan to death.

There were very few people who dared to refute him face to face, and he couldn't bear it at all.

"He is my senior brother. Since you don't want to believe that he is here to rescue the old general, take me away too." Weng Qishu said after a while.

The two SWAT officers were immediately embarrassed, looking at each other, their faces sank directly.

At this time, the little nurse hurried to the old general's hospital bed. Just when she wanted to investigate the old general's condition, the indicator lights on the instruments in front of the bed flickered on and on, and the sound chirped.

Seeing this situation, the little nurse became anxious: "No, the old general's physical indicators are rapidly declining, old, old general, he is dying."

Everyone turned pale when they heard the words, and all looked at the old general.

I saw that the various pointers and numbers on the instrument were rapidly descending, and the red light was flashing rapidly.

"Don't take him away quickly. It's because of this person that the old general's condition deteriorated. It's all caused by him." Liu Zhiyi's voice was trembling, and he was now intent on shirking his responsibilities.

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