Best Son-in-law

Chapter 104 One-sided words

"Liu Zhiyi, the old general has become like this, and you can't escape the relationship." Weng Qishu said angrily, saying that he had all said good things about this Liu Zhiyi. Now the facts are in front of him, he would rather watch the old general in critical condition than Ken believes in Li Fan.

"So what? It's fine as long as it's not the main responsibility. The big deal is that I, the professor, quit, but Weng Qishu, you and this stinky brat are finished." Liu Zhiyi's eyes shone like an eagle and a wolf.

In fact, Liu Zhiyi did these things with careful consideration in his heart.

Since Li Fan can directly tell the cause of the old general and the things they are worried about in his treatment, it shows that he still has a hand.

No matter how well you treat it or not, it doesn't do you any good.

In comparison, Li Fan couldn't cure the old general, so he could take advantage of the situation to put the blame on him and Weng Qishu. On the other hand, by virtue of his status as an expert in Western medicine, as well as an honorary professor of several universities, and through some personal connections, he can minimize the guilt.

This point, Liu Zhiyi thought very clearly in his heart.

On the contrary, if Li Fan really cured the old general, once the news spreads, he will be disgraced, and doubts will be overwhelming, and the reputation loss of the outside world will naturally not be less, and in the future Most of the time, Weng Qishu would have to ride him on his head, which Liu Zhiyi couldn't bear at all.

Therefore, after thinking about it, Liu Zhiyi finally decided to destroy Li Fan's healing of the old general by fighting for his guilt.

And once the old general can't be cured, Weng Qishu will be finished, and the future of this stinky boy who slandered him will be completely finished.

The family behind the old general and the accountability above are not something that anyone can withstand.

Thinking of this, the corner of Liu Zhiyi's mouth rose slightly, his face was full of smiles, and he narrowed his eyes slightly, thinking to himself, "Fight with me, why are you still tender? I am the best at weighing the pros and cons."

At this moment, a voice sounded in the corridor outside the door.

"What's the matter with my dad?" The voice of the visitor was extremely domineering and extremely rough.

"It came so fast." Liu Zhiyi raised his head, his expression gradually recovered, and scratched his head gently with the pen in his hand: "Doctor Weng, let's see how you explain it."

Soon, the door was violently pushed open. The visitor was a middle-aged man in his forties and fifties, but he was extremely burly. When the weather had cooled down, he was still wearing a gray sleeveless vest with arms like adult thighs. As stout, with bulging blue veins on the top, a grid of distinct muscles hides explosive power.

Even the shrewd and powerful SWAT next to him paled in front of him.

"Dad!" Guan Chongyang saw the sound of the warning light of the instrument in front of his father's hospital bed.

"What's the matter?" Guan Chongyang's voice sounded like thunder, and the two doctors next to him were shocked. The other doctors were also overwhelmed by his aura, and their legs were faintly weak, and there was a feeling of facing a tiger. .

Fierce, bloodthirsty, wild, furious!

After this sentence, the surroundings were silent, and none of these doctors dared to step forward to answer.

After a long time, Liu Zhiyi regained his mind, tidied up his clothes, and faced Guan Chongyang, but he was still afraid.

"What's going on?" Guan Chongyang stared at Liu Zhiyi with his tiger eyes, his voice resounding like a bell, resounding throughout the room.

"My responsibility, I didn't take good care of Ling Zun, alas, I shouldn't trust Dr. Weng and let some of his senior brothers practice medicine, so that I fell into such a situation as General Guan, alas, blame me, blame me." Liu Zhiyi rolled his eyes. , said a common set of words, in fact, he wanted to shirk his guilt.

"Doctor Weng's senior brother? Where is he?" Guan Chongyang looked around.

Seeing this, Liu Zhiyi secretly rejoiced in his heart, pointed to Li Fan and said, "It's this young man."

He deliberately emphasized the word "young".

Guan Chongyang followed the direction Liu Zhiyi pointed and stared at Li Fan without blinking, as if he was going to swallow him alive.

However, Li Fan had a faint smile on his face, and was not afraid at all. He did not flinch in the face of Guan Chongyang's cannibalistic eyes, and actually greeted him.

"Mr. Guan, this matter is still my responsibility, it's all my fault for trusting others." Liu Zhiyi said another sentence, fearing that Guan Chongyang would be blamed on his own head.

"If something happens to my dad today, I'll report it to the top right away. None of you can run away. You don't need to grab the responsibility now. Take it slow, and it won't be over easily."

As soon as Guan Chongyang said this, Liu Zhiyi was immediately stunned. He wanted to pretend to take the blame, but he actually blamed him, but he didn't expect that Guan Chongyang would not eat this at all, and wanted to blame everyone.

This time, the expression on Liu Zhiyi's face became cloudy and uncertain, and the development of the situation had far exceeded his expectations and was no longer within his control.

At this time, Liu Zhiyi had to reassess the situation and weigh the pros and cons.

His face also gradually became ugly.

If Guan Chongyang is really guilty, then as the attending doctor, he can't escape the guilt.

Moreover, in order to get rid of the crime, the group of Western doctors next to them are very likely to say that they are at odds with Weng Qishu, and they are angry and ignore the old general.

At that time, the guilt is beyond his own responsibility.

Thinking of this, Liu Zhiyi's face turned ashen, and he regretted it.

This is really stealing the chicken without losing the rice, and playing yourself in it.

"It was you who brought my father into this?" Guan Chongyang also noticed that Li Fan was not afraid in front of him, his expression was light and cloudy, and he couldn't help but secretly panic.

"Yes." Li Fan replied casually.

"You quack doctor, if you don't know how to heal, get out of the way!" Guan Chongyang was instantly furious, like a vicious tiger, and rushed directly to Li Fan.

The two special police officers rushed forward and hugged Guan Chongyang: "Mr. Guan, calm down first."

Before he finished speaking, all the Guan family members rushed in, and when they saw the indicator light on the instrument meter, their faces were not very good.

"Brother, what's the matter?" A middle-aged woman asked behind Guan Chongyang.

"This kid is a quack doctor. He treated our father like this." Guan Chongyang's eyes were full of tears. He was a dutiful son. His father was critically ill. Not letting his family members investigate, he waited for news day and night in the general ward on the fifteenth floor.

After seeing many experts and famous doctors for consultation, I thought that my father's condition would gradually improve, but I didn't expect such a thing to happen.

"This kid is so young, is he a doctor? He didn't come here to fish in troubled waters, right?" People from the family raised questions at the moment.

"We thought so too, but Dr. Weng insisted that he was his senior brother, and his medical skills were far superior to ours. There was no other way but to let him cure." Liu Zhiyi waited for the opportunity to say something.

"What? Isn't this nonsense? Doctor Weng, what do you mean?" People from the Guan family directly questioned Weng Qishu.

At this moment, Li Fan stood up and said with a slight smile: "I am indeed Qi Shu's senior brother, and I can cure Ling Zun's condition, which is a pity."

"You bastard, you dare to speak." Guan Chongyang was furious, and wanted to pounce on Li Fan again.

"Don't worry, eldest brother, first listen to what this kid said is a pity?" said the middle-aged woman next to him.

"Can the patient be cured halfway through the operation?" Li Fan said again.

"What do you mean?" Several people in the Guan family heard the ambiguity from this sentence.

"My senior brother was giving the old general a needle to treat his illness, and he was stopped by Liu Zhiyi as soon as he had an injection, and he refused to let him get cured. Won't it get worse? Now that you guys are here, he's slamming it backwards." Weng Qishu said with a cold snort.

Immediately, everyone's eyes turned to Liu Zhiyi.

"Doctor Liu, is that the case?" After learning about the specific situation, Guan Chongyang realized that he might be blaming someone else.

"Hey." Liu Zhiyi dodged his eyes and turned desperately. When he saw that he couldn't escape, he simply admitted: "How does this kid seem to be skilled in medicine? He's piercing the dead end of a human being. If something goes wrong, Who should take responsibility? I also saw the old general's condition getting worse and worse, so I stopped it, but it was too late."

Liu Zhiyi quickly found a nice explanation for himself.

Hearing what he said, everyone in the Guan family turned their attention to Li Fan, looked up and down, and there was suspicion in their eyes.

"Doctor Weng, isn't it inappropriate for you to do this?" a slightly calm Guan family questioned Weng Qishu.

"I asked my senior brother to come here because I wanted to cure the old general's illness. My senior brother's medical skills are already near immortal, and I can guarantee my own life for this!" Weng Qishu faced the old general with a solemn face. of this family.

"Don't look at him young, even if his medical skills are comparable to my father's!" Weng Qishu saw that everyone was still dubious, and said again.

After hearing this, the people around were suddenly not calm, and there were many discussions among them.

Weng Qishu's father, Weng Shaonan, is the most famous national expert doctor in the country. He is like an immortal with one-handed traditional Chinese medicine.

He has cured countless terminal illnesses and cured countless patients. He is like a leader in the field of Chinese medicine and is highly respected.

If it weren't for the long journey and the poor health of Mr. Weng, the people in the Guan family really wanted to invite him to come over and treat him in person.

"Mr. Weng, is what you said true?" Guan Chongyang's voice trembled.

"Then there is still a fake? The old general is seriously ill. I waited for the medical skills to be shallow, and I couldn't discuss a perfect plan for a few days. My senior brother had to treat him unexpectedly. How can ordinary people understand. These people are fundamentally I don't know what's right, I only know nonsense and pretend to be in a panic, so that General Guan is in a critical situation, Mr. Guan, you have to be careful." Weng Qishu's voice was fierce and his momentum was astonishing.

"Shut up! Mr. Guan, you can't just listen to one side of his words!" Liu Zhiyi was completely panicked at this time.

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