Best Son-in-law

Chapter 105

There was a hint of hesitation on Guan Chongyang's face, and he had to look at Li Fan again. Just now, he found that this young man was still calm and indifferent to himself, and it seemed that he was definitely not a mortal.

Just when Guan Chongyang hesitated for a moment, the nurse over there couldn't help shouting again: "Come here, the old general's condition is fast, and it's dying."

The little nurse was crying, her eyes flushed anxiously, and she desperately waved to Guan Chongyang and the others.

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Guan Chongyang's expression changed greatly, and he hurried forward.

"The patient's various vital indicators have been reduced to the lowest level. Really, it is really going to die." The little nurse added another sentence.

After hearing this, both the Guan family members and the doctors present were all bruised and extremely ugly.

"Dad." A group of close family members gathered around.

The life indicators displayed by various instruments in front of the old general's hospital bed were rapidly declining, and the hearts of the people around were slowly cooling down.

"No, there is no hope." Except for Li Fan and Weng Qishu, everyone looked desperate.

"What else do you have to say?" Liu Zhiyi's face changed, and he suddenly asked, his purpose was still to shirk responsibility.

"What's the use of talking about this now? Doctor Liu, don't you think your medical skills are good? So, why don't you go to the doctor? After you've healed, no one will take the credit from you." Li Fan wrapped his arms around his arms, half a smile. He looked at Liu Zhiyi.

"Fart, no matter how good my medical skills are, I can't help it now." Liu Zhiyi's expression changed.

"Are you sure there's nothing you can do?" Li Fan asked again with a smile.

"Don't say it's me, even if the Daluo Immortal is here now, he can't save the old general." Liu Zhiyi glanced at the various life indicators on the instrument in front of the old general's bed, and said with a sneer.

"It's so short-sighted, that's fine, I'll show you the real medical skills today." Li Fan shook his head and smiled bitterly, then waved at Guan Chongyang and the others: "Okay, the old general hasn't gone yet, don't worry. cry quickly."

"What do you mean?" Guan Chongyang was holding back his fire.

"Senior brother means that the old general can still be saved." Weng Qishu explained.

At this time, the people around looked at each other in dismay. Now the old general's condition has deteriorated a lot. It was really Weng Shaonan who came, and he dared not say that he could be saved.

"What did you say? How can you save my father like this?" Guan Chongyang stared at Li Fan tightly.

"It's still too late to save now." Li Fan nodded.

Guan Chongyang quickly made way for Li Fan.

"Sir, please save my father. If he is saved, this kindness Chongyang will definitely be repaid when he climbs the mountain of knives and descends into the sea of ​​fire." Guan Chongyang slightly bowed his body, clasped his fists with both hands, raised his head above his head, and pleaded respectfully.

The other members of the Guan family hesitated for a moment, and also requested the same action.

"Please sir to heal father."

After this sentence, the audience was silent!

No matter what, the only hope now is Li Fan, which Guan Chongyang understands very well.

He was not in the mood to care about right and wrong, and it was not as important as his father's life and death.

"Mr. Guan, you really can't listen to the side of this kid. Isn't it his fault that Ling Zun has become like this? You can't let him continue to heal, otherwise the condition will be more difficult to control." Liu Zhiyi saw this scene, and it was already a mess size.

"Do you have any means to cure my father?" Guan Chongyang turned his head and glared at Liu Zhiyi: "If not, don't interfere with the doctor's treatment."

He didn't dare to say any more words.

"Senior brother, let's do it." Weng Qishu also invited respectfully from the side: "Don't look at the monk's face, look at the Buddha's face."

Li Fan nodded, the old general fought for the Huaxia country all his life, no matter what, he was willing to take care of him.

In this way, Li Fan slowly walked to the old general's hospital bed, narrowed his eyes slightly, and at the same time, took out the silver needle again.

Concentrating and calmly, he quietly operated the inheritance power of the Water God, and suddenly white smoke protruded from his hand, and visions were ringing.

"This is?" Everyone in the Guan family was shocked, and rubbed their eyes quickly, thinking that they had read it wrong, isn't this a scene that only appears in myth TV dramas?

Li Fan didn't pay attention to everyone's eyes. He frowned tightly because the old general's condition was more complicated than he imagined.

At the same time, Li Fan's left hand was gently placed on the heart of the old general's body, and secretly used the power of inheritance to transport it into the old general's limbs.

There was more and more white smoke in his hand, and the space above was distorted like a fire, and it was like the sun and the moon in the water.

At this time, the ward was silent, and no one dared to make a sound.

Weng Qishu narrowed his eyes even more, afraid that he could not see clearly, so he rubbed it again, and then he didn't dare to blink again.

After examining with his left hand, Li Fan cried out in his heart that it was difficult. The old general's condition had deteriorated too seriously, especially the hidden internal injuries that he had accumulated over the years of fighting, which was even more troublesome.

Li Fan became more and more dignified, and his palms were full of sweat. After a long time, he dropped a needle. This time, the place where he was pierced was still the dead spot on the old general's body.

Everyone was stunned, but no one dared to make a sound, and there was an idea in their hearts.

Acupuncture, can it still be used like this?

"Senior brother is really brave." Seeing this scene, Weng Qishu admired Li Fan even more.

Li Fan drew a needle to seal the two dead points of the old general, using the power of inheritance with his left hand, trying to open up the blocked meridians of his body for him.

At this time, the instrument indicators in front of the old general's hospital bed showed signs of recovery.

Everyone was stunned, all looked dumbfounded.

The little nurse was even more surprised that her mouth could not be closed, her little finger pointed to the instrument in front of the hospital bed, and muttered: "Save, save it."

Guan Chongyang put his finger in front of his mouth and shushed at the little nurse, for fear of disturbing Li Fan.

"God, a genius doctor." These people in the Guan family also knew Chinese medicine. Seeing this scene, they all set off a huge wave in their hearts.

However, Liu Zhiyi's face sank. He felt as if he had eaten a fly. He stared at Li Fan and said desperately, "Impossible, impossible, it's all an illusion, it's an illusion."

His whole person is going crazy. For such a young man, his medical skills are so high that he can't see the limit. Is he a human or a god?

Liu Zhiyi couldn't help but doubt his life.

Every time Li Fan got a needle, he had to take a few big breaths. The sweat on his forehead was dripping down, dripping on the sheets.

This kind of treatment consumes a great deal of his mental and physical strength.

But the effect is also very obvious, the old general's indicators have gradually recovered.

Seeing this, Guan Chongyang hurriedly looked at it, and the little nurse came back to his senses and walked in front of Li Fan with a clean white towel, stood on tiptoe, and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

As the old general's various indicators gradually recovered, everyone's breathing calmed down a little, but they were still uneasy in their hearts, for fear that an accident would make the old general's situation worse again.

Li Fan felt a dryness on his forehead, looked back at the little nurse, and smiled slightly.

After the little nurse wiped Li Fan's forehead, she took a white towel to help him wipe the sweat off his arms.

Her fingers lightly tapped on Li Fan's arm, instantly giving him a cool and numb feeling.

Then, the little nurse took back the towel and watched Li Fan continue to heal with admiration.

In this way, minutes and seconds passed, and the old general was covered with silver needles, densely packed.

Finally, Li Fan took the last stitch and at the same time heaved a sigh of relief.

He wiped the sweat with his sleeve.

The old general's condition finally stabilized.

The people around were stunned. Even though Li Fan held his hand away, they still didn't dare to say a word and waited quietly.

"Okay, the condition has stabilized." Li Fan waved his hand lightly and said.

"Really?" Guan Chongyang's tiger eyes shone with crystal light, he couldn't believe it at all.

"These medical instruments won't lie to you, right?" Li Fan smiled slightly.

"Heart rate has returned to normal, blood pressure has returned to normal, blood sugar has returned to normal..." the little nurse said one by one, pointing to the data on the medical equipment.

"The patient's various indicators have returned to normal, and there are signs of recovery." The little nurse said excitedly, she just saw the old general's fingers move.

Guan Chongyang couldn't hold back his excitement any longer, and strode up, but was stopped by Li Fan.

"The patient needs to rest now, you can't go there now." Li Fan scolded.

Guan Chongyang hurriedly stood up straight, stood at Li Fan with a military salute, and said in a loud voice, "Yes!"

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone around laughed, and Guan Chongyang also smiled embarrassedly, scratching his head: "I'm used to it, I'm used to it, I was concerned about my father's condition just now, so I have offended you a lot, please don't worry about it, sir. "

Li Fan waved his hand casually and said, "It's okay, I didn't take it to heart. I'll take the needle in a while, and the old man will wake up soon."

"Mr. kindness, I promise not to forget it." Guan Chongyang said solemnly.

The other Guan family members also gathered around at this time and thanked Li Fan.

"It's okay, the old general has fought for the country for half his life. As a junior, I also admire him very much. These are trivial things, not worth a slap." Li Fan said from the bottom of his heart.

After Guan Chongyang heard this, he became more and more grateful, and held Li Fan's hand tightly.

On the other side, Liu Zhiyi's face was gloomy and frightening at this moment. At this moment, he closed his lips and said nothing. The thing he was most afraid of happened.

Zhou Chuanjian's expression was also not very good-looking. After all, he had insulted Li Fan just now. If this was accounted for, he would have to be involved.

The expressions of the other Western doctors around were slightly better. They did not have a direct conflict with Li Fan, so there was only shock and disbelief in their eyes.

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