Best Son-in-law

Chapter 113 I'm Ticklish!

"I bah bah bah, you can just read it. Don't we just count on ordinary people in a village?" Li Guihua said quickly.

"Hey, no matter what, Li Fan is young and not deep in the world. I heard that many people in the city are very bad, and I am afraid that we will be deceived by a village. In my opinion, we are still old. Plant crops honestly, don't fix so many things, don't think about some crooked ways, do what you can, and you won't suffer." Zhu Yongzhong pouted, his character is dull and honest, and he doesn't like fancy things. .

"A real elm head." After listening to Zhu Yongzhong's words, Li Guihua smiled instead: "Didn't you listen to the people in the city? Starve to death for the cowardly, and the courageous to the death, courage like you deserves to be earned. If you don't have money, you deserve to be poor."

"Okay, that's what the city people said deliberately in order to deceive us for money, are you serious? Anyway, let's not contract the land first, just plant our own land, and when Li Fan's affairs are settled, let's If you follow the contract, otherwise it will not be enough to lose money." Zhu Yongzhong said.

"Okay, it doesn't make sense to you either. Don't be greedy when others make money, I'm going out." Li Guihua gave Zhu Yongzhong a blank look.

"What are you going out for?" Zhu Yongzhong asked.

"I heard that Fanzi is going to Xiaogou in Houshan to catch eels. I'll take a look. I'll ask for one at that time, and I'll make it up for you after stewing it at night. I don't know how much work you do outside every day. Lie down." Li Guihua rolled her eyes and complained.

Hearing this, Zhu Yongzhong's face flushed, and he didn't say anything. He just sat on the bench and smoked cigarettes.

Most of the villagers in Laoshantun are very cautious. When it comes to the contracted land, they just move their minds. After returning home, they are all in a wait-and-see state.

Li Fan knew that everyone's character was like this, and he didn't care. As long as they receive vegetables steadily for a period of time now, the villagers will naturally scramble to contract the spare land in the village, because no one will have trouble living with money, they are afraid that if the land is contracted, the vegetables will not be sold, and the contracted money will be lost in vain.

In the afternoon, Li Fan borrowed long blunt pliers from Uncle Wang's house, and then scoured more than a dozen large plastic bags from each house. I called a few teenage children in the village who liked to play, and told them that I was going to catch eels in the river ditch, and I caught them at night and cooked them for them to eat.

These children love to play by nature. As soon as they heard that they were catching eels, they wanted to go, not to mention that they could eat it at night, so they all followed with excitement.

In this way, Li Fan wore his own straw sandals, carrying long pliers, and led the children to the back mountains and rivers.

Along the way, it naturally attracted the attention of many villagers.

"Fanzi, go catch the eel?"

"Yes." Li Fan replied with a smile.

"I grabbed one and gave it to my family. I'll make it up for your uncle. I've been out of spirits lately."

"Of course no problem." Li Fan smiled and nodded in agreement.

"Fanzi, I heard that you caught eel not for food, but for raising?" A few well-informed villagers couldn't help but asked.

"Why do I eat it? It has a strong fishy smell, and it's not delicious. Besides, I don't need it. I caught it for myself and sold it to the city." Li Fan said with a smile.

After hearing this, these women looked at Li Fan up and down one after another, as if they wanted to see him all, and sighed a few words at the same time.

When Li Fan left, they chatted again.

"Fanzi has the ability to do something we dare not do, and even wants to raise eels."

"I think he has more money and burns it. When he loses it, he will know the depth."

"What you said, why don't you look forward to it?"


He also laughed at the comments of the villagers.

On the way, he met Xia Menglan again.

At this time, Xia Menglan was wearing a blue plaid jacket with a pink shirt with a bear pattern inside. He was wearing red trousers with flowers and a pair of slippers on his feet. With blue nail polish, her petite and cute feet are exposed, which is particularly eye-catching.

Seeing Xia Menglan's elegant dress, Li Fan was stunned for a while.

"What? Haven't seen it before?" Xia Menglan laughed.

"Why are you wearing this?" Li Fan looked surprised.

"What's the matter, doesn't it look good? This is Sister Xiaolan's clothes. I tried it on and it fit just right, so I wore it, and I did as the locals do. What? Are you going to the Houshanhegou to catch the eel now?" Xia Menglan's handsome face lifted A faint smile.

"Yes, it's not too late. Catch it early, raise it early, and make money early? It can be sold anyway." Li Fan said with a smile.

"Take me there? It just so happens that I also want to see the situation in the back mountain." Xia Menglan turned around with big eyes.

"Co-author, you changed this outfit just to go to the back mountain with me? Yes, there is no problem in going, but you have to promise to listen to me. There are really wild beasts and poisonous snakes in the back mountain." Li Fan pouted.

"That's fine." Xia Menglan smiled sweetly.

In this way, there is another leader in the army of catching eels.

The crowd soon followed the mountain road to the river ditch in the back mountain.

"This piece of soil has been softened by the river water. The water is not deep, so it is most suitable for the eel to survive. You see, that is the eel's nest. There are two holes in total. If you block one hole, you can catch it from the other hole. It." Li Fan said, pointing to a hole by the river.

"Really? It's so fun? Are all these holes for eels?"

"This is not necessarily true. There are other animals who like to make holes here. However, the shape and size of the hole, the length, depth and depth of the hole are different. You can ask twice when the time comes. Don't catch the eel, and come back with a poisonous snake." Li Fan deliberately frightened, just wanted Xia Menglan to listen to his own words honestly.

After all, she is a girl from the city. She has never seen this battle at all, so she is afraid of messing around and causing trouble. It is not easy to treat people in this wilderness.

"Okay, I know, how to catch it? Block one hole, and then catch it from the other hole, right?" Xia Menglan waved her hand and became so playful, she went straight into the water, blocking one side of the hole with one hand, and then The other hand is guarding the hole next to it, ready to pick up this eel.

"Hey, don't block the hole on the shore. If you can't catch it in a while, it will run away from the river. It's very slippery like a loach. Use the long pliers I brought."

Li Fan wanted to stop it, but it was too late.

Xia Menglan's hand had already reached into the cave, and when he scratched it randomly, the eel was frightened and rushed out of the other hole.

At this critical moment, Xia Menglan's eyes were fast. I grabbed the eel's head directly, but I grabbed it, but I didn't expect this thing to turn over and slide out.

slid straight into the river.

Xia Menglan was not willing to let it go, and hurriedly went to the river to fish it again.

Just grabbing its tail, the thing twisted around, wanting to repeat its old trick.

Where can Xia Menglan, who has already suffered a loss, be willing to let it go? The little hand grabbed it tightly and dragged it out of the water abruptly.

This yellow eel struggled desperately, and with a tail, the river water jumped directly over Xia Menglan.

"Ah." Xia Menglan let go of one hand subconsciously, wanting to wipe the water from her eyes.

At this moment, the eel saw the time, twisted and rose into the air.

When it fell, it actually got into Xia Menglan's clothes from the collar.

Xia Menglan was self-defeating, and felt that there was something wrong with his body. A living creature seemed to be twisting and twisting inside, and it was terrifyingly cold.

Immediately, her little face turned pale.

"Don't look at it, come and help me." Xia Menglan said embarrassedly.

As soon as Li Fan saw that something was wrong, he hurriedly rolled up the corners of his trousers, got into the water, and looked around for the eel, but found nothing.

"What's wrong? Where is the eel?" Li Fan asked.

"Hahaha, hehe, me, hahaha..." Xia Menglan laughed inexplicably here.

"What are you laughing at?" Li Fan asked in confusion.

"Don't make trouble, I'm ticklish. Hahaha, stop making trouble." Xia Menglan continued to laugh.

"Are you in the dark? What do you mean? This is?" Li Fan asked strangely.

"Don't, stop talking, help me." Xia Menglan said, and laughed again.

At this time, not only Li Fan, but also a group of children on the shore looked at her strangely.

"Let's go over there and see, two people, one blocking the other and grabbing. Don't get hurt, hold the long pliers, don't kill them." Li Fan looked at the group of children, waved his hand, and asked them to go ahead and grab eel.

The children were also frightened. At this moment, they were extra obedient and obediently went to catch the eel with the tools.

"It, it got into my clothes, help me get it out." After waiting for the children to leave, Xia Menglan told the truth.

"Ah? Did it get into your clothes?" Li Fan looked down along Xia Menglan's collar, and pouted: "It's no wonder it can get in with such a big seam."

"It's alright, you just catch it out."

"I, I'm ticklish, hahaha..." Xia Menglan's whole body was stuck on the spot like a rod, not daring to move at all.

"I got you, where are you running now?" Li Fan wanted to get started, but when he saw Xia Menglan's plump figure, he stopped again in mid-air.

This can't be messed around with.

"It, it got into my pants, that's right, it's on the side of my belly button. Oops, it's so itchy. Help me."

"Okay, I'll take a look." Li Fan lowered his head and saw a living creature writhing in Xia Menglan's pants.

"Wait." Li Fan lifted Xia Menglan's clothes with one hand, and he saw the eel's tail, and grabbed it fiercely.

"Oops!" Xia Menglan's face was cloudy and uncertain, she wanted to laugh but couldn't laugh, wanted to cry but had no tears, her expression was very strange.

His face flushed directly to the base of his neck.

"What's wrong?" Li Fan asked.

"Hurry up and get it out for me." Xia Menglan only spit out these words from her red lips.

"Don't panic, your hand is a little slippery and you can't exert yourself." Li Fan pulled hard, but almost let the eel slip out.

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