Best Son-in-law

Chapter 114 Xia Menglan's Determination

Xia Menglan bit her lower lip with silver teeth: "I'm begging you, okay? Don't make trouble, it's going to kill you."

Her face was blushing almost dripping with water.

"Where did it get?" Li Fan didn't want to make trouble, and he wanted to be concerned when he saw Xia Menglan's strange expression.

Who knew that Xia Menglan didn't appreciate it at all, but instead scolded Li Fan: "Rogue!"

"I really, my hands are all wet, and I can't pull it out, so I can only make sure that it won't dig in. Can you see it? Let's fall to the bank, I'll find a leaf to wipe my hands, and then pull it out. Come out." Li Fan looked at Xia Menglan with questioning eyes.

"Well." Xia Menglan just snorted softly, and now she can't laugh or cry, can't go up or down.

In this way, Li Fan and Xia Menglan came to the shore with a strange posture.

Li Fan pulled the eel's tail with one hand, grabbed the leaves with the other and squeezed hard, feeling that the water on his hands was almost wiped off, so he dropped the leaves and yanked them.

Still didn't pull out.

"Big sister, don't put your legs between your legs, it's slippery." Li Fan's eyes narrowed, and he saw Xia Menglan squeeze his legs while he was pulling the eel.

At this time, Xia Menglan kept his mouth shut, but his eyes looked like he was about to kill Li Fan.

Cold and scary.

"Okay, okay, don't worry, I'll turn my head, pull down your pants, I'll get it out, don't tuck your legs." Li Fan turned his head away.

After a while, he asked, "Are you okay?"

"Okay." A slender voice came from his ear.

Li Fan pulled it back, and this time he successfully pulled it back.

"You are really hurting people." Li Fan grabbed the eel and stared at it with big eyes.

Unexpectedly, when her head got black, Xia Menglan smashed it with a plastic bag.

"You big bastard, you rascal!" Xia Menglan was so embarrassed that she was now thinking how to clear her previous memories.

Li Fan couldn't dodge and was caught in the big plastic bag.

Xia Menglan's cold voice suddenly came from his ears: "If this matter spreads out, it will make you this eel!"

This made Li Fan couldn't help but think of the scene just now, he was unexpectedly mysterious, and couldn't help but answer: "Really?"

"Bastard, you!" Xia Menglan's face changed suddenly, he gritted his teeth in hatred, and kicked Li Fan on the body.

"Slip of the tongue, slip of the tongue." Li Fan took down the plastic bag and explained quickly.

Xia Menglan gave Li Fan a stern look, then turned her head and left.

"You have to be careful in the future. Although this thing is not poisonous, it is wild and definitely not clean." Li Fan said cautiously beside him.

Hearing Li Fan's words, Xia Menglan stopped and pointed at Li Fan and said, "After catching the eel, I'll go take a bath. Also, don't tell me about the eel, that's it. ."

"Okay." Li Fan could only nod his head in agreement at this time.

"Hey, Zhuzi, don't go to the deep water area, just take care of them." Li Fan saw the group of children on the shore and quickly reminded them.

"Got it, Uncle Fanzi." An older child replied.

"Are you uncle now?" The expression on Xia Menglan's face gradually eased.

"Yes, everyone in the village gets married early." Li Fan scratched his head and said.

These children often come here to play in the water, and after a while, they have already caught a bag of live animals.

Li Fan opened it and saw that there was everything in it, small grass carp, bullfrog, eel... everything was there.

"Let's only catch eels today, not the others," Li Fan said.

"Why, this yellow eel has a strong fishy smell and is not delicious, so why don't you grab some other companions?" asked the child named Zhuzi.

"Well, don't catch too many, our main purpose is to catch eels." Li Fan waved his hand.

These children took down Li Fan's words and continued to catch the eel.

Li Fan watched for a while on the shore, and then went into the water to catch it.

Just as he was holding it, he suddenly saw a delicate hand stretched out.

Suddenly he raised his head and saw Xia Menglan's annoyed face.

"Are you still here?" Li Fan couldn't help asking.

"Yes, I want to take revenge and catch all these eels." Xia Menglan pursed her red lips and said bitterly.

Li Fan heard a wry smile and had no choice but to let her go.

"You block the hole, let me catch it," Li Fan said.

After a busy afternoon, everyone caught several bags of eels and put them on the shore.

Li Fan led Xia Menglan and a group of children to soak their feet by the riverside.

At this time, the sun was setting in the west, and the whole land was in full bloom.

Xia Menglan has a cheerful personality, and after a while, she became one with this group of children.

The children also held wild grass and wild flowers to make a decoration and put it on her head.

At this time, Xia Menglan's face almost burst into a smile.

"Zhuzi, what grade are you in? Do you know how the word "flower" is written?" Xia Menglan, wearing a flower basket on her head, smiled happily and suddenly asked.

She herself graduated from a normal university. She came to the countryside to be a college student village official only for one purpose, and the other purpose was to become a village teacher, but she liked these children from the bottom of her heart.

Who knew that Zhuzi was still smiling and making a fuss before, after hearing this, his eyes dimmed instantly, and he grabbed the grass roots with his hands and said nothing.

"Pillar, what's wrong?" Xia Menglan sensed something was wrong and couldn't help but ask again.

"My family is poor and has no money to go to school, so I don't know how to read." Zhu Zi's voice was low, and as he spoke, tears fell.

It is said that the children of poor families are in charge of the house early. Although Zhuzi is only ten years old, he has already started to help with housework. Every day, he cuts grass to feed the sheep, chops wood to make fire, and sometimes even goes to work in the fields.

On his hands, there are big thick calluses that do not belong to his age, all of which are grinded by work.

Zhuzi is eager to go to school, eager to learn knowledge, and eager to know words.

But the burden of the family was like a boulder, pressing on his heart.

"Zhuzi, don't cry, it doesn't matter, I will definitely let you go to school in the future, I promise." Xia Menglan's heart moved, and she also became sad and assured.

"Well, I can't cry. I promised my mother that I won't be a man if I cry." Zhuzi quickly wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes with his sleeves, pretending to be strong.

"Alas." Li Fan sat next to him, also holding the grass in his hand, looking at the gradually darkening sky, he sighed: "It's getting late, we should go."

So, several children stood up.

Li Fan first patted the dirt on his body, and then patted the children one by one.

When he got to Xia Menglan's side, he paused.

On the way, Li Fan and Xia Menglan walked next to each other.

The two walked halfway without saying a word.

Both were thinking about something.

"Why is Zhuzi's family so poor? The children can't afford to go to elementary school?" After a long time, Xia Menglan couldn't help but speak.

"You have also seen the situation in the village. Let me tell you the truth, this kind of situation is very common in the village. There are too many children who can't afford to go to school without money." Li Fan said with a miserable smile.

"General situation?" Xia Menglan was stunned.

"Yes, it's like Zhuzi's family. Originally, they were good at farming. At that time, Zhuzi was young and his parents were there. They were thinking about giving up the pillars and going to college in the future, so don't become poor like them."

"Who would have thought that Tian Dafu, the former head of the village, moved the chemical factory into the village. At that time, the villagers didn't understand anything. They felt that they were earning a lot, so they went to work there, and Zhuzi's father was also there."

"In less than a year, Zhuzi's father was sent to the hospital, where he was inhaling toxic chemical gases every day. His body was destroyed, and the hospital was not cured. He spent all his savings on medical treatment and owed a lot of debt.”

"But the goddamn Wang Youcai only lost 3,000 yuan. The 3,000 yuan is a drop in the bucket, and it's not enough to repay the debt. Since then, the Zhuzi family has no dreams, and he has been carrying such a big burden since he was a child. A burden, alas."

Li Fan sighed and said. At this time, he suddenly looked at Xia Menglan and asked seriously, "Cun Chief Xia, will you stay in Laoshantun forever?"

Xia Menglan was stunned when she heard it, then turned her head to look at Li Fan, but there was a bit of dodging in her eyes: "Why did you ask me this?"

"It's nothing. Most of the children in the village are simple in character. Although they are a little naughty, they are very kind. I really hope that someone can guide them to a different life. I will try my best to do it, but my ability is really limited. , To be honest, my own education is not very high. Alas, I really don't want the fate of these children to be frozen." Li Fan looked into Xia Menglan's eyes and guessed something in his heart.

But he didn't complain, after all, such a thing came at the expense of himself.

"I will definitely set up a primary school in Laoshantun." Xia Menglan said firmly at this time: "I also believe that Laoshantun will become rich one day."

"I never doubted this." Li Fan also grinned at this time.

There were some things he didn't dare to think about before, but now it's different, since he got the inheritance of the Water God. First of all, he has undergone earth-shaking changes. He believes that through his own efforts, Laoshantun will also undergo great changes.

In this way, Li Fan, Xia Menglan, and a group of children returned to the village with a few bags of eels.

This side of Laoshan Lake has been divided with fishing nets before, so when Li Fan arrived, he directly poured the eel into it.

However, he still kept two bags, and distributed the eels and grass carp in them to the children and let them take them home to eat.

At this time, there were still a lot of eels in the bag.

Li Fan took it again and gave the neighbors points, and all the ones he promised before came to the door one by one.

In the end, there were still a few pieces left, and Li Fan stuffed them into Xia Menglan.

"Village Chief Xia, you've worked hard all afternoon, will you eat the rest?" Li Fan said to Xia Menglan with a smile on his face.

Xia Menglan stared at these eels in a daze.

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