Best Son-in-law

Chapter 115 The face is full of vicissitudes

She didn't know whether to laugh or cry, she was eating the eel that she caught with her own hands.


Every household in Laoshantun has an extra dish of eel on the dining table, and Li Fan is no exception. He looked at the prepared eel, and was excited for a while. He gently picked it up with his chopsticks, took a bite, and felt that the taste was still very good. delicious.

So, he picked up his mobile phone and dialed Zhou Xiaoman's number.

"Hey, Miss Man, I want to ask, does the restaurant accept eels?" Li Fan asked on the phone.

"You got the eel? Take it, of course, I don't know what the eel tastes like?" Zhou Xiaoman's voice was a little surprised.

"The taste is very delicious, and they are all wild. Why don't you sell some of them first? If the effect is good, I will specially raise some in the village." Li Fan thought that this is also a way to make money, and Zhouji Restaurant also Of course, I hope that the more abundant the dishes at home, the better.

"Okay, no problem, you can raise it, I'll collect it, and use the yellow eel and wild ginseng as a side dish. As long as it is natural, it will definitely sell for a good price." Zhou Xiaoman nodded directly and agreed.

The next day, Li Fan went to the village to find a few villagers who were skilled bricklayers and asked them to help him build a small farm.

"Give you a farm, and you will be paid 100 yuan a day? Fanzi, am I right?" Several middle-aged men in the village were a little disbelieving. They used to work in a chemical factory for 60 yuan a day.

One hundred yuan a day is equivalent to the salary of a college student sitting in an office.

"Of course it's true, how could it be fake? My family lives here, if I can't give it, I'll let you smash my house." Li Fan patted his chest and said.

"Then how many people do you want, Fanzi?" At this time, the faces of these villagers were a little moved, after all, the pay was very generous.

"Let's have 20 people first, work with me, and work for eight hours a day. If you do it well, there will be bonuses!" Li Fan said arrogantly.

"Okay, Fanzi, they all said that you made a fortune, but we didn't believe it yet, but now we all believe it, we believe it. All right, we are all willing to work with you." Old Uncle Chen, who was the leader, said.

Old Uncle Chen was originally a mason. He worked with the construction team in the city for 20 to 30 years. He had to return to the village when he was too old, but the mason's craftsmanship was very good.

Under the heavy reward, there must be a brave man. Li Fan's salary is not low, and many people are vying to do this job.

As a result, those who didn't get it were all resentful there.

Li Fanyi smiled and said: "Don't worry, big guy, when our farm is built, and when some people need manpower, the vegetables will be grown and harvested by themselves, but they can be sold to me at the market price from outside. Buy it at 1.5 times the price, and there will be more in the future, anyway, the big guys believe me, if we farm well, there will be times when we are rich!"

Li Fan's remarks were extremely inspiring, and the villagers all looked around and discussed each other.

"One-and-a-half times? It's not bad that our village's vegetables can be sold for 40% to 50% of the market price. This time it's 150%, which is equivalent to directly tripling our big guy's annual income."

"Fanzi is really promising, and now it's amazing. He really wants to lead us poor villagers to get rich." Several villagers praised, tears welling up in their eyes, and they couldn't be moved.

They've been waiting too long for this day.

"Fanzi, their gentlemen give Gai Nongzhuang, can you also arrange some work for us? Instead of 100 per day, 50 per day will do." Sister-in-law Osmanthus has a very carefree personality, and this sentence is even more convincing. Everyone was amused.

Li Fan also smiled when he heard it. He thought about it and said, "Of course there is. Don't I contract a fish pond recently? Sister Osmanthus, do you know how to raise eels? Otherwise, you can help me raise eels, and I will live for a day. You drive fifty."

"Okay, no problem, isn't it easy to raise an eel?" Li Guihua immediately agreed with a smile on her face.

"Fanzi, you dare to let your sister-in-law of sweet-scented osmanthus raise eels for you. You are not afraid of her stealing and stealing one of them a day. Are you going to feed them all to her family's old Zhu?" A few villagers teased.

Everyone laughed when they heard it.

Here, Zhu Yongzhong's face flushed, and he pushed his hands: "Go, go, all talk shit."

Afterwards, Li Fan took the idea of ​​the farm that he had stayed up late yesterday and showed it to Uncle Chen and the others, and discussed how to build it.

At this time, the villagers looked at Li Fanhua's generous collection of vegetables, and their hearts naturally became active, and they came up and asked one by one.

"Fanzi, are you sure you will accept all our food this year?"

"Of course, it's just that my vegetable garden is too small to hold so many vegetables, so I desperately want to build a farm first. By the way, Uncle Chen, how long will it take to build this farm?" Li Fan looked To Uncle Chen.

Old Uncle Chen held the dry cigarette in his mouth, took a few mouthfuls, and pondered with his fingers: "The bricks still need to be white ash, at least more than a month, if you are in a hurry, we will do it for you. hurry up."

"There's no rush. The vegetables I collect can be put in the vegetable garden first, but I'm afraid that the classification management will not be easy. To be honest, I don't sell the vegetables directly from our big guys. It needs to be cultivated a second time." Li Fan said truthfully.

At this time, the villagers suddenly realized that there is such a doorway.

After explaining to Uncle Chen how to build the farm, Li Fan breathed a sigh of relief. At this moment, his cell phone suddenly rang.

Li Fan opened it and found that it was Wu Qianqian who called.

"What's wrong? Qianqian? Weng Lao didn't contact you?" Li Fan had previously left Weng Qishu and Wu Qianqian contact information for each other.

"I got in touch, but my mother didn't want to. She said that as soon as I wanted to go out, she wanted me to continue studying at Jincheng Vocational High School. She said that the school has changed the principal, and it will be different in the future."

"I understand her thoughts, she just wants me to finish reading in Jincheng Vocational High School honestly, don't cause her trouble, it's better to find her a rich son-in-law, my mother is who she is, she sees Money is more important than looking at people."

"I'm depressed, Li Fan, are you busy now? I want to see you." Wu Qianqian said softly.

"Not busy, not busy, where are you now? Shall I find you? No, I'll tell your mother." Li Fan finished the business at hand, and now he is naturally not busy.

"Where am I at home now, aren't you talking about the University of Finance? I just wanted to go there, and all the rented houses were retired." Wu Qianqian said.

"Where is your home?" Li Fan asked.

"The area of ​​Yueyuan Street in Hongdan County." Wu Qianqian said embarrassedly.

"Yueyuan Street, Hongdan County?" Li Fan was a little surprised. It was a coincidence. He didn't expect Wu Qianqian's house to live with Zhouji Restaurant.

"What's wrong?" Wu Qianqian asked.

"It's okay, I also live in Hongdan County, okay, I'll give you a call when I get to Yueyuan Street in Hongdan County. You see, it's not convenient for my aunt to come out. I'll talk to her." Li Fan said.

"Well, okay." Wu Qianqian nodded obediently.

Li Fan hung up the phone and drove his own pickup truck to Hongdan County.

At the same time, in a general ward of Yannan City Hospital.

"The patient's disease is very strange. The vocal organs are normal, but they can't speak? What is the reason?" The middle-aged doctor was puzzled.

"I can't find it out. Did he pretend he couldn't speak?" The little nurse next to him pouted.

"It shouldn't be based on the expression." The middle-aged doctor shook his head.

At this time, Wang Youcai, who was sitting on the hospital bed, looked at the wall in front of him blankly.

"Does he have a mental problem? After all, his organ has been necrotic." The little nurse said with a sympathetic expression on her face.

"It's very possible. That organ is very important to a normal man. Suddenly the injury is gone. Such stimulation can indeed stimulate mental illness. If it doesn't work, arrange to go to a mental hospital." The middle-aged doctor lamented.

"What did the patient's family say?"

"The patient's family is very arrogant. They all insisted that someone was behind the murder. They should call the police and find a forensic expert. The forensic doctor has called us in the past two days to get in touch." The little nurse said.

"Find a fart forensic doctor, these vocal organs are all right, and his organ is necrotic due to his own reasons, and it is a ghost if he can find it out. By the way, Xiao Zhang, you can see if he has a family genetic mental illness. Shi." The middle-aged doctor shook his head and left.

In the ward, Wang Youcai still had a blank expression on his face. He naturally heard the conversation of the doctors just now, but it didn't arouse much emotion in him at all.

In the past few days, he has been constantly subjected to the strange eyes around him, and he has gotten used to it.

After being awakened from countless nightmares, Wang Youcai is now a little indifferent, and he has accepted the fact that he has become a cripple.

"I'm not a man anymore." Wang Youcai smiled wryly as always, and tears came out of his eyes.

Behind the grief, there is a bit of strong resentment.

"Little bastard, play tricks for me, if I don't repay this revenge, I won't call Wang Youcai!" Wang Youcai's eyes were blood red, and he roared into hysteria.

There was only one patient left in the surrounding hospital beds, and the other patients moved away because they couldn't stand him.

"I'm sick again, Dad, why don't I transfer you to a ward in the afternoon, this person is not normal, he's too dangerous." A young man said to the old man on the bed in front of the bed at the other end of the ward.

"Well, um." The old man couldn't stand Wang Youcai for a long time.

At this moment, a man came into the ward, wearing a suit covered with mud, with a sullen face, still wearing a large gold chain around his neck, but his expression was endless vicissitudes.

He didn't bring any gifts to visit, he came empty-handed, and with a look of indifference, he walked straight to Wang Youcai's hospital bed, looked at him, and didn't speak.

"Dad, another abnormal one. This is a patient in his mental hospital, isn't it? Why don't we all go together? I'll transfer room with you after I finish my meal. I can't stay in this ward."

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