Best Son-in-law

Chapter 117 Delicious in the world

And such a thing?

"Okay, let's jump in." Li Fan said.

"Okay, please come with me, sir, and I'll handle it for you." The waiter politely led Li Fan to the front desk.

At the front desk, Li Fan didn't see Zhou Xiaoman, only a few waiters were busy.

"Boss Zhou didn't come today?" Li Fan asked.

"Oh, Boss Zhou hasn't arrived yet. She usually comes at night. It's still early." The waiter explained to Li Fan with a smile on his face.

Li Fan nodded, went through a few formalities at the front desk, and succeeded in cutting the queue, and he also paid a fee of fifteen yuan for cutting the queue.

After completing the formalities, the waiter led Li Fan to the lobby on the second floor, pointed to a window seat and said to Li Fan, "Sir, this is your seat."

"Well, I have to wait for someone to order later." Li Fan pulled out his chair and sat down.

"Okay, no problem." The waiter smiled and nodded, then left.

After a while, another waiter came, specially to bring tea.

Li Fan turned his head to the window, admiring the scenery of the park outside.

The environment of Zhouji Restaurant on Fengshui Street is really good.

At this moment, his mood has gradually undergone a subtle change, if only he had a restaurant like this.

It is located in Laoshantun, which has become a major feature of Laoshantun.

Thinking about it, he suddenly saw a beautiful figure outside.

Wu Qianqian and Wu mother came together.

At this time, his mobile phone also rang, and Li Fan answered it.

"Qianqian, you're here, I see you, I'm on the second floor, a seat by the window, come up." Li Fan said.

Wu Qianqian looked downstairs to the window on the second floor, just saw Li Fan's figure, and waved her hand in surprise.

"Where is the person?" Mother Wu looked in the direction Wu Qianqian was looking at, but couldn't tell which one was Li Fan.

"That's the one standing." Wu Qianqian said, pointing to Li Fan on the second floor.

Only now did Mother Wu notice Li Fan.

"Let's go up quickly, Mom." Wu Qianqian took Wu's mother's arm, and the two walked up together.

"Hello, Auntie." When they came to the second floor, Li Fan greeted him with a smile.

Mother Wu looked Li Fan up and down a few times, and found that he was dressed in ordinary clothes, with no decorations such as watches on his wrists, and frowned involuntarily.

"The water has been poured for both of you." Li Fan said politely.

The three sat down, and Mother Wu asked indifferently, "Have you ordered yet?"

"I just came here too. Auntie will order it for you first, and then Qianqian is choosing some." Li Fan handed over the menu in front of him.

Mother Wu nodded and didn't refuse, she just opened the menu and ordered.

"Black chicken ginseng soup, it is said that this is a great supplement. Qianqian, you have lost a lot of weight recently. Let's have this first." Wu mother came up and ordered an extremely expensive dish.

Wu Qianqian was sitting next to her. When she saw the price above, her expression changed immediately. This dish costs more than 600 yuan.

"Forget it, I don't like to eat black chicken." Wu Qianqian wanted to stop him.

"You don't like it, I like it, just order this." Mother Wu said in an unquestionable tone.

"Okay, auntie can order whatever she likes. It's alright, Qianqian, you can try it too." Li Fan said with a smile.

"Well, the lips are quite sweet." Wu's mother has a mentality of picking her son-in-law. Although she doesn't like Li Fan's dress very much, she is willing to pay, and maybe she has some economic strength.

"This is not bad, the king of dried cauliflower, Qianqian, cauliflower is your favorite." Mother Wu said, pointing to the dishes on the menu.

On the other hand, Wu Qianqian's face became more and more difficult to look at: "Mom, this is a vegetarian dish, and it costs more than five hundred."

"That's different. Although the dishes here are expensive, the quality and taste of the dishes are excellent. They are absolutely different from ordinary dishes. Since you ordered them, try them." Li Fan still had a smile on his face.

Mother Wu noticed this, smiled, and ordered four or five more dishes. She found that Li Fan's face still didn't change much, and she couldn't help but be surprised.

"Qianqian, look at what you like to eat, order a little." At this time, Wu's mother had ordered three or four thousand yuan, and she felt that it was almost the same, so she pushed it to Wu Qianqian.

"No, that's enough." Wu Qianqian was sulking and pushed the menu back directly.

"This child." Mother Wu gave Wu Qianqian a reproachful look and handed the menu to Li Fan.

"Li Fan, right? These dishes are enough." On the way just now, Mother Wu learned Li Fan's name from Wu Qianqian's mouth.

"Why don't you order the special dishes? We've come here, isn't it a pity not to eat the recommended dishes?" Li Fan smiled and ticked off a few special dishes, and then gave the menu to the waiter next to him.

Seeing Li Fan like this, Mother Wu narrowed her eyes with a smile. Each of these special dishes cost about 1,000 yuan, and this meal is estimated to be tens of thousands.

If you spend tens of thousands of yuan to invite people to dinner, your family is definitely not far behind.

As for clothes, maybe people like to wear this one.

Wu Qianqian, who was next to her, looked stupid, and she couldn't say anything in her mouth: "Brother Li Fan, the special dishes here cost 1,000 yuan."

"I know, it doesn't matter, it's just a little more expensive. I've come here. I won't invite you to eat special dishes? In your heart, I'm such a stingy person?" Li Fan waved his hand vigorously.

"But you." Wu Qianqian was a little confused, she forgot what she wanted to say, put her hands on her face and leaned back slightly.

"You can't pretend to be a rich man. What my mother ordered, plus what you ordered, it's just 10,000 less, what a waste." Wu Qianqian thought to herself.

"Don't dig, don't dig, I didn't expect you, Li Fan, to be so sensible."

At this time, Mother Wu's face was about to burst into a smile. This time, she really found a golden tortoise-in-law, and she was too rich. One meal would eat people's income for a year.

Li Fan smiled, remembering the purpose of coming today, and said, "Auntie, why don't you let Qianqian transfer? Jincheng Vocational High School is not a good school, and Qianqian's own grades are not bad. Since she has the opportunity to go to the University of Finance , why don't you let her try it, if it succeeds, won't it brighten your face?"

"Well, that's true, but our family's background is really bad. If Qianqian goes to school there, I'm afraid of being wronged. Qianqian has told me everything, and I'm worried that if I don't pass the exam, no Did you waste a year of work? Will you still be a junior college in the end?" The smile on Mother Wu's face did not diminish.

"You didn't ask Qianqian what she meant? She wanted to seize this opportunity, and auntie, you have to trust Qianqian." Li Fan said.

"Oh, this is also a matter of crossing a single-plank bridge. It is even more remote than the college entrance examination. The chance is too small, and I am worried." Wu's mother was actually a little tempted when she saw that Li Fan was so rich.

She was mainly afraid that Wu Qianqian would have to pay a huge amount of money to transfer to a university. If she does get admitted to a university, the tuition fee will definitely not be less. She is a part-time worker, so how can she get so much money?

If someone was willing to help Wu Qianqian pay the money, she would be too lazy to care about so many things.

"Qianqian, are you confident?" Mother Wu asked.

"I'm willing to try, even if I don't succeed, I will never regret it." At this time, Wu Qianqian's face was determined.

"If you really want to go, that's fine, but you have to work hard." Mother Wu no longer wanted to stop her.

At this time, the waiter served the dishes one after another, and soon the table was filled.

Li Fan asked for another drink.

"Auntie, try it, how about this black chicken ginseng soup." Li Fan greeted politely.

"Okay." Mother Wu had a smile on her face, her eyes almost squinting into slits.

"I know that the key to the black-bone chicken ginseng soup here is actually not the black-bone chicken, but the mountain ginseng. They are all natural and exquisite wild ginseng. The price of vegetables is almost all higher than this mountain ginseng." Li Fan detailed 's introduction.

"I didn't expect you to know a lot. This black-bone chicken ginseng soup is really good. It tastes different from the black-bone chicken soup in other stores. Qianqian, try a bowl." Wu mother urged Wu Qianqian.

At this time, Wu Qianqian was still worried about the price of vegetables, and she was not happy in her heart. Even in the face of such a lot of delicious food, she still waved her hand: "I said that I don't like black chicken."

"Look at this child." Mother Wu smiled and picked up the bowl beside Wu Qianqian. She filled a big bowl regardless of whether she wanted it or not.

"Let's try it, I won't lie to you, the taste is really different, but it's fragrant." Mother Wu greeted.

"Qianqian, let's try it." Li Fan also greeted with a smile.

Wu Qianqian then reluctantly picked up the spoon, scooped it, and took a small sip.

Suddenly, her eyes lit up.

This black chicken ginseng soup has no taste at all as she imagined, with a special fragrance, sweet and full of mouth, oily but not greasy, and a little green onion.

The air she breathed in front of her nose was refreshing.

And it was so memorable that she couldn't help smacking her lips.

"Well, it really deserves to be the king of cauliflower. The stewed cauliflower is just right. It's soft and crispy. It's very tasty, and the spicy fragrance is just right."

"This tomato is not bad, too, isn't it? It melts in your mouth, glutinous and sweet, with a strong tomato flavor. Compared with those tomatoes bought in the vegetable market, the flavor is all over the place. Well, the tomato juice is overflowing. Here, it's delicious, delicious." Mother Wu praised as she ate.

"It really deserves to be a golden signboard in our Hongdan County. The food is really good, and it's worth the price." Wu's mother ate the food, with an expression of wanting to die. It was the best food she had ever eaten in her life. dishes.

Here Wu Qianqian took one bite, one bite after another, devouring her regardless of her image. She was a snacker and liked to eat.

Now that I have encountered such a delicious dish, I feel like a duck to water.

And because Li Fan had eaten it many times before, he just admired it in his heart, but there was not much change in his face.

As he ate, he looked at the guests at other tables.

Almost all the guests were like Wu Qianqian, they no longer had the elegance of their previous meals, and they all devoured each and every one of them, and their saliva flowed out.

At this moment, a sharp female voice sounded: "I came here from Yannan to eat, you told me that there is no seat?"

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