Best Son-in-law

Chapter 118 One word for life, one word for death!

"I'm sorry, we have a lot of customers here, so you have to make a reservation in advance to enter the store." The waitress apologized.

This woman didn't seem to appreciate it, and said arrogantly: "Oh, you still do this trick of bullying customers in the store? It's not possible for others to do it here. Even if your boss comes, you can't afford to offend me. .”

"Miss, I'm so sorry. The purpose of our restaurant is to treat customers as God. How can we deceive customers? I just want to ask for your understanding. There are too many customers in the restaurant, and it is still the peak period in the evening. It is really necessary. If you make a reservation in advance, you can make a reservation now, and you can also jump in line. If you jump in line, you will have to pay an additional fee to other customers." The waitress said angrily.

"I don't care about this. I have to choose a place to eat now." The woman looked arrogant.

"Miss, is this okay? If you are in a hurry to eat, I will cut you in line, but you still have to wait for a while for the guests at table 48 on the first floor." The waiter said quickly.

"No, the environment at table 48 is so bad, I want a seat by the window on the second floor," the woman said.

"Of course the window seat on the second floor is available, but you have to wait a little longer." The waiter said softly next to him.

"Why should I wait? No one dares to make me wait. Get out of the way. I'm going to choose a seat now, sit down, and eat. Otherwise, my boyfriend will come later and it won't be so easy to talk to." The woman looked arrogant. situation.

"Miss, please forgive me, other customers are also dining." The waitress looked embarrassed and made a small movement with her hand to signal the other waiters to find Zhou Xiaoman.

The current situation is no longer something they can handle.

At this time, another man with a tattoo on his arm walked in, with an arrogant look on his face: "What's going on?"

"Zhang Xing, look at how big this restaurant is. I come here to eat. She also asked me to queue up and asked me to make a reservation, and she refused to give us a good seat. This is obviously looking down on us." The woman When he saw the tattooed man coming, his face seemed to change, and he said in a more jealous manner.

"What? Do you know who my brother is? Huh? Why don't you give me Zhang Xing face? And you even give me a bad position." Zhang Xing looked domineering.

"No, no, I didn't say that I would arrange a special seat for you. There are two customers reserved for the second floor, so you have to wait a little longer. There is only one customer reserved for the first floor. This is not because you are not in a hurry. Do you want to eat here? So I want to arrange a seat for you as soon as possible. I have absolutely no other intentions. Please forgive me." The waitress explained.

"Excuse me, okay, we're going to eat on the second floor now. We won't queue up, and we won't make reservations. Do you hear me? Just ask your boss to come to me directly later. I'll only talk to your boss." Xing put his arm around the woman's shoulders and walked up the stairs.

"Brother Zhang, you are so domineering when you speak." The woman burst into laughter in Zhang Xing's arms, with a proud look on her face.

The waiters had no choice but to call Zhou Xiaoman and ask her to come over and handle the matter in person.

Zhang Xing and the woman walked up to the second floor and glanced around.

"Xiaocui, how about that seat?" Zhang Xing asked, pointing to where Li Fan and Wu Qianqian's mother and daughter were sitting.

"I also like that place. It's by the window and you can see the scenery outside. The surrounding environment is also good." Liang Cui nodded.

After hearing this, Zhang Xing hugged Liang Cui and ran straight to Li Fan: "I want this position, get out!"

His voice was not quiet, and it immediately attracted the attention of the people around him, causing them to look sideways.

At this time, Wu Qianqian and her daughter couldn't eat any more. They were stunned and didn't know what to do.

But Li Fan didn't seem to hear it, picked up a string bean and put it in Wu Qianqian's bowl.

"Qianqian, try it. These beans taste good. They are stir-fried. They are spicy enough, and they are very crispy. They are very different from ordinary beans."

"Brother Li Fan." Wu Qianqian called softly, wanting to remind him.

"What's wrong? Eat, isn't it delicious?" Li Fan was unmoved at all.

"Why don't we pack it up and take it home to eat? The taste of this dish won't change if it's heated in a pot." Mother Wu was also afraid of being bullied. At this time, all she could think about was to avoid it if she could.

"Why pack it? It's unnecessary, it's so good to eat here." Li Fan chuckled.

"Boy, you didn't hear what I said, did you? Get the hell out of here!" Zhang Xing was used to being arrogant in Hongdan County, and he immediately commanded.

His voice was so loud that everyone on the second floor looked over.

At this time, Wu Qianqian and Wu's mother could no longer sit still, looked ugly, stood up, and wanted to leave.

"Sit down, what are you afraid of? It's just a dog that likes to bark!" Li Fan smiled lightly, not caring at all.

"Who are you calling a dog? Boy, are you tired of living? Do you know who is standing in front of you?" Liang Cui looked arrogant.

"It's okay, it's okay, sit down, Auntie, Qianqian, you orphans and widowers were often bullied by others in the past, right? From now on, no one will dare to bully you when I'm here!" Li Fan said calmly, asking Zhang Xing Liang Cui and Liang Cui were just like air.

Zhang Xing's face suddenly turned red and he fell into a rage. He kicked the table directly: "Male Gobi, you are deaf. Didn't you hear what your parents asked you?"

After hearing this, Li Fan stood up, faced Zhang Xing and said, "Do you know what it means to cause trouble on Tai Sui's head?"

After saying that, without waiting for Zhang Xing to speak, he directly picked up the special hot pot on the table and covered Zhang Xing's face.

The speed is extremely fast, giving no one time to react.

"Ah!" Zhang Xing howled miserably, and the boiling and bubbling soup slid directly from his face and poured all over his body.

"One word lives, one word dies!" Li Fan's indifferent voice rang out, and his eyes gradually became sharp.

"Insult my parents and you will die!" Although Li Fan is an orphan, he values ​​family ties very much.

This scene was in the eyes of everyone.

Everyone was shocked.

Naturally they knew that Zhang Xing, who was working in Hongdan County, had the backing of a big boss, so they usually dared not speak up when they saw him being arrogant, but they didn't expect that he would be restrained like this today.

"The hot pot of soup was slapped on his face like this. This kid is quite cruel." The people at the next table sighed.

At this time, the waiter who had just gone to the second floor to persuade him was stunned when he saw this scene.

This is a big deal!

It has completely exceeded their expectations.

Wu Qianqian and Wu's mother were standing nearby, looking dumbfounded and speechless, unable to utter a single word.

Zhang Xing screamed, threw down the small hot pot, and was drenched in soup again. His eyes suddenly turned red, and he gritted his teeth, making a "squeaking" sound.

"I want you to die!" Zhang Xing took the toilet paper handed over by Liang Cui next to him and wiped himself. He picked up the bench next to him and hit Li Fan on the head.

Li Fan didn't even look at this, he turned sideways and kicked him away. He flew five or six meters away and knocked over another table.

It happened that a small hot pot was also ordered on this table, and Zhang Xing's screams sounded again from the second floor.


At this time, everyone around him saw it clearly and couldn't help but take a breath of cold air. This kid was too fierce. He must be a Lianjiazi. No wonder he dared to act so boldly.

Everyone also felt relieved. They had long been dissatisfied with Zhang Xing's arrogant look.

At the same time, he also looked at Li Fan with sympathetic eyes.

Doesn't he know the background behind this line? If you offend him, even if you have some skills, you will still die.

No matter how good your skills are, you are still afraid of kitchen knives.

"Do you want me to die?" Everyone was thinking in their minds when they saw Li Fan take two steps and come directly to Zhang Xing's side. At the same time, he raised his feet and placed them on top of his head.

"If you dare to step on me, I will make your life worse than death, I, Zhang Xing, fucking swear!" Zhang Xing's face turned red, he was furious, and he gritted his teeth and said.

Before he finished speaking, Li Fan stepped on Zhang Xing's head: "It seems you still don't know how to repent."

With this kick, blood spurted out from Zhang Xing's mouth and nose, and Li Fan's foot slid down his face and stepped heavily on it.

With a "boom", Zhang Xing flew up again, flying five or six times in mid-air before landing.

"Do you want me to die?" Li Fan's voice rang again. The voice was low, like the god of death knocking the bell.

The tears, snot, and blood on Zhang Xing's face were all mixed together, and his consciousness gradually became blurred.

Everyone was shocked.

When Li Fan saw that he no longer answered, he smiled and walked back.

"Sit down and keep eating. It's okay. We're not afraid of him." Li Fan saw Wu Qianqian's mother and daughter's dull faces and said with a smile.

"Brother Li Fan, you are too cruel." Wu Qianqian whispered, but there was already a huge wave in her heart.

In the past, when she was bullied by others, she could only surrender herself and cry secretly, and she was used to it. Unexpectedly, I was bullied by others today and was beaten back directly.

On the one hand, she felt a little surprised and unbearable, but on the other hand, she felt very relieved.

"Being kind to the enemy is cruel to yourself, Qianqian." Li Fan smiled lightly and had no other explanation.

His behavior is such that he does not cause trouble and is not afraid of trouble.

"Yes, Li Fan did the right thing. A good person will be bullied by others, and a good horse will be ridden by others. This is how it should be, so that no one will bully us." At this time, Mother Wu also came to her senses and said quickly.

Li Fan's kicking the pot was like exploding her years of pent-up anger, which made her feel particularly happy.

"You, you are finished. Do you know who is behind Brother Zhang? How dare you provoke him?" At this time, Liang Cui witnessed what happened and was angry and scared.

"Who is it?" Li Fan sat down and asked casually.

"Sun Chong from Yannan Jincheng is Brother Zhang's eldest cousin!" As soon as this statement came out, the whole room was shocked.

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