Best Son-in-law

Chapter 119 Remember, the name of labor and management is Li Fan!

Upon hearing this, both Wu's mother and Wu Qianqian's eyes suddenly widened.

Although they live in Hongdan County, they have heard of Sun Chong's reputation.

The two of them showed expressions of horror, especially Wu's mother, whose legs were shaking involuntarily.

The guests at the next few tables also had similar expressions.

Sun Chong, the boss of Dachong Investment Group, is not someone to be trifled with.

If you offend him, you will definitely suffer from his crazy revenge.

Seeing the expressions of the Wu family's mother and daughter, Liang Cui felt a little pleasure of revenge in her heart. Her eyes squinted, but she accidentally noticed Li Fan sitting next to him. At this moment, his face was still indifferent and he was still caring about himself. He was holding a cup and drinking tea.

"Oh? So it's him. Who do I think it is? This world is really small." A gentle smile broke out on Li Fan's face, not caring at all.

In fact, if you think about it, Jincheng District is not that far from Hongdan County, and there are only so many top figures in this circle.

"Do you know Sun Chong?" Wu Qianqian asked in surprise.

"Well, we met once. It's okay. We won't be afraid if he comes. Sit down." Li Fan smiled lightly.

At this time, Wu's mother no longer looked as calm as before. She pulled Wu Qianqian and was about to leave: "That Li Fan, I suddenly thought that there is something else at home, so I will take Qianqian away first."

After saying that, Wu's mother pulled Wu Qianqian fiercely, trying to pull her away.

"Mom, what are you doing?" Wu Qianqian was unhappy.

"Come on, do you know who Sun Chong is? Do you still want to stay and be buried with him? That man is extremely vicious. He eats people without spitting out bones. He hides a knife in his smile. He is very powerful. This kid is finished. We can't go with him. !" Mother Wu wanted to drag Wu Qianqian away.

"Qianqian, there are some things you don't know. Mom will tell you later." Mother Wu said in a low voice.

"You want to leave now?" As soon as the Wu family's mother and daughter stood up, Liang Cui stood in front of them with cold eyes.

"If you beat Brother Zhang, you will all die!"

At this moment, a voice came from the crowd.

"Boss Zhou is here, Boss Zhou is here."

While talking, the crowd made a way, and Zhou Xiaoman, the beautiful owner of Zhou Ji Restaurant, walked in.

"What's going on?" Zhou Xiaoman frowned.

As soon as she heard the news, she rushed over.

Most of the guests we usually receive are polite and well-educated, but there are also some who are sent by other restaurants to cause trouble.

After all, Zhou Xiaoman has been running a restaurant for many years and has seen many such things.

"We were having a good meal here, but this man hit Brother Zhang. Are you the person in charge of the restaurant? If something like this happened in your restaurant, what do you think we should do?" Liang Cui raised her chin, crossed her arms, and looked down on her. said.

After hearing this, Zhou Xiaoman looked in the direction Liang Cui was pointing and found that it was Li Fan sitting there.

She couldn't help but smile knowingly and pursed her red lips.

"First of all, compensation and apology are indispensable, and your waiter was disrespectful to us, so I ask you to fire her!" At this time, Liang Cui did not notice the expression on Zhou Xiaoman's face, and still said to herself.

After hearing this, the waitress who had just received Liang Cui turned pale.

She is just a small waiter, and the other party's backstage is Sun Chong of Dachong Investment Group. No matter how nice Zhou Xiaoman is, he will definitely be fired after weighing the pros and cons.

Thinking of this, the waitress's eyes couldn't help but darken.

"I'm so sorry." At this time, Zhou Xiaoman's red lips slightly opened and she spoke softly.

After hearing this "I'm sorry", Liang Cui narrowed her eyes in relief, thinking that her next sentence would be a desperate apology, a promise to compensate, and to fire the waiter immediately.

But to her surprise, Zhou Xiaoman did not continue to apologize, but said calmly.

"Miss, I cannot satisfy your request. Because the employees who work in my Zhouji Restaurant are my biological sisters. Have you ever seen someone abandon their sisters for a stranger?"

This sentence was not loud, but it was extremely weighty. The waiter next to him, who was bowing his head in despair, couldn't help but raise his head again, and a crystal light suddenly flashed in his eyes.

At the same time, other waiters had the same expression at this time.

"You!" Zhou Xiaoman suddenly made a sudden turn in his words, and Liang Cui didn't react for a moment.

"I don't know the rules of other families. This is the rule of my family. Right is right and wrong is wrong. Our waiter didn't do anything wrong. Why should he be fired?"

"Besides, are you unruly? I've already told you that there are guests dining at your seat, and asked you to make a reservation. But you refused to make a reservation, and you forced them to leave. I think it's appropriate for them to beat you. People like you Such low-quality flies have really affected the dining of other guests, so please go away, Zhou Ji Restaurant does not welcome flies like you." Zhou Xiaoman did not have the slightest politeness in his words, and directly asked Liang Cui and others to leave Zhou Ji Restaurant .

"You don't want to work in your restaurant anymore, right? Do you know who is standing behind Brother Zhang?" Liang Cui was dumbfounded. The development of the matter was completely beyond her expectation.

"Don't want to do it anymore? I'm so sorry. There is no one in Hongdan County who wants me to close Zhouji Restaurant. We have the support of the magistrate of Hongdan County behind us. Who are you? I'm sorry. I don’t recognize you. You said just now that the store bullies customers, right? I’m so sorry for customers like you, but our store bullies them."

"If you are not convinced, go and ask the person behind you to come over and see if he can close Zhou Ji Restaurant!" Zhou Xiaoman's voice became sharp.

Liang Cui's lips were trembling with anger at this time, she pointed at Zhou Xiaoman and Li Fan and said angrily: "Okay, okay, okay, okay, you all just wait for me, there will be a time when you will regret it."

At this time, Liang Cui was disgraced and could only help Zhang Xing who was lying on the ground in despair.

At this time, Zhang Xing's face was swollen like a pig's head. He was mumbling but speechless. He just stared at Li Fan fiercely.

Liang Cui almost guessed what Zhang Xing meant, turned to look at Li Fan and asked, "Do you dare to tell me what your name is?"

Li Fan looked indifferent, took a sip of tea and said with a smile: "Remember, my name is Li Fan."

"Okay, you have the guts! You all have the guts! Just wait for me." Liang Cui gritted her teeth. This was the first time she had experienced such humiliation since she followed Zhang Xing.

After saying that, the two left Zhou Ji Restaurant in despair.

At this moment, applause burst out from the second floor of Zhou Ji Restaurant.

This kind of handling method has been recognized by all the guests. It is neither humble nor arrogant, not artificial, and very real!

As a boss, Zhou Xiaoman's move won the loyalty of his employees and the support of surrounding guests.

"I'm sorry that it has affected everyone's dining mood. To express my apology, everyone's consumption will be discounted at 20% this time." At this time, Zhou Xiaoman apologized to the remaining guests.

At the same time, she took steps and walked straight towards Li Fan.

"This guest has affected your meal. I'll give you a free meal. Do you think so?" Zhou Xiaoman looked at Li Fan, an old acquaintance, with a smile.

"Well, that's about right. I should give him a free bill." Li Fan wiped his mouth with a napkin and said.

"Well, Li Fan, thank you for your hospitality. My aunt has also taken note of what you said. I will think about it carefully when I get back. Something happened at home, so let's leave first."

Wu's mother was afraid of being bullied. When something happened, all she could think about was how to avoid it.

"Okay, Auntie, you go about your business first." Li Fan didn't stop her.

"Qianqian, leave quickly." Mother Wu forced Wu Qianqian away.

When the two of them walked outside the door, Mother Wu slowly said, "Don't have anything to do with Li Fan from now on."

"Why?" Wu Qianqian looked aggrieved and confused.

"Alas." Mother Wu looked at Wu Qianqian and sighed: "Why are we orphans and widowed mothers involved in such a thing? If something happens, who will we be responsible for?"

"Don't you want to go to that school? Mom will help you." Mother Wu said.

"Mom, what do you mean? Do you know how wronged I was at school? Do you know how I have lived these past few years? Do you know that I almost..." Wu Qianqian became wet as she recalled After watching the previous scenes, emotions exploded like a torrent.

"Child, I know, I know, you blame mom, you blame mom, mom knows it, but mom is also good for you, you will understand in the future." Mother Wu continued: "Do you know who that Sun Chong is? ?How powerful is he? He has killed many people on the ground in Jincheng."

"He doesn't even look down on the average rich second generation, let alone people like us who don't have any background? If you stay here, aren't you looking for death?"

"It's not that Mom is cruel, you will never see that kid again. To tell you the truth, this kid has caused such a big trouble and is already finished, even if he has money."

"No, Brother Li Fan knows the miracle doctor Weng Qishu and Weng! How could this happen?" Wu Qianqian recalled what Li Fan had said to her before and said confidently.

"It's useless to know anyone." After hearing Wu Qianqian's last sentence, Wu's mother blurted out, but then her expression froze.

"Who do you think he knows? The miraculous doctor Weng Qishu and Weng? How is that possible? This kid must have lied to you, right?" Mother Wu said in disbelief.

"He has cured Dr. Weng's illness. It's not a lie." Wu Qianqian said.

"Ah?" At this moment, Wu's mother was stunned and couldn't say a word.

On the other side, Zhang Xing, who was supported by Liang Cui, took out his mobile phone and handed it to her, muttering: "Here, take it and call my brother Sun!"

Liang Cui barely heard what Zhang Xing said, took the phone and dialed Sun Chong's number.

"Brother Sun, Brother Zhang was beaten in Hongdan County, yes." Liang Cui cried on the phone.

"Who beat him?" Sun Chong, who had a bad temper himself, said angrily.

"The man said his name is Li Fan!" Liang Cui said.

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