Best Son-in-law

Chapter 123 Revenge

"Pah!" An extremely loud slap sent Kong Jue's whole body flying. He immediately rolled his eyes and his nose was bleeding.

He rolled three or four times in the air before falling heavily to the ground.

Seeing this scene, everyone was confused.

The famous internationally wanted criminal was knocked unconscious by a slap from Li Fan.

The street fell into a dead silence, and there was no sound around.

The three of them stared at Li Fan, dumbfounded.

"Is this so unbeatable? I haven't moved around yet. Okay, call the police and send this person to the police station." Li Fan waved his hand casually and said.

Zhang Dan subconsciously wanted to call the police, but Cao Kang snatched the phone away: "Sister, you are looking for death. If you send him to the police station, his associates will retaliate, so we will not call the police."

The expression on Zhang Dan's face was already stiff. Hearing this, he nodded mechanically.

Ding Yanan on the other side recovered from the shock, quickly took out her mobile phone and dialed the police number.

"Yanan, aren't you afraid of revenge from his accomplices?" Zhang Dan subconsciously wanted to stop him.

"Hmph, if it weren't for Li Fan, I would be finished today." At this moment, Ding Yanan finally understood who could be trusted.

After hearing this, Zhang Dan and Cao Kang looked at each other and couldn't say a word.

"Brother, do you know who is a man and who is a loser?" Li Fan turned his head and looked at Cao Kang with a half-smile.

This sentence choked Cao Kang.

When they faced Kong Jue just now, their performances could be said to be worlds apart. One didn't even dare to fart, and the other slapped him unconscious, making a judgment.

At this time, Cao Kang's face was in burning pain. He seemed to feel Ding Yanan's contemptuous eyes, and he couldn't bear it anymore. He had no shame to stay, so he had to call Zhang Dan away who was standing next to him in a deep voice.

"Sister, let's go."

"Oh, oh." At this time, Zhang Dan looked at Li Fan differently. The action of Li Fan slapping people just now was so handsome and domineering!

So masculine!

"Stop looking and leave quickly." Cao Kang urged again, and Zhang Dan slowly left with three turns, without even saying hello to Ding Yanan.

"The police will be here soon, and they asked us to pay attention to safety and try our best to deal with them." After calling the police, Ding Yanan put down her phone, but she was still frightened.

"It's not necessary. He has a lot of blood on his hands, but without weapons he is like a toothless tiger. He is not a master, so there is nothing to worry about." Li Fan smiled lightly and kicked a few holes. Absolutely.

"You, why are you so powerful?" The handsome figure of Li Fan just now has been lingering in Ding Yanan's mind, lingering.

Simply more powerful than his father's strongest bodyguard. He is obviously a farmer, but he is still so young, yet he has such skill and is also proficient in medical skills.

"How could it be?" Ding Yanan's heart was filled with curiosity about Li Fan.

It turns out that she didn't take her father's attention seriously, but now it seems that she is indeed short-sighted.

"It's just so-so, not that great." Li Fan's tone was very calm, and he waved his hand gently to Ding Yanan.

"Just now, thank you, thank you." Ding Yanan had no other thoughts at this time. She thanked Li Fan repeatedly and patted her small breasts gently with her white hands. She had not completely left the shadow just now. come out.

At this time, the police sirens were blaring, and the Hongdan County Police Station was not far from here. They rushed over immediately after receiving a call from their superiors.

As soon as they heard it was Kong Jue, a wanted criminal, four or five police cars were dispatched.

And it stopped far away, blocking the intersection. Ding Yanan and Li Fan couldn't open their eyes with the high beams flashing.

Groups of police officers got out of police cars, picked up their guns, and squatted down.

"Put down your weapons and hold your head with your hands." Feng Zihan saw Li Fan with his hands in his pockets and thought he was going to take a weapon, so he shouted repeatedly.

Li Fan had no choice but to raise his hands and squat down: "I didn't bring a weapon, I'm a good person."

"Bad guys all say they are good guys." Feng Zihan saw Li Fan's face with the high beam, sneered, put the gun on his waist, and walked straight over.

"Officer Feng." When the police officers nearby saw this, they looked anxious and wanted to stop him.

"It's okay. I've seen this person several times. Although he is a gangster, he is not dangerous. I am enough alone." Feng Zihan walked toward Li Fan with a smile on his face and gritted his teeth.

At this moment, Kong Jue, who was behind Li Fan, suddenly stood up and raised his fist, aiming at Li Fan's head.

"Get out of the way!" Feng Zihan originally thought that everything was fine, and she relaxed her vigilance, but she didn't expect that Kong Jue actually stood up.

In desperation, Feng Zihan rushed towards Li Fan at high speed and quickly drew the pistol from his waist.

After Ding Yanan heard this, she quickly stepped aside. But Li Fan squatted on the spot indifferently, unmoved at all, with a calm look on his face.

"Li Fan, what are you doing? Leave quickly!" Ding Yanan also wanted Li Fan to leave. After all, he had just saved her.

"Why are you panicking? Five, four, three..." Li Fan squatted and counted on his fingers.

"Hundan, you're looking for death!" Feng Zihan's eyes widened, her silver teeth bit her lips, and she flew up and kicked Kong Jue, who was trying to attack Li Fan from behind.

"Is this guy's brain fooled?" Feng Zihan secretly scolded Li Fan a thousand times.

"Two, one." As soon as Li Fan finished counting one, Kong Jue fell down behind him, and Feng Zihan naturally kicked him to nothing.

"What's going on?" Feng Zihan's eyes widened and he looked at the fallen Kong Jue in disbelief, with a puzzled look on his face. At this time, a drop of sweat slipped down from her pink cheeks.

"What's wrong? Are you okay? Comrade police, haven't you heard of the return of the glory? What? Why did you rush so fast? You want to kiss me. You are too polite. I'm embarrassed." Li Fan He said glibly, with a relaxed look on his face.

"Hun Dan, do you know that just now I almost... forget it." Feng Zihan's heart was ups and downs, and he patted his small chest before he recovered. Unexpectedly, this action caught the attention of Li Fan next to him. All straight.

"So, you care about me?" Li Fan's eyes narrowed.

Although this beautiful policewoman had a bad temper, she was still very kind-hearted. He recalled the previous scenes at the police station.

Feng Zihan also recalled what Li Fan did to her at the police station, and her face immediately turned cold.

"Okay, stinking gangster." Feng Zihan angrily kicked Li Fan on the calf, pulled out a gun and pointed it at him: "Hurry up, stop talking nonsense, squat down and hold your head."

"Hiss." Feng Zihan got angry and kicked Li Fan so hard that his face turned green.

In desperation, Li Fan could only squat down and hold his head.

"Comrade police, have you made a mistake? He is not the bad guy, he is the hero who catches the bad guys. Why do you let him squat down?" Because he was rescued by Li Fan just now, Ding Yanan's mentality towards Li Fan at this time Changes have occurred. When Feng Zihan asked him to squat down, he immediately said aggrievedly.

"Little girl, don't you know that he is the real dangerous person? Who beat Kong Jue like this? His face is almost swollen into a pig's head." Feng Zihan said with a sneer.

"He?" Ding Yanan pointed at Li Fan.

"Isn't that right? If such a dangerous wanted criminal could be beaten like this by him, wouldn't he be even more dangerous? And I know that although this person is not a big bad guy, he is definitely not a good person. He is just a Big hooligan!" Feng Zihan looked at Li Fan with triumphant eyes.

After hearing this, Ding Yanan suddenly stopped stopping because she also felt it made sense, so she nodded repeatedly and said: "Comrade police, I can't refute what you said. Although this man saved me, he is indeed a big man." rogue."

"Oh, I'll go." After hearing this, Li Fan looked at Ding Yanan, his eyes widened: "Did I save you just now? Is there anyone who can beat me up like this?"

"Rescue, rescue, but the matter is the same. You are indeed a big hooligan. That's no problem." Ding Yanan seemed to have reached a consensus with Feng Zihan.

"Well, so we must take this man away and give him ideological education. Such a wretched person walking outside will affect the appearance of the city. Even if we don't arrest him, the Urban Management Bureau will definitely arrest him. As a person, The people's police must strangle such gangsters with dirty thoughts in the cradle." Feng Zihan put her hands on her hips, looking righteous.

At this time, Li Fan realized something was wrong and raised his head. Only then did he realize that Ding Yanan and Feng Zihan's eyes were so blinking that they could generate electricity.

"Okay, Miss Ding, it's okay. Mr. Ding will be here in a moment. You guys wait a moment to protect Miss Ding's safety." Feng Zihan ordered.

"Okay, Officer Ding, don't worry." Several policemen said quickly.

"Kong Jue is a wanted criminal from above. He has committed a heinous crime and must be kept under strict supervision. He must not be neglected. This man was once a mercenary. He is extremely dangerous and has great skills. Therefore, you must pay attention when you are imprisoned. Qian Don’t give him any chance to get close, and don’t leave any sharp objects or weapons in the detention room. For such a dangerous person, use more pairs of shackles and hand them over completely to the notice from above.”

"Our institute has made great achievements this time." Feng Zihan breathed a sigh of relief with a smile on his face.

"Hey, don't I get the credit for this?" Li Fan next to him looked helpless.

"Oh, I almost forgot about you. This person has a problem in his heart and needs to be brought to the institute. I will give him ideological education in person, just in time to record a confession." Feng Zihan had a look of revenge on his face, and his whole body was in a state of joy. Laughed out loud.

"Haha." Li Fan curled his lips: "I have made great achievements. If you don't say you will give me a top ten young man, at least give me a banner, right?"

"You're setting up a stupid banner. You're following Miss Ding at night. Do you still have any sense? I didn't even ask you what your purpose is! Returning the banner, you look like a banner." Feng Zihan rolled her eyes and said.

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