Best Son-in-law

Chapter 124 Being a bodyguard

"Hurry up and get in the car." Feng Zihan kicked Li Fan again, and then he reluctantly got into the police car.

"Relax, although there is hatred between the two of us, you have made a contribution this time. I am not a harsh person. I just want to treat you to a cup of tea and understand your situation. After all, you are also a little troublemaker. A dangerous person for girls." Feng Zihan and Li Fan sat in the back seat of the car together and laughed next to them.

Li Fan curled his lips and turned to look out the window.

The police car soon arrived in front of the police station.

"Master, we're here, get out of the car." Because he only understood the situation, he did not put handcuffs on Li Fan.

On the other side, several police officers escorted Kong Jue out of the car. At this time, Kong Jue was already awake, with an evil light in his eyes. He looked Feng Zihan up and down, grinned, and smiled.

This kind of smile was very weird, and the several policemen who were laughing had goosebumps all over their bodies.

"Officer, I'm not a death row prisoner. I don't need to wear shackles, right?" Kong Jue stared at Feng Zihan closely, like a hyena staring at its prey.

"I told you to wear it, just wear it honestly, there is so much nonsense!" At this moment, Li Fan's voice rang out, and Kong Jue was calmed down.

"It's your kid. Let's settle the score later, okay?" Kong Jue was stunned for a moment, then quickly came to his senses and said through gritted teeth.

"What are you waiting for later? Forget it now, how do you want to fight? If you weren't looking for death, I wouldn't be invited here to drink tea. I'm still angry, damn it." Li Fan and Kong Jue were tit for tat. No fear at all.

"Comrade police, let's take a step back. I'll help you give this kid another beating, and you don't want to invite me to tea. How about that?" Li Fan suggested.

"Shut up! Don't forget, you are also a dangerous person." Feng Zihan regained her composure and said.

On the contrary, when Kong Jue heard that Li Fan wanted to challenge him to a duel, he suddenly remembered the slap he received on the face, and suddenly felt a burning pain. There was a very rare fear in his eyes, and he shrank his neck. Li Fan didn't even answer.

"Officer, go to the interrogation room quickly. I can't wait any longer. I can't wait for a long time." Kong Jueyin said with a smile.

"Take him away." Upon seeing this, Feng Zihan waved his hands to the two policemen escorting Kong Jue and said.

After being escorted for a long distance by two policemen, Kong Jue turned back to look at Li Fan and smiled: "Boy, there is a time when we can settle the accounts alone."

"Comrade policeman, he threatened me, did you hear it?" Li Fan originally wanted to remind Feng Zihan that Kong Jue looked confident and relied on something.

"Okay, what have you seen with a wanted criminal? Do you have anything to do with yourself?" After Kong Jue said a few words, Feng Zihan's face darkened.

"Hey, I always feel that something is wrong with this matter. I won't kid you, the danger may not be over yet." Li Fan leaned into Feng Zihan's ear and said.

"What do you know?" Feng Zihan frowned and asked.

"This Kong Jue was hired to kidnap Ding Yanan, you know that, right?" Li Fan analyzed.

"Are you sure?" Feng Zihan asked.

"He said it himself, of course he is sure. But one thing I don't understand is why he was able to find the right time for Ding Hongsheng and Ding Yanan to separate? And he was able to immediately block the intersection where Ding Yanan was going?" Li Fan said.

"What do you mean?" Feng Zihan frowned.

"He has an accomplice, and he is a very dangerous accomplice, and this is a closely deployed operation, but unfortunately he did not expect me, so he is confident. My suggestion is..." Li Fan said in Feng Zihan's ear continued.

"His accomplices will definitely try their best to rescue him, and the police comrades guarding him will be in danger. They must have some way to contact them, and his accomplices are likely to have targeted the Hongdan Police Station. Therefore, we can't just sit back and wait for death, so we might as well take advantage of the situation. , catch his accomplices together." Li Fan made a plan.

"How can you just follow the enemy's plan?" After hearing this, Feng Zihan thought it made sense and asked again.

"Let's set up an ambush at the Hongdan Police Station, catch turtles in an urn, and put out a long line to catch big fish. But we have to put a hood on Kong Jue and transfer him to another police station." Li Fan smiled and said, "Do you want to really catch it? Seize this opportunity to make meritorious deeds?"

"I think." Feng Zihan nodded repeatedly after hearing this.

"Then you should be smarter. If you know someone is going to rob you, why do you still want to rob them?" Li Fan said.

"But how can you guarantee that his accomplices will definitely come, and come today?" Feng Zihan looked puzzled.

"You are so cute and stupid. Won't you send him to the headquarters tomorrow? Is there still a chance there? So it's either tonight or an ambush on the way to the headquarters tomorrow. Otherwise, aren't you looking for death?" Li Fan He crossed his arms and said.

"It makes sense. It's better to believe that there is something than to believe that there is nothing. I will immediately contact several comrades from other police stations to assist in this operation. When you come back, don't lock him in yet. I still have something to ask." Feng Zihan stopped. The two policemen who escorted Kong Jue asked them to come back first.

"Little girl, what do you want to do?" Kong Jue had an evil smile on his face after being escorted back.

"I don't want to do anything. I just think you are guilty of a heinous crime and I can't make you feel too comfortable." Feng Zihan said with a smile.

At this moment, Li Fan suddenly became excited and his eyes suddenly lit up, because a shadow flashed in front of him very fast.

Feng Zihan and others didn't notice it, but Li Fan felt it.

"What's wrong, Officer Feng?" the two policemen asked.

"There's something fishy about this, you two come here first." Feng Zihan glanced at Kong Jue, then at the leisurely Li Fan, and kicked him: "Go, Hun Dan, look at him."

Li Fan was still observing the situation attentively when he was suddenly kicked. He felt very unhappy and glared: "Why should I look at him?"

But despite saying that, Li Fan still walked over. After all, he knew very well how dangerous Kong Jue was.

"What's wrong? Officer Feng?" The two policemen looked strange.

Feng Zihan whispered a few words into their ears.

At this moment, a clear and loud slap sounded.

"Damn it, the police are beating someone." At the same time, Kong Jue's miserable howl sounded.

"Go away, I'm not a policeman. It's all because of you that I've been wronged so much. I get angry when I think about this. Don't you want to settle the score? Come on, come on, let's settle the score today." Li Fanyi With a fierce look, he raised his palm again.

There was no longer the evil look in Kong Jue's eyes, replaced by a look of horror. The swelling on one side of his face had not subsided, and the other side was also swollen.

He was scared and wanted to step back, but he tripped over the shackles.

Li Fan sat directly on him, with an evil smile on his face, and slapped Kong Jue's face one after another.

The howl like a slaughtering pig resounded through the sky!

"Okay, stop looking." Feng Zihan turned around like a normal person and continued to explain things to the two policemen.

"Xiao Feng, is this going to happen?" One of the middle-aged policemen said unbearably. He felt uncomfortable listening to the slaps one after another.

"They responded to violence with violence, but we didn't see it." Feng Zihan waved her hand and winked at the two policemen.

"Uncle, I'm convinced, stop fighting, this is going to kill someone." Kong Jue's face was covered with blood, and he no longer looked arrogant like before. Now he looked like a wronged little daughter-in-law, holding his fists and eyes. He begged for mercy with eyes.

"Hey, don't you want to settle a score with me? Let's settle the score!" This time it was Li Fan's turn to smile evilly, and slapped Kong Jue's face again.

Suddenly, the snot, tears, and blood on Kong Jue's face all flowed together. He could no longer maintain his composure: "I don't dare anymore. Comrade police, do you still care?"

Kong Jue choked up: "This is going to cost someone a life."

When Kong Jue was a mercenary, he was known as a tough guy. He had been caught by the enemy before and suffered all kinds of torture, but he survived it forcefully.

But he couldn't stand Li Fan's slap.

Each slap seemed not to hit his face, but to his soul. Each slap made his whole body tremble, and he never wanted to take another slap.

"Okay, stop fighting." After Feng Zihan discussed the matter with the two policemen, she turned around and stopped Li Fan.

Kong Jue was then let down and he breathed a sigh of relief, his eyes full of horror: "You, you are a monster!"

He thought he was cruel enough, but he didn't expect Li Fan to be even crueler than him.

Now Kong Jue didn't want to see Li Fan at all. Every time he looked at him, his body trembled involuntarily.

He even wished he could be arrested and imprisoned for the rest of his life.

"Xiao Feng, hood." The older policeman found a hood.

"Put him on his head and take him away. Li Fan, don't go back yet. Now you are responsible for our safety and serve as a bodyguard." Feng Zihan said casually.

With Li Fan here, she felt an inexplicable sense of stability in her heart, as if she had found a big supporter.

"Well, although he is a dangerous gangster, he is still somewhat useful. He uses evil to fight evil. I am really a genius." Feng Zihan thought happily.

At this time, Li Fan was speechless. What did he take himself for?

"Hurry up, get in the car with us, we need to transfer." Feng Zihan kicked Li Fan again and urged.

"Where to go?" Li Fan curled his lips.

"It's a secret. I can't tell you. The less we know about this matter, the better. What will happen if we don't keep it safe?" Feng Zihan said warily.

"Okay, let's agree in advance that I am serving the people, and this banner is indispensable. When you go to receive the merit, don't forget my share." Li Fan waved his hand and said.

"Other people give us banners. I've never heard of anyone asking for banners from the police." Feng Zihan smiled: "Okay, hurry up and send this person safely to the headquarters before we talk about anything else."

"Okay." Li Fan nodded and got into the police car.

The siren blared and flashed, and the car drove down the road into the distance.

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in the woods next to the Hongdan County Police Station.

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