Best Son-in-law

Chapter 125 Attack

This man, wearing a black jacket, looked at the route of the police car and fell into deep thought.

At this moment, the cell phone on his waist rang.

"Boss, what should I do? These policemen don't seem to follow the formal procedures. Should I save Kong Jue or not?"

"We must save him! But don't forget, he knows our secret. If it falls into the hands of the Chinese people, I'm afraid this secret will no longer be a secret." The man in a black jacket narrowed his eyes slightly.

"No way, Kong Jue is our old comrade-in-arms." said the person on the other side of the phone.

"In the final analysis, he is still a mercenary. His only beliefs are money and life. He has no obligation to be loyal to us. So, if necessary, kill him! Leave him alive, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous." The voice of a man in a black jacket It's getting colder.

"Okay, I understand. I'll tell the brothers to do it immediately." The person on the other side was silent, but finally said this.

"Wait a minute, the kid who caught Kong Jue seems to be interesting. Get his information and see if we can get him to join us. With such a bodyguard, our future business will be easier." Wearing black clothes The man in the jacket chuckled sinisterly and said.

"Boss, have you noticed him too? This kid is a bit strange. He is wearing very ordinary clothes. There is mud on his collar. It is all wet soil. He must be a farmer. How can he be so powerful?"

"There is an expert among the people. Forget it. If you don't want that good-for-nothing Kong Jue, let me get this kid. Use our unique method to make him surrender, and then use it for us. Okay, go and do it quickly, don't show it." Come on, or you'll have to apologize..." the man in a black jacket said sternly.

"Yes, head." After the caller finished speaking, he hung up directly.

The man in the black jacket put his hands in his pockets, shrank his neck, and fell into deep thought again.

There were a total of five people in the police car, with two policemen in the front, Feng Zihan, Li Fan and Kong Jue sitting in the back seat.

The car drove directly to Jincheng District along the highway.

"I have reported everything to the superiors. They will send people here. Just ensure safety on the road." At this time, the atmosphere in the police car was a bit depressing, and Feng Zihan took the initiative to say something.

"Kong Jue, I heard that you are a mercenary, right?" Li Fan pondered for a while and suddenly asked.

Although Kong Jue was deeply afraid of Li Fan, he still sneered and did not answer.

"I understand even if you don't tell me. Mercenaries believe in money and life. You do, and so do your accomplices." Li Fan said with a slight smile.

"As long as you know, I only believe in myself, so don't try to get anything out of me." Kong Jue sneered again.

"You mean you can't even trust your accomplices?" Li Fan looked at Kong Jue with a half-smile.

Kong Jue looked directly into Li Fan's eyes, feeling inexplicably afraid, and his eyes began to dodge.

"Do you know what your friends are thinking now? What they may be thinking about now is not to save you, but how to get rid of you. After all, this is the country of China, a forbidden land for all mercenaries, and a place of death for those who come here. They are not allowed to do anything here. It's too dangerous for them, so after completing this mission, they only want to leave the country, but they have such a trouble like you, what do you think they will do?" Li Fan said lightly.

This sentence really spoke to Kong Jue's heart. If they were still at the Hongdan County Police Station, maybe his accomplices would really come to save him, but if they were transferred.

Your own accomplices will have to consider the level of risk and costs and benefits. It is really possible to kill yourself directly.

"Don't think that I don't know your purpose." Kong Jue said in an increasingly cold voice.

"I just want to point you to a clear path. Whether you take it or not depends on you. Although we are enemies, it is possible to cooperate. You should know the laws of China. If you confess, you will be lenient and if you resist, you will be strict. If you tell some useful information, you may not need to die, but if you insist on going all the way, then just wait for your accomplices to unite and kill you." Li Fan said with a faint smile. .

"Perhaps, they are already ambushing ahead, waiting to kill you. If you still have this attitude then, how can you ask others to help you? Right? Kong Jue, you are a smart person, sometimes you may not It's life and death, or it could be win-win cooperation!" Li Fan's every word seemed to hit Kong Jue's heart, making his face look ugly.

As Li Fan said, he knew too many secrets about his companions, and they would probably get rid of him, but if he told these secrets, he would not be able to escape death!

After all, there are big overseas forces behind his team!

That force was ruthless and unscrupulous, and would never let him go if he knew he had revealed the news.

Kong Jue couldn't help but shudder when he thought of the punishment those people used to deal with traitors.

He shuddered, came to his senses, and gritted his teeth: "I did this thing by myself. I am a mercenary. I am in the business of killing people. If someone pays me, of course I have to do it for others." Eliminating disasters is a matter of course, what else do you want me to say?"

Seeing Kong Jue's state, Feng Zihan's originally hopeful eyes suddenly turned gloomy, and she couldn't help but shake her head.

"You're scared." Li Fan could see Kong Jue's thoughts through his subtle movements.

"You fart, what do you have to be afraid of, grandpa?" Kong Jue looked at Li Fan angrily. If it weren't for him, he would have succeeded today, and he might be popping champagne to celebrate.

If it weren't for him, even though he was lying in the Hongdan County Police Station, he could still escape with the help of his companions.

Now it is very likely that there is only one dead end in front of him. How can Kong Jue not hate it?

"Okay, if you don't choose a way to survive, there's nothing left to say. Now you can explain your last words. Do you have any daughters, sisters-in-law or other people who need to be taken care of? I can help you." Li Fan said in a deep voice.

After hearing this, Kong Jue gritted his teeth with hatred, raised his bloodshot eyes, and glared at Li Fan angrily.

After a long time, Kong Jue suddenly laughed maniacally: "Speaking of which, you are also my enemy. Even if I die, you will never be too happy. Do you think the matter will be solved so easily? You have already set yourself on fire, haha are going to be finished too."

Li Fan listened, but just smiled faintly: "You think too much, do you think I am a fool? The people behind you are not enough for me."

"Boy, you are too crazy." Kong Jue said through gritted teeth.

"I can't help it, I just have crazy capital." Li Fan looked at Kong Juedao.

The police car crossed another highway and arrived at the police station in Jincheng District.

The area was already well prepared, and several police cars were parked at the door, waiting.

"Okay, if he doesn't say anything, we don't need to talk nonsense with him. We can change cars and go directly to the headquarters. This person is too dangerous, so the above plan is to take him directly to the headquarters overnight." Feng Zihan said solemnly.

"The General Administration is in Yanbei, right? I can't make it tonight. Do I still want to go?" Li Fanyi frowned. He didn't want to go. He still had some things to deal with.

"It's necessary. You are a witness. You can't even run away." Feng Zihan glanced at Li Fan and whispered in his ear: "In addition, this is also a kind of protection for you, because someone has already We’re targeting you. If you don’t want to die, just follow us honestly.”

Li Fan smiled and got out of the car.

Just after the five people got out of the car, a sudden sound of breaking wind echoed in the air, followed by the sound of glass being broken.

"No, sniper!" The smile on Li Fan's face quickly faded, but seeing Feng Zihan still standing blankly, he immediately threw her to the ground.

"Look for..." Before the last word came out of Li Fan's mouth, he suddenly froze, his eyes widening.

Because when he fell down, Feng Zihan just wanted to turn around and check Li Fan's safety. After all, Li Fan had nothing to do with this matter, because he was involved in it, and he also had some other feelings.

But when he turned around, he was knocked down by Li Fan. The two faced each other and looked at each other.

He just fell to the ground.

Li Fan's mouth kissed Feng Zihan's pink lips impartially.

The last word "death" was naturally swallowed.

A unique girly fragrance with milky aroma instantly reached my nose, and there was also a cool and soft feeling on my lips.

Just like that, Li Fan and Feng Zihan looked at each other with big eyes and small eyes.

But soon, Li Fan read the angry fireworks from Feng Zihan's big eyes. The fewer the flames, the more intense they were.

Feng Zihan tried hard with her little hands, trying to push Li Fan away. At this moment, she heard the shattering sound of bullets penetrating the car glass again.

She subconsciously pulled Li Fan back.

Their lips met again.

At the same time, Li Fan also felt that his hands seemed to have touched something strange.

When their eyes met, the fire in Feng Zihan's eyes was about to burst out, but he did not vent it immediately out of consideration for Li Fan's safety.

However, she still pushed Li Fan's face away with her little hands, turned her head to the other side.

Li Fan felt that this posture was a bit unsightly, and he immediately stepped back slowly, but was held back by Feng Zihan.

"Don't move, sniper." Feng Zihan gritted his teeth and said reluctantly.

There was no other way, Li Fan could only lie on her body again.

"What happened today is rotten in your heart and you can't tell it. I will never forgive you." Feng Zihan was thinking about her innocence.

The sound of bullets breaking through the wind could be heard densely in my ears.

"These souls are so arrogant!" Feng Zihan thought to herself.

"Ah!" At this moment, Kong Jue's scream was suddenly heard.

"No, Kong Jue was shot." Feng Zihan was shocked and quickly pushed Li Fan away, but it was already too late.

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