Best Son-in-law

Chapter 126 Analysis

She clearly saw that Kong Jue was shot twice, one in the right chest and one between the eyebrows.

Kong Jue never closed his eyes, with an evil smile hanging on the corner of his mouth.

At this time, the gunfire also stopped.

"Who is it? Xiao Chen, quickly, search out all those people." The chief of the Jincheng Police Department, a middle-aged man in his thirties or forties, quickly directed the police to arrest the criminals.

This was a crime committed under his nose, and he simply didn't treat him as a human being.

"How is it possible? Our actions are all carried out in secret. How do they know that we are going to settle here?" Feng Zihan stood up, with a look of anger and confusion on his face.

At this time, Li Fan also stood up and gently squeezed his shoulder with one hand. In fact, he had already expected this result in his heart.

"This can only mean that the other party has a lot of background. He has sent people to monitor the intersections from Hongdan County to Yanbei." Li Fan shook his head and glanced at Kong Jue, who was dying. He knew that this time he There is no need to go to Yanbei anymore.

"Who is he? Is he also a criminal?" At that moment, the policemen who were still at the Jincheng Police Station were immediately alert, and even pointed their guns at Li Fan.

"He is not a criminal, but a witness. Kong Jue's successful arrest is all due to him." Feng Zihan quickly explained.

"Did he catch Kong Jue alone?" Several policemen were a little disbelieving, with suspicious looks on their faces, and they looked Li Fan up and down.

"Is it difficult to catch him?" Li Fan raised the corners of his mouth slightly and said with a smile.

"Carry Kong Jue in, this responsibility is all mine." The director took a deep breath and said.

"No, the responsibility lies with me. I should have been more cautious, and this wouldn't have happened." Feng Zihan said quickly.

"Forget it, at least this time we have learned some details about the other party. It is not a single mercenary entering the country. It is a mercenary organization with experienced experience that has entered Yannan City. Moreover, the other party's intelligence is very good and they have already mastered it. According to the detailed information about Yan Nan, it seems that they want to stay here for a long time. This matter must be reported to the superiors so that our comrades can be more vigilant. A real battle is about to come." The director was full of experience and immediately judged the seriousness of the situation.

"Xiao Feng, and this witness, come in. I need specific information so I can make a detailed report." The director sighed and called Li Fan and Feng Zihan to the police station.

In the director's office, Feng Zihan and Li Fan sat together. The director took two cups of tea and placed them in front of them and sat across from them.

"Young man, your skills are very good. As far as I know, Kong Jue is an extremely dangerous criminal with very good skills." The director looked at Li Fan with a different look.

"Kong Jue is indeed dangerous, but only when he has weapons in his hands. He is average with bare hands." Li Fan said with a faint smile.

"Oh?" After hearing this, the director couldn't help but look at Li Fan twice and smiled: "You dare to despise criminals so much. You have the potential to be a police officer. Okay, I want to hear your opinion. I wonder how much information you have?"

"Actually, the information I have is not much different from the information you have." Li Fan said calmly: "First of all, they were prevented and premeditated, and they were engaged in the business of murder and kidnapping in order to earn commissions and cooperate with overseas The mercenary organization is exactly the same."

"However, if you dare to do this in our country of China, it is basically an act of seeking death, which is very unreasonable. But if you look at it from another perspective, it may be different."

"This group of overseas mercenary organizations came with a purpose!" Li Fan's eyes suddenly changed, his eyes were scorching, and his words went straight to the point.

"What purpose?" The director's eyes lit up after hearing this.

"Li Fan, we all have to talk about evidence. Don't make random guesses about things you don't know." Feng Zihan saw this and wanted to stop Li Fan.

"It's okay, let him talk. Tell him as much as you know and guess." The director smiled.

Li Fan ignored Feng Zihan, but smiled and said: "I don't know the specific purpose. I just use this to make an inference. These mercenary corps outside the country will only do activities related to their own interests. They will not come to China." It might just be to kidnap Ding Hongsheng’s daughter, this can only be a private job they took.”

"And as you said just now, Director, they have tried their best to understand the situation in Yannan and plan to stay here for a long time, which shows that this is a long-term mission."

At this time, Li Fan saw disappointment in the eyes of both Feng Zihan and the director, and smiled again: "When we fought just now, I found that not only did Kong Jue have some fighting skills, but he also had the traditional martial arts Nanquan." I have learned about this type of Nanquan. It is a long fist from the Haixi Autonomous Region. It emphasizes speed, stability, and accuracy. It is also extremely difficult to practice, and practitioners are easily injured."

"I discovered that this Kong was definitely not born lame, so I concluded that before he came to Yannan, he was probably moving around the Haixi Autonomous Region and practicing this long boxing by the way."

Li Fan made a guess based on his memory.

"Are you sure?" the director asked quickly after hearing this.

"Kong Jue was also a Chinese before, so he didn't train before, right?" Feng Zihan asked doubtfully.

"No, didn't you hear Kong Jue's accent just now? He doesn't have the accent from Nanling or Haixi. He has the accent from Mobei, Xinjiangbei. He speaks with a strong voice and uses his lower abdomen to push his breath. He can speak from that side. They are all pure grasslands."

"Nanling and Haixi are rich in mountains and water, and the folk songs they sing are very different from the men on the high slopes in the wilderness. So, even though Kong Jue went abroad before, he still can't change his hometown accent. Do you understand? ?" Li Fan looked at Feng Zihan and smiled.

"Isn't this what you guessed?" Feng Zihan looked surprised. At this time, she also began to recall Kong Jue's accent, and then thought of a friend in Mobei, and realized that it was exactly what Li Fan said.

Kong Jue's voice really had the accent from Mobei and Xianbei, and it went deep into his bones.

"Kong Jue must be from Mobei or Xianbei!" At this time, Feng Zihan's eyes also lit up.

"In other words, this criminal gang was operating in the Haixi area before and later moved to Yannan?" The director concluded based on the information provided by Li Fan.

"Yes, that's right. I have a more accurate analysis. There is a drought scar next to Kong Jue's neck. Judging from the shape of the scar, it is obviously a new scar that only appeared three or four months ago. Isn't there a drought epidemic in the Haixi area recently? Really? So you understand even if I don’t tell you the rest, right?" Li Fan smiled again.

"I will immediately organize the police to investigate the people who entered Yannan from Haixi in the past three or four months!" After hearing this, the director slammed the table and said.

Feng Zihan next to him also had a strange look on his face after hearing this, and looked at Li Fan in surprise.

"They probably won't come directly to Yannan. This group of criminals is more difficult to deal with than expected. Some of them may have come to Yannan before, and the other part came from Haixi to the areas around Yannan and then transferred to Yannan. , so I am not sure that this group of people came to Yannan three or four months ago, but I am sure that a group of people moved from Haixi to Yannan three or four months ago, and this Kong Jue was among them. "Li Fan analyzed.

"Thank you so much. The information you provided is so useful." The director also calmed down at this time: "In this case, we will need the assistance of the Haixi police and ask them to provide the latest case files."

"If I'm guessing, I think some kind of criminal business that is common in Haixi is a breakthrough. After all, this is the habit of the other party. Maybe before coming here, he just wanted to do a bodyguard business or assassination business in Haixi, make money and leave. .After all, the Haixi area is close to the outside world, so it is easy for them to escape."

"But there may be some greater interests that prompted them to come to Yannan and be willing to take such a big risk to carry out this activity. And the enemies who want to deal with Ding Hongsheng may have something to do with this chain of interests. They are now Strength is needed because they feel the risk.”

"Ambushing Kong Jue at the door of the police station shows that this group of people is very cautious and will never reveal any inside information. There may be a lot of things involved." Li Fan gently tapped his fingers on the table After knocking, he expressed his speculation.

"It's amazing, it's amazing. You can analyze the enemy's motives so clearly. What did you do before?" The director looked at Li Fan in disbelief.

"I'm just a farmer in the countryside. Officer Feng knows that." Li Fan smiled lightly.

The director was stunned after hearing this: "Huh? What a pity. Your analytical skills are very strong, even better than professional criminal investigators, and you also know some knowledge about forensic medicine?"

"I'm a village doctor, director." Li Fan still had a smile on his face.

"You are very skilled, have strong analytical and insightful abilities, and are also good at medical skills. If you become a police officer, wouldn't you become a nightmare for criminals?" The director had other thoughts.

"My family also has some property, but I will fully cooperate with your actions." Li Fan saw the director's thoughts and said with a knowing smile.

"Okay, if the case is discovered, you will share the credit, and I will give you a bonus when the time comes." The director laughed after hearing this.

Feng Zihan curled his lips next to him: "Why is this guy so powerful? He couldn't have been a detective or a special soldier before, right?"

"Thank you very much." Li Fan said politely.

At this time, the police officers who had been searching before came back, their faces full of frustration, and they lowered their heads and said.

"Sorry, no criminals were found."

"It doesn't matter. After all, the enemy has been planning for a long time. Our opponents are very powerful, so we must be more vigilant and we must uproot them." The director's voice suddenly became louder: "Mr. Li, I may need your help in the future. Please ”

"No, no, it's my pleasure." Li Fan smiled politely.

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