Best Son-in-law

Chapter 127 Communication

After a few polite words with the director, Li Fan was sent out by Feng Zihan.

"You should be more careful these days. These criminals are not easy to use. They are very capable of collecting information. It is very likely that you have been targeted by them." Feng Zihan reminded.

Li Fan smiled lightly after hearing this and said: "It's okay. After all, this is the land of China. They will never dare to mess around."

"Be more careful. If there is any danger, come to me at the Hongdan County Police Station." Feng Zihan said softly: "I will take you back to Hongdan County. Didn't you drive here? Drive back to the village by yourself. "

Feng Zihan knew where Li Fan lived.

"Well, thank you." Li Fan followed Feng Zihan into the police car, got on the highway and drove back to Hongdan County.

"It's a pity that I can't get the merit this time." Li Fan said casually, sitting in the passenger seat.

"It's nothing to regret. I didn't become a policeman just to get merit. By the way, have you ever been a soldier before?" Feng Zihan was very curious about Li Fan.

"No, I have been working in Hongdan County before, and recently I returned to my hometown and started farming." Li Fan said sincerely.

"Then how come your skills are so good? Have you practiced before?" Feng Zihan asked while driving.

"That's right." Li Fan smiled after hearing this and said, "I read some moves from some thick yellow-page books at home that had no covers, so I learned some moves by the way. When I was a kid, I often ran with my grandfather to the mountains behind. I went back and forth all the time. Isn’t it possible to practice it?”

Feng Zihan nodded after hearing this, and the explanation made sense.

At this moment, Li Fan's cell phone ringtone suddenly rang.

"Hey, Junior Brother Weng, what happened?" When Li Fan saw that it was Weng Qishu's call, he thought something had gone wrong with Wu Qianqian's affairs.

After hearing this, Feng Zihan looked surprised.

This guy is just a farmer, and he actually has a junior brother? Does farming now require apprenticeship?

"It's about the lecture I mentioned to you last time. Senior brother, do you have time recently? The dean of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine of the Medical University has repeatedly invited me, and I can no longer refuse. Senior brother, please come to the school with me to give a lecture. ." Weng Qishu said with a smile.

"Oh, this matter, I really have nothing to do recently, but I don't have anything to talk about." Li Fan looked embarrassed. He had never lectured to anyone before, let alone this time he was speaking to a group of medical students. Big college students giving lectures.

"Just tell me about your experience in practicing medicine and treating diseases, as well as the diagnosis and treatment methods of some difficult and complicated diseases. I told Dean Tan of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine of the Medical University about you, and he was very excited when he heard about it. He said that this is a good opportunity for the students of Yannan Medical University to study and progress, and he is willing to visit you in person, so don't refuse, so many professors of traditional Chinese medicine at Yannan Medical University are waiting eagerly for it." Weng Qi Shu said cheerfully on the other side.

Seeing that he couldn't refuse, Li Fan had no choice but to nod and agreed: "Okay, then I'll give it a try."

"Great, I'll call Dean Tan soon and tell them that you have agreed, senior brother, and ask them to prepare a place for you right away." Weng Qishu's eyes lit up after hearing this. He was still afraid that Li Fan wouldn't want to.

"When will the lectures be held? Do you want to stay at the Medical University?" Li Fan curled his lips.

"Yes, this is a good opportunity for learning and exchange. It's rare that you have time, senior brother, so I will definitely want to ask you to talk for a few more days. I heard from Dean Ma that you are also very knowledgeable in Western medicine. Such students Our learning will be more comprehensive.”

"Dean Tan thought it would be best if I could ask you, senior brother, to give lectures in two days. Of course, this also depends on your time, senior brother." Weng Qishu said with a smile.

"It's all fine these days, then I'll go talk about it." Li Fan thought for a while and realized that he really didn't have anything to do recently, so he agreed.

"How about the day after tomorrow?" Weng Qishu asked tentatively.

"Okay." Li Fan nodded.

"Senior brother, where are you now?" Weng Qishu asked.

"I'm in Hongdan County. Let's see. If I give a lecture the day after tomorrow, I'll go to Yannan Medical University tomorrow to meet with Dean Tan and get to know the students' learning situation and make preparations." Li Fan said with a smile.

"Okay, okay, okay." Weng Qishu nodded repeatedly and was overjoyed: "I'll tell Dean Tan right away and ask him to arrange a place for you."

After hanging up the phone, Li Fan still had a smile on his face, but Feng Zihan's eyes grew bigger and bigger next to him, with a look of disbelief on his face.

Naturally, she heard something from the side.

"Why, you still want to give lectures?" Feng Zihan asked uncertainly.

"Hi, I was asked to talk about some traditional Chinese medicine skills passed down from our ancestors." Li Fan said modestly.

"Oh, that's awesome. By the way, the last time I was in your village, the Huangshan Mountain was dead. Wasn't it you who saved it?" Feng Zihan remembered what happened last time, and the way she looked at Li Fan was different.

"They are all local methods from the countryside. Although there is no scientific research to prove it, they are indeed very effective. They are treasures left by our ancestors." Li Fan said casually.

"Well, some things cannot be proven scientifically. For some diseases that cannot be cured by Western medicine, or are difficult to treat, those indigenous methods often work." Feng Zihan nodded.

"There are many ways to do this." Li Fan smiled knowingly. At this time, the police car had already arrived at the door of the Hongdan County Police Station.

"Okay, get out of the car. Do you still want me to treat you to dinner?" Feng Zihan turned off the engine, yawned, and said angrily.

"That's okay. I've eaten. Do you want to go back to the police station?" Li Fan asked.

"Well, I still need to sort out and report today's events. By the way, I'll give you my mobile phone number. If anything happens, just call me." Feng Zihan glanced at Li Fan and said.

After Li Fan wrote down Feng Zihan's mobile phone number, Feng Zihan said again: "Give me your mobile phone number. I may need your help with Kong Jue's matter."

"Okay." Li Fan dialed Feng Zihan's mobile phone number, and then left directly, heading towards where he parked his car.

That night, Li Fan stayed in a small hotel in Hongdan County.

Early the next morning, Li Fan drove his minivan to Yannan Medical University.

Yannan Medical University is located in Da'an District, Yannan City. It covers a large area and is well-known in Yannan. It is a key undergraduate institution.

The scenery inside the school is also very beautiful, with various rockeries and artificial lakes.

After parking the car, Li Fan walked on the main road of the school, his eyes filled with confusion.

The school was too big, and he was not very sensitive to roads by nature. He couldn't figure out the direction for a while, so he could only stop a few students who were passing by to ask for directions.

Because Li Fan was still wearing the same clothes he wore in the village before, and he was wearing cloth shoes made by his neighbor Aunt Zhang, so this outfit was particularly eye-catching.

"Is this this year's new trend?" A very well-dressed girl asked after pointing the way and looking at Li Fan with a smile.

"Hehe." Li Fan scratched his head after hearing this and smiled: "I wore it from home and didn't have time to change it."

At this moment, Huang Rui and her roommate walked over.

They had just finished eating and were about to go to class.

"Li Fan? Why are you here?" After seeing Li Fan, Huang Rui asked with a frown.

She had a misunderstanding about Li Fan himself.

Thinking of Li Fan's appearance when he rejected her, Huang Rui's brows furrowed even more tightly and her silver teeth bit her lower lip.

After Li Fan asked for directions, he also saw Huang Rui and smiled: "I'm here to learn communication."

"What?" Before Huang Rui could say anything, the short-haired roommate next to her was already laughing: "You said you came here to learn communication?"

The short-haired roommate looked surprised.

"Yes, this is indeed the highest medical school in Yannan. The learning atmosphere here is really rich." Li Fan admired sincerely when he saw many students reading while walking next to him.

"Come on, don't look at your virtues and learn to communicate. Why are you bragging? You don't want to sell vegetables in our school, do you?" Huang Rui rolled her eyes at Li Fan and said directly.

Ever since Huang Rui entered the Medical University and met many children from rich families, her heart has become more optimistic. She is quite disdainful of Li Fan dressed in this outfit. In addition, there was a misunderstanding between the two families, so Huang Rui was even less angry when she spoke.

"Huang Rui, don't tell me that he is from the same village as you?" the short-haired girl next to her asked, suppressing a smile.

"He's from the same village, but there's something wrong with him." Huang Rui curled her lips and whispered a few words into the short-haired girl's ear.

After hearing this, the short-haired girl glanced at Li Fan with disgust: "If you want to come to the cafeteria to sell vegetables, just say so. Why are you pretending? It's disgusting. The cafeteria is over there. Go and ask."

The short-haired girl pointed to a road on the left and said, her eyes filled with disdain.

"I'm sorry, I'm really here to learn how to communicate. I'm also a doctor." Li Fan did not get angry with these two people, but said with a faint smile.

"His grandfather used to be the village doctor in our village. He may have learned some medical skills of acupuncture when he was young, but he dropped out of junior high school and went to work in the city. He met a female restaurant owner outside and became a great person when he came back. Huang Rui rolled her eyes and said.

"So that's it, I'm working as the boss's sweetheart." The short-haired girl suddenly realized.

"Do you want to go to class with us?" A girl with a ponytail standing on the other side of Huang Rui asked with a smile.

"Do you understand if he goes there?" the short-haired girl said disdainfully.

"Since you and Huang Rui are from the same village, let's go together. Anyway, the teacher will only check who is missing." The girl's voice was very clear, her eyes were full of purity, without any impurities, and she smiled kindly. laugh.

"Jiayan." After hearing this, Huang Rui called the girl with a ponytail unhappily.

"Jiayan, you don't know him well. Even though he looks very simple on the outside, in fact, he doesn't even know what kind of mess he is thinking." The girl with short hair said disdainfully.

"Look, what you are talking about, aren't they all from the same village? We've already come, why not come together." Pei Jiayan waved to Li Fan kindly.

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