Best Son-in-law

Chapter 128 Be careful when speaking

"Jiayan, you are so innocent." Huang Rui said unhappily.

But after all, Li Fan and she also came from the same village, so she couldn't say anything more at this time.

"You can come and listen to the class if you want, but don't talk nonsense, or you'll make people laugh." Huang Rui curled her lips and rolled her eyes.

After finishing speaking, the three of them walked in front side by side.

Li Fan looked around at his surroundings and followed closely.

"Huang Rui, your fellow countryman is quite interesting." Pei Jiayan said with a smile.

"Tch, that's interesting. We're just here to make people laugh. Look at the way others look at us."

There were many students coming and going on this road, either going to class or going back to the dormitory. When they saw Li Fan following behind Huang Rui and the others, they all couldn't help laughing, covering their mouths with books and laughing secretly.

But Li Fan completely ignored these weird looks and still walked with his head held high.

Soon, several people entered the multimedia classroom where the class was held.

At this time, many students had already arrived. Some were reading books and preparing for class in their seats, while others picked up their mobile phones and sent messages out of boredom, smiling knowingly from time to time.

Because of Li Fan, the three girls were not sitting near the front.

"Who is he?" Several girls next to Huang Rui asked in confusion.

"Huang Rui is from the village and she has to come with her to attend the class." The short-haired girl explained disdainfully.

"Are you here to experience our university life?" These girls were all smiling and couldn't help but look at Li Fan more.

"It's really not embarrassing." Huang Rui frowned.

At this time, a boy behind the short-haired girl called her: "Chang Minjun, Shi Ming is not coming to class this time. Can I just ask him to follow me?"

Hearing this, the short-haired girl glanced at the boy at the back table: "Why isn't Shiming here again? What are you doing in the dormitory?"

"Hey, it's not about the dance tonight. That's what the school leaders are keeping an eye on. Now Shiming's club is rehearsing the dance urgently. Both sides want him, and it's really hard to get away. Professor Luo's class, you Do you think he doesn’t want to come?” The boy at the back table said with a sigh.

After hearing this, Chang Minjun's expression softened slightly, and at the same time, her chin raised slightly.

"Hey, there are so many things going on recently. Don't make our Shiming exhausted. Has he had lunch?" Chang Minjun asked with concern.

"I didn't eat. The whole club didn't eat. They said there was something wrong with the dancer. They are urgently negotiating where to rehearse." The boy at the back table said helplessly.

"How can I not eat? My body is broken. After class, I will go to the cafeteria to buy him a bento." Chang Minjun's expression suddenly changed.

"Have a rest. Shi Ming is in a panic right now. Shi Ming is the lead dancer and he doesn't have time. Just don't cause trouble now." The boy at the back table stopped him quickly.

After hearing this, Chang Minjun couldn't help but reveal a proud smile on his face, and nodded in agreement: "That's right, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. It's all because our family Shiming is too good."

"Hey, Huang Rui, ask your fellow countryman to help Shi Ming answer the question." The smile on Chang Minjun's face suddenly faded, and he glanced at Li Fan contemptuously.

She looked down on Li Fan more and more.

After hearing this, Huang Rui reluctantly nudged Li Fan with her elbow and said coldly: "When the professor calls out for answers later, please help a classmate named Qiang Shiming answer."

"Ah? Why did I answer it for him?" Li Fan was looking at the content of the previous class recorded on the blackboard in trance. When he heard this, he turned around and asked subconsciously.

"Aren't you the only one who is superfluous in the class? Who will answer if you don't answer?" Chang Minjun said unhappily from the side.

"You are so overbearing. You are asking others to help you. How can you be so sincere? Do you still have a bit of a ladylike image?" the boy at the back table joked.

"I just have this image, what's wrong? Tsk, you don't know this person's background. At best, he is Huang Rui's fellow villager. At worst, he is a farmer and seller in the countryside. He may be thinking about going to our school cafeteria. Bring the food. I'm sorry that we bumped into him. He said he was here to learn how to communicate." Chang Minjun became very rude in his words.

"He didn't even graduate from junior high school, so he dropped out of school and went to work outside. I hate pretentious people the most. If you give him face, get out without answering, and follow him in the classroom to embarrass himself."

Chang Minjun's voice was not loud, but it was not quiet either. All the students around him heard it and turned their heads to look at Li Fan.

"Minjun, what are you doing? He is Huang Rui's fellow villager. Sit down quickly. Don't say nice things when asking for help." Pei Jiayan next to her hurriedly tried to smooth things over.

"I just can't stand this kind of man. He has no ability at all. He is being asked to do simple things and still pretends to be unreasonable. It's really disgusting." Chang Minjun said with a haughty look, not taking Li Fan seriously at all.

"Okay, are there people like you? No matter what, I'm asking for help." The boy at the back table also smiled after hearing this and quickly tried to dissuade him.

"Hey, buddy, Chang Minjun is such a person. She talks awkwardly and is straightforward. Don't take it personally. If you offend me, I will make amends to you." The boy at the back table said with a smile on his face. Said smoothly.

"You are so rude." Chang Minjun looked dissatisfied and rebuked the boy at the back table.

"Okay, okay, I'm speechless, okay, Chang Minjun, don't you know Professor Luo's temper? That's very strange. If no one calls Shi Ming, he might just call our class teacher. , Shi Ming is very busy right now."

The boy at the back table persuaded him, and Chang Minjun snorted coldly and stopped talking.

"It was Minjun who was wrong just now. Please help me answer the question. Otherwise, if Professor Luo asks about the crime, the whole class will suffer. You will not be able to listen to this lesson." The boy at the back table turned his attention to He touched Li Fan and said politely.

At this time, Pei Jiayan also gave a few words of advice.

Li Fan didn't take Chang Minjun's words to heart, so he naturally smiled and nodded.

"Look, if it weren't for our broad-minded brother, there would be times when you would regret it." The boy at the back table winked at Chang Minjun.

"Tch, rare." Chang Minjun still looked contemptuous, but she curled her lips and said nothing more.

At this moment, a bald middle-aged man wearing a white coat and black eyeglasses walked into the classroom. As soon as this middle-aged man arrived, the whole classroom became much quieter, and no one spoke.

The student at the front desk spread out his book and took out his notebook and pen. The student at the back desk also put away his mobile phone, yawned, and took out his book, with a tired look on his face.

"Ahem." The middle-aged man came to the podium and did not lecture directly. Instead, he coughed twice, glanced at the students below, and said nothing.

Then, he coughed several times and walked out of the classroom.

At this time, the depressed expressions on the students' faces gradually relaxed.

"Professor Luo has the biggest temper among the teachers, and he has a weird temper. He is very strict. In his class, he does not allow any students to be late for no reason or leave early. He also does not allow any students to whisper or play with mobile phones in class. As long as he is If caught, he will definitely fail the subject he teaches." Pei Jiayan explained softly next to Li Fan.

"Oh." Li Fan nodded, and then he realized why he had to ask for help and answered: "What subjects does Professor Luo teach?"

"He teaches the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, which is very difficult. Some medicinal properties are completely irregular, which is too difficult. I have to memorize them all by myself. Taking his class is like going back to the time when I was preparing for the exam in the third year of high school." Pei Jiayan explained with a grimace. .

"Jiayan, have you forgotten what Professor Luo asked? If you are caught whispering in class, you will definitely fail at the end of the semester, and you will have to make up the exam." Huang Rui reminded her from the side. I don't want my best friend to have too much interaction with Li Fan.

Putting aside the misunderstanding between her and Li Fan, there was no barrier between them at all, and Huang Rui did not agree with Pei Jiayan paying more attention to Li Fan.

After all, they are two people from completely different worlds. Pei Jiayan comes from a well-off family and can be described as a rich lady. In addition, she is a student of Yannan, a nationally famous medical university, so her status is very different.

And Li Fan is just a farmer in the countryside. He just met a restaurant owner in the county and can sell some vegetables. At best, he is a rural upstart. What's more, he has not graduated from junior high school, and he is basically the same as Pei Jiayan. Two completely different people will never meet again in their lifetime.

Pei Jiayan would gain absolutely nothing by talking to Li Fan.

"Oh." Pei Jiayan stuck out her pink tongue and stopped talking.

At this time, Professor Luo happened to come in, picked up the thermos cup on the podium and took a sip of water.

"Okay, class is over. I will call the roll next. The students who heard it will raise their hands to answer. Don't answer for others. I can see it." Professor Luo said with a serious face.

"Bai Yule."


Professor Luo had already begun to take roll call, and Li Fan leisurely took Pei Jiayan's book and read it carefully.

"Qiang Shiming." Professor Luo soon called on Qiang Shiming's name.

Li Fan read the book seriously and did not answer.

"Qiang Shiming!" Professor Luo's voice became louder.

"Hey, I called you." Huang Rui reminded softly.

"Oh, here you go!" Li Fan replied and raised his hand.

"Don't ask me to call you a second time next time." Professor Luo glanced in Li Fan's direction and said with a frown.

"Are you a fool? You are really stupid. How can there be a person like you? It's disgusting." At this time, Chang Minjun, who was next to him, was already scolding in a low voice.

The more she looked at Li Fan, the more disgusted she became, extremely disgusted.

"Minjun." Huang Rui couldn't help but persuade.

"Professor Luo must have noticed this. He is really desperate." Chang Minjun curled his lips angrily and said.

"Okay, okay." Pei Jiayan was also trying to smooth things over.

"Huh." At this time, Li Fan had narrowed his eyes slightly, turned his head back, and looked at Chang Minjun coldly: "Be careful what you say."

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