Best Son-in-law

Chapter 140 How can you allow me to interrupt?

Seeing the surprise on Li Fan's face, Huang Rui added: "I don't care what you have experienced outside, how you met Jiang Tingting, or the female boss of the county restaurant. I don't care, but there is one thing, you stay away from Pei Jiayan !”

"Ah?" Faced with Huang Rui's question, Li Fan didn't come back to his senses for a while, and he subconsciously said "Ah".

"In any case, you and Jiayan are from two different worlds. In terms of background, her family is prominent, while you are from a rural area. In terms of knowledge, Jiayan is a top student at the Medical University, and you have not graduated from junior high school. In terms of career, She will become a doctor in the future, and you are just an ordinary farmer. Therefore, as a fellow villager, I would like to sincerely advise you to stay away from Jiayan, do you understand? Don’t harm others or yourself, and deal with the county restaurant owner Use that trick on Jiayan."

Huang Rui's face did not hide her disgust and contempt for Li Fan.

"Jiayan has a very simple temperament and is easily deceived by people with ulterior motives. I don't want her to be deceived. Even if your intentions are not bad, the reality is that, to put it bluntly, you are not worthy of Jiayan at all."

"As the saying goes, when people go up, water flows down. As a man, if you don't think about how to work hard, but spend all your time on a woman who has nothing to do with you, are you just Don't you feel ashamed? Are you proud of eating soft food? I really think highly of you."

Huang Rui spoke out all her thoughts, completely ignoring Li Fan whose face was gradually darkening next to her.

"So as a fellow countryman, I advise and warn you that people need to be self-aware. Don't even think about things that don't belong to you and people who don't belong to you. That's it."

After Huang Rui finished speaking, she looked straight at Li Fan, without the slightest courtesy in her eyes.

At this moment, Li Fan's aura suddenly rose, and his eyes suddenly became extremely sharp, like a ruthless and indifferent god in heaven.

"Huang Rui, you are too conceited. Do you think a mere medical university is great?"

As if she couldn't stand Li Fan's aggressive and oppressive momentum, Huang Rui gritted her teeth and said, "It's amazing to have a medical degree!"

Hearing this, Li Fan's aura suddenly stopped, he shook his head with his hands behind his back, smiled, turned around and left.

"I said I hurt you, right? After all, you are just a farmer in the countryside who has not graduated from junior high school." Huang Rui shouted stubbornly behind Li Fan, thinking that she had already hit Li Fan's self-esteem.

But Li Fan just sighed, his eyes seemed to cover the whole world, blooming with light. Suddenly looking back, the whole air felt a little colder.

The strong wind howled by, and Li Fan's voice penetrated everything and went straight into Huang Rui's ears.

"In the final analysis, you are just a frog at the bottom of a well. How do you know how big the world is? How can you, a warm insect in summer, know the pride of winter snow? In my opinion, the Medical University is just a small boat on the lake, nothing more. "

"Push it with your hands, crush it with your hands!"

"In my opinion, all your pride is like observing bones and observing inscriptions. It has become old and decrepit!"

"This will be my time from now on!"

"Who do you think you are? You are so noisy. How can I, Li Fan, allow you to interrupt me in my life?"

As soon as he said these words, a strong wind blew up, and Li Fan's cloth fluttered in the wind, making a hunting sound.

The outline of his back gradually disappeared into the horizon.

Huang Rui was left alone, her eyes dull and confused, trembling in the wind.

It seems that it is not the wind that is cold at this time, but the words of people.

"You're just a farmer. I kindly advise you, but you don't know what's good for you!" Huang Rui wanted to avoid the trembling in her heart, Yin Ya bit her red lips and said.

At this time, the wind gradually subsided, Huang Rui raised her head stubbornly, vowing from the bottom of her heart to study hard in the medical university and make a name for herself, so that Li Fan could deeply understand the gap between the two.

"Li Fan, I will let you understand how ridiculous and ignorant your words today are!" Thinking of this, Huang Rui suddenly became excited. She must work hard to improve her family's life and let her family live a better life. A life that Li Fan could not even imagine.

At this time, Li Fan took the address given by Weng Qishu and found the apartment where Dean Tan lived.

Knocking gently on the door, the person who opened the door was a middle-aged woman dressed as a nanny. She glanced at Li Fan warily and asked, "Who are you looking for?"

"I'm looking for Dean Tan." Li Fan spoke softly, with a warm smile on his face.

But the middle-aged woman still looked wary and did not dare to let Li Fan in.

But Dean Tan's hearty laughter came from inside the room.

"Hahaha... Senior brother is here. I have been waiting at home for a long time. I have always admired your reputation, senior brother, but I have never seen you. It's really embarrassing..."

Dean Tan walked out with a smile. He swallowed the word "shame" before he could say it.

"Are you a student?" Dean Tan's expression suddenly changed, and he put on the reading glasses on his chest to see more clearly.

"My name is Li Fan. I was introduced by Junior Brother Weng. Hello, Dean Tan." Li Fan extended his hand politely.

After hearing this, Dean Tan's eyes suddenly widened, his lips trembled, and he pointed at Li Fan, who was trembling and stammering: "You, what did you say your name was just now? Why do you call me Mr. Weng?"

Dean Tan thought he heard wrongly.

"My name is Li Fan, and Weng Qishu is my junior brother!" Li Fan still had a warm smile on his face. Looking at Dean Tan's stunned expression, he was not angry at all and said what he just said again.

Dean Tan saw Li Fan's appearance clearly through his reading glasses and shook his head repeatedly: "No, no, you are not Mr. Li. Go away quickly, or I will call the police."

After hearing this, the nanny next to him quickly took out his cell phone to call the police.

But Li Fan still had no intention of leaving. Instead, he calmly took out his mobile phone and dialed Weng Qishu's phone number.

"Senior brother? What's wrong? Have you arrived at the Medical University?" Weng Qishu has always been thinking about Li Fan in his heart.

"I arrived at Dean Tan's residence, but Dean Tan didn't seem to believe it was me." Li Fan looked at Dean Tan with a wary face and said with a smile, "How about you tell Dean Tan?"

"Okay." Weng Qishu had already thought of such a situation and had prepared his words.

"Dean Tan, my junior brother Weng wants to call you." Li Fan handed his cell phone to Dean Tan.

"Mr. Weng?" Dean Tan took the phone with trembling hands, put it to his ear, and listened carefully.

"Xiao Tan, this is my senior brother, Li Fan! Let's quickly arrange a place for him. It's getting late." Weng Qishu said with a smile on the phone.

"Mr. Weng, please stop joking. This is your student. How could he be your senior at such a young age? Stop teasing me." Dean Tan recognized Weng Qishu's voice.

"Hahaha...I won't lie to you. Who made my senior brother so old? There is no distinction between knowledge and ability. There is no problem in it." Weng Qishu laughed and said.

"His knowledge is superior to yours?" After hearing Weng Qishu's words, Dean Tan's eyes widened in surprise, his face full of disbelief.

He glanced at Li Fan again and shook his head, still thinking that Weng Qishu was making fun of him.

"Mr. Weng, I sincerely invite you, and I have arranged the largest multimedia classroom for this lecture. Many students with excellent grades will come to attend the lecture. Please don't make such a joke." Dean Tan requested.

"Dean Tan, you don't believe me anymore?" Weng Qishu said seriously, the smile on his face reduced.

"No, it's...sigh." Dean Tan looked frustrated. He didn't know how to explain it.

"My senior brother has successfully cured General Guan. If you don't believe me, you can ask General Guan how his medical skills are!" Weng Qishu pretended to be angry and said, "I won't embarrass you anymore. If you don't accept my senior brother, forget it. I won't either." went."

"Really your senior brother?" Dean Tan had no choice but to ask again.

"Yeah." Weng Qishu answered decisively.

"Okay, I understand. Let's arrange a place for Mr. Li immediately." Dean Tan was helpless. After all, Weng Qishu himself had invited many times, and it was not easy to get him here. The students had been looking forward to it for a long time. This lecture can be You can’t just cancel it just because you said it was cancelled.

Since Weng Qishu had already said that, of course he couldn't say anything more, so he could only hang up the phone and invite Li Fan in.

"Mr. Li, just rest at my house today." Dean Tan's expression was not good-looking.

"Well, okay." Li Fan nodded and said, walking directly into Dean Tan's home.

Although Dean Tan was very suspicious of Li Fan, he did not lack the etiquette to entertain guests. He immediately arranged for a nanny to make Li Fan a cup of good tea that he was usually reluctant to drink, and then asked Li Fan if he had eaten. , do you want to get some food at home?

Li Fan smiled and said, "I just finished visiting your school's dance party and haven't eaten yet."

"Okay." Dean Tan heard this and immediately asked the nanny to get some food for Li Fan.

At this moment, Dean Tan's home phone rang.

"Hey, Professor Chen, Mr. Weng's senior brother is here. He's already here, yes, that's right, but this senior brother...well, you want to come to visit, okay."

Suddenly, many calls came in, and Dean Tan was overwhelmed. He couldn't say anything more in front of Li Fan, so he had to say a few hesitant words.

As a result, these professors had long been eager to see Li Fan's true face in Lushan, and immediately expressed their intention to come and pay homage to the genius doctor.

Dean Tan naturally couldn't refuse, so he could only agree to let them all come.

"Mr. Li, the professors all want to come over and communicate with you first. Look at this..." Dean Tan looked at Li Fan with pleading eyes.

"Then come over, I happen to be studying at your institute." Li Fan held the teacup, his expression unchanged.

This was greatly beyond Dean Tan's expectation.

Soon, professors came to Dean Tan’s home one after another.

After the polite greetings, the professors noticed Li Fan, and their expressions changed involuntarily...

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