Best Son-in-law

Chapter 141 Meeting

"Dean Tan, is this your student?" A bald professor wearing black eyeglasses pointed at Li Fan and asked strangely.

"No, this is Mr. Weng's senior brother, Li Fan, Mr. Li." Dean Tan smiled awkwardly, pointed at Li Fan and introduced.

"What?" Most of these professors are arrogant and arrogant. They don't care about their face and blurt out their surprised words immediately.

They looked at Li Fan and immediately showed doubts.

"Dean Tan, are you kidding us? Please come out, Mr. Li." The bald professor looked into the room inside, trying to search for the real "Mr. Li."

But after searching for a long time, he didn't see anything. He couldn't help but become suspicious and reexamined Dean Tan and Li Fan.

"Who is Mr. Li?" In the minds of these professors, Li Fan, as Weng Qishu's senior brother, must be older and should be almost an old man.

No matter how bad he is, he is still a middle-aged man over fifty years old. How could he be the young man in front of him?

All the professors refused to believe it, but at this time Dean Tan spread his hands and said somewhat helplessly: "This is Li Fan, Mr. Li, Mr. Weng's senior brother. I am not joking with you."

Dean Tan said seriously.

"How could it be? This kid is still young and could be Mr. Weng's senior brother? Dean Tan, stop joking with me, you know my temper." Several professors said displeasedly.

At this time, Li Fan smiled lightly and said: "The ancients said: The master is the teacher. The sage often said: I am not ashamed to ask, your knowledge is not as good as mine, why don't you get rid of the habit of judging people by their appearance?"

These professors were not happy to begin with. When they heard Li Fan's words, they immediately felt like they were being teased. They all snorted coldly, became angry, their faces turned red, and they were very angry.

"Who do you think you are? Do you have the right to say anything?" A professor with a bad temper immediately scolded him.

After hearing this, Li Fan was not angry. Instead, he smiled softly and asked: "I am not qualified to speak, so who do you think is qualified to speak?"

"You." Several professors were choked by Li Fan's rhetorical question. They were all very angry, but they couldn't refute anything.

Dean Tan stood by and watched the tense situation between the two sides, and quickly tried to smooth things over.

"Everyone sit down, everyone, sit down, go make tea quickly. Let's calm down the fire, calm down the fire." After Dean Tan finished speaking, he winked at the nanny next to him.

The nanny understood and hurriedly went to the kitchen to work.

Dean Tan took the opportunity to get into the ears of these professors and said these few words.

"He is really Mr. Weng's senior brother. Mr. Weng told me personally on the phone."

"How is that possible? Are you sure Mr. Weng is not joking for you?" Several professors questioned at that moment.

"Is Mr. Weng the kind of person who can make such a joke? I thought it was a joke by Mr. Weng at first, but Mr. Weng immediately became angry. It is definitely not fake. This person is Mr. Weng's senior brother," said Dean Tan. .

"How could it be? He is so young." After hearing such affirmative words, several professors were immediately speechless, but they still asked one more question unwillingly.

"I heard that some people with advanced medical skills can rejuvenate their youth. Could it be that this is Mr. Li? Are we neglecting him? You can see that he speaks and does things with a calm look. He is not at all like his apparent age, nor does he speak well. Mature and steady, he might really be an expert." The bald professor immediately put forward a very special point of view.

"If he is an expert, just ask him to see if he is really knowledgeable." Several other professors also felt that something was a little fishy, ​​so they asked some questions about the pharmacology of precious medicinal materials in traditional Chinese medicine.

As a result, Li Fan blurted out without any pause in the middle. Instead, he also mentioned some hidden pharmacological properties that they had never heard of.

For a moment, the professors' eyes widened, and they already somewhat believed that Li Fan was Weng Qishu's senior brother.

"I wonder what Mr. Li has to say about Jiankouhua?" After hearing what Li Fan said, these professors' expressions relaxed, and their faces turned to full of respect. They looked at Li Fan sincerely, and they never tried to test him again. I really want to understand it.

"Oh, what do you think about the jiankou flower?" Li Fan took a sip of the tea in the cup, smiled slightly, and asked.

"I feel that Jiankouhua is not a good medicine. Its pharmacology conflicts with the pharmacology of many medicines. Even if they can be blended together with difficulty, it can only treat ordinary diseases. I think many traditional Chinese medicine doctors have overestimated it. This medicine is not as powerful as they say." A thin professor expressed his opinion.

After hearing this, Li Fan smiled again and said noncommittally: "At certain times, the sharp-mouthed flower is not only not a good medicine, but also a poison. There is no benefit at all from using it. But at certain times, this flower is a miracle medicine!"

As soon as this statement came out, all the professors were shocked. This was the first time they had heard such remarks.

"How?" Some professors couldn't wait to ask Li Fan for more information.

"Professor Zhang, you are right. This medicine does have many disadvantages when combined with ordinary medicinal materials, which cannot be eliminated, and there are also sequelae. Therefore, this medicine is not as magical as the world says."

"But there is a magical thing about this medicinal material. It grows in icy water where there is no winter or cold. It grows automatically and has tenacious vitality. It can survive without watering for three years. Even in the middle of winter, the temperature is dozens of degrees below zero. It can still survive regardless of the environment. Even in the sweltering heat, it can still survive in the face of high temperatures of more than 40 degrees. So this medicinal material is valued by many people because of this magical feature. But what people value is often its symbol , rather than its medicinal properties.”

Li Fan gave an explanation, which once again aroused discussion among the professors. They looked astonished and respected Li Fan even more.

"Then what do you mean by the unparalleled miracle medicine you mentioned before?" Naturally, the professors would not forget what Li Fan just said and asked again quickly.

"Jiankouhua can be perfectly matched with some rare medicinal materials to form a unique medicine of raw human skin and flesh and white bones. This medicine can still save the lives of patients who are experiencing the five degenerations of nature and human beings!" Li Fanyu If it wasn't shocking, it would be endless. This sentence directly frightened everyone present.

"Can the King of Hell even ask for his life to be brought back?" The professors were stunned.

"If you don't pull him back, you can save his life, but it's still difficult to wake him up. But what I say is enough to introduce the efficacy of this medicine, right?" Li Fan said with a faint smile.

"Then you must know the formula of this precious medicine, right?" A professor immediately asked excitedly.

If the medicine is as effective as Li Fan said, it will definitely be a miracle medicine. You must know that for patients with five debilitating deities, even if the Da Luo gods arrive, they will be unable to save their lives!

But this precious medicine can save the life of such a patient, and its effectiveness is enough to shock everyone.

If this medicine could be mass-produced, it would definitely be a sensation in the world.

Therefore, the professors were somewhat impatient to learn the prescription of this medicine.

Li Fan just shook his head: "I know the prescription of this medicine, but I can't tell you."

"Why?" The professors all stared at Li Fan with their eyes widened and asked.

"This medicine can't be made at all, so don't waste your efforts. Jiankouhua is just an introduction to this medicine. Its preparation requires many extremely rare medicinal materials to develop, and many of them you have never heard of. Pass."

As soon as these words came out, all the professors looked stunned and were silent for a long time, but soon they all nodded, feeling that what Li Fan said was not surprising.

How could a treasure medicine with such a good effect be produced so easily?

However, these professors were naturally very reluctant and asked one more question: "Mr. Li, can you give us an example?"

"Beidongjie grows in the north. It doesn't take root in three years, it doesn't sprout in three years, it doesn't produce branches in three years, it doesn't bloom in three years, it doesn't bear fruit in three years. The precious medicine needs its fruit! This medicinal material is a wonder medicinal material, right? ? But in this precious medicine, it can only be regarded as an ordinary medicinal material. Even the picking time and picking method of truly rare medicinal materials must be strictly regulated. They can only be picked at one time a year to be effective. That’s why I said, don’t waste your efforts, this kind of medicine will not be easily available for the time being, let alone mass production.”

Li Fan smiled lightly. He naturally saw what these professors were thinking.

After hearing this, the professors smiled awkwardly and praised Li Fan a few more words: "As expected of Mr. Li, Mr. Weng's senior brother, he is indeed knowledgeable."

"Mr. Li, the offense you just made was completely unintentional. Please bear with me." The professor who was disdainful of Li Fan's words just now also sincerely apologized to him.

Li Fan waved his hand and said: "I don't take it to heart at all, don't think too much about it. Also, I'm not Mr. Li, I'm really not old."

After hearing what Li Fan said, several professors looked at each other with a bit of embarrassment.

They have also studied medical skills for most of their lives. When they are old, their medical skills are not as good as those of young people. They really feel that they are losing face.

As if he saw what these professors were thinking, Li Fan immediately smiled: "My teacher is very good. He has studied ancient medical books for most of his life. I only learned a little bit from him."

After hearing Li Fan's words, the expressions of these professors gradually relaxed. Their only thought now was that they were curious about the teacher behind Li Fan.

To be able to teach disciples like Li Fan and Weng Qishu, how powerful must the teacher behind him be?

These professors did not dare to imagine further.

"What a master from this world." The professors admired Li Fan in their hearts. They did not have the same doubts about Li Fan as before, but instead respected him.

Even Dean Tan is like this.

Li Fan was very satisfied with the attitude of these professors and nodded, so that it would be convenient for tomorrow's lecture.

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