Best Son-in-law

Chapter 142 The farmer in the countryside

Yannan Medical University.

At this time, the students in the medical department were discussing the lecture that was going to be held later.

"Have you heard? This time we invited a super heavyweight guest. It is said that the medical skills have reached the supernatural. Our Dean Tan also spent a lot of effort to invite him." A girl held a book and asked The girl next to me said.

"I've known for a long time, okay? It's been news for many years. Mr. Weng Qishu Weng was invited. He is also an expert in the field of traditional Chinese medicine in Yannan. The person who can make the dean spend so much effort to recruit is very special. He belongs to none other than him.”

"No, no, no, there is something even more exciting. Not only is Mr. Weng here, but Mr. Weng's senior brother is also here!" The girl was so excited that she told the news she had just heard, and laughed loudly after saying it.

The girl next to her became solemn when she heard this and frowned: "Who did you listen to? Are you lying to me?"

"It's absolutely true. The news has spread all over our medical department. Several well-informed seniors found out early in the morning. Moreover, Mr. Weng's senior brother is quite powerful. All the professors went to receive him yesterday. I was immediately shocked by his remarks. I was dumbfounded and admired him immensely." The girl said with a smile.

This conversation naturally reached the ears of Huang Rui and others who were walking in front.

"Mr. Weng's senior brother? How old must he be?" Chang Minjun teased.

Huang Rui, Pei Jiayan, Chang Minjun, and Qiang Shiming walked together. Huang Rui and Pei Jiayan walked together. Chang Minjun held Qiang Shiming's arm and walked on the other side of the path.

"I'm afraid he's an old man. People who study Chinese medicine tend to be more qualified as they get older. I've heard that this senior is really amazing. Many professors and experts will attend this lecture."

"That must be great, tickets are so difficult to get." Chang Minjun took out four tickets from his arms with a smile, a proud look on his face.

You know, although this lecture was held in the school auditorium, the number of places was limited, the opportunity was rare, and there were so many people who wanted to watch. Naturally, the auditorium cannot accommodate all students to come in and listen to the lectures, so a ticket model is arranged to filter out some students to attend the lectures.

The remaining students can only watch through post-recording.

However, not many tickets were released, and all the students fought hard to grab such a ticket.

But Qiang Shiming relied on his face to get four tickets. Not only did it solve the problem of him and Chang Minjun attending the lecture, but he also brought Huang Rui and Pei Jiayan along. Wouldn't Chang Minjun feel very proud? ?

"Hahaha, Shi Ming, you are so awesome." Chang Minjun became more and more proud and couldn't help but kiss Qiang Shiming's face.

Qiang Shiming still had a cold look on his face, as if he didn't care about this kind of thing, and shook his head: "This university is a society of small favors, everything is about face, and I also know Senior Xu, so I did this." Lots of tickets.”

"That's right, our Shiming's reputation is certainly great." Chang Minjun said with a smile.

After hearing Qiang Shiming's words, Huang Rui couldn't help but ask: "Senior Xu, is he Xu Jiaming, the vice chairman of the student union?"

"Yes, that's him!" Qiang Shiming's eyes showed a touch of pride: "His father is the director of Yannan City Hospital, and his family has a good background."

"Such a powerful person has to give face to Shiming." At this time, Chang Minjun had no idea. Her face was full of admiration for Qiang Shiming.

"Well, although I'm only a freshman now, I've met a lot of people, including those from the student union, the Federation of Social Affairs, and some of my dad's connections. Doesn't the school have to treat me a little less favorably?" Qiang Shiming said proudly. .

But Huang Rui's thoughts only stopped at Yannan City Hospital.

Yannan City Hospital can be said to be the best hospital in Yannan, and it is also Huang Rui's dream. She thought that if she could enter this hospital and become a doctor, she would be able to stand out in the future and lead her family to live a better life. It’s time to live a decent life and leave that dilapidated old village.

Huang Rui couldn't help but feel a little pain in her heart when she thought of Laoshantun.

The image of Huangshan kneeling could not be forgotten in her mind.

At this moment, Qiang Shiming's greeting suddenly woke Huang Rui up.

"Senior, why are you here?" Qiang Shiming smiled coldly, waved to a man in a white doctor's uniform in front of him, and walked up to him.

"Shi Ming, don't call me senior, we are all brothers, call me Jiaming." The man in doctor's clothing also smiled coldly and walked over.

"I don't dare to be a senior." Qiang Shiming said with a smile.

"Who are these two?" Xu Jiaming looked at Huang Rui and Pei Jiayan. He found that they both looked good, and he immediately became curious.

"This is Pei Jiayan, Minjun's roommate, and this is..."

Before Qiang Shiming finished his introduction, Huang Rui spoke first, and smiled and stretched out one of his hands: "My name is Huang Rui, and I am Min Jun's roommate."

Huang Rui smiled. Since what happened yesterday, she has been determined to defeat Li Fan through her own efforts and make him understand the gap between her and him.

This scene naturally stunned Qiang Shiming and others next to them, but Qiang Shiming and Chang Minjun quickly came to their senses, looked at each other and smiled without saying anything else.

"Hello, I am Xu Jiaming, the vice chairman of the student union." Xu Jiaming naturally said the name of the vice chairman.

"Hello, senior, hello, senior. I heard that your father is the director of the city hospital?" Huang Rui asked tentatively. She thought that if she could have a good relationship with Xu Jiaming, she would have a good chance of entering Yannan City Hospital directly.

"I didn't tell anyone about this." A proud smile appeared on Xu Jiaming's face: "Why do you already know this? Hahaha..."

With Xu Jiaming joining them, the five people walked side by side towards the auditorium.

"Senior, do you know who the distinguished guest is this time?" Huang Rui wanted to have a good relationship with Xu Jiaming, so she talked more.

Xu Jiaming shook his head and said in a pretentious manner: "This distinguished guest is too mysterious. We only know that he is Mr. Weng's senior brother. As for his true identity in Lushan, no one should know. I probably want to give everyone a surprise."

"Is he really Mr. Weng's senior brother?" Chang Minjun said in surprise. She originally thought it was just a talk.

You must know that Weng Qishu can be regarded as an authoritative person in the field of traditional Chinese medicine in Yannan. His medical skills are excellent and he is the idol of many people.

Wouldn't the senior brother of such a big shot be even more powerful?

Maybe he is a famous medical figure all over the country.

"Yes, Dean Tan admitted it himself. We, the student union, were curious and asked him to find out. This is also information that was finally found out. As for other things, Dean Tan didn't want to say more. It's just that He said that this person is really amazing, and he is the most powerful doctor he has ever seen in his life. Isn't that weighty enough?" Xu Jiaming also boasted about what he had found out with a look on his face.

"How old is such a powerful person?" Chang Minjun asked tentatively.

Xu Jiaming shook his head and said that he didn't know: "Dean Tan only revealed so much, saying that he is a worldly expert. He gave lectures to the professors yesterday. The professors all benefited a lot from what he said. Anyway, Don’t ask so much, just listen to the lecture carefully later, take notes, and if you can learn a thing or two, you might become the top doctor in Yannan in the future.”

"Well, senior, where are you holding your notebook? Thank you very much for the tickets. I will definitely cherish this opportunity." Huang Rui said seriously.

They quickly walked to the door of the auditorium.

At this moment, Chang Minjun suddenly asked Huang Rui: "Hey, Huang Rui, that pretty fellow of yours? Why don't you see him here today to study and communicate? Is he back?"

After what happened yesterday, Chang Minjun and Qiang Shiming also had an exchange and agreed that Li Fan was not that great, he was just a pretty boy who just met Jiang Tingting, nothing special.

"Hey, he's just a clown. He has nothing to say. Yesterday, I asked him to say a few words. Who knows, he not only didn't listen, but also said something about his life that wouldn't allow others to interrupt. It's really ridiculous. Don't mention it. Sorry, it's a shame to mention this kind of person." Huang Rui said with a look of disgust.

Although Li Fan's words yesterday shocked her, she still looked down on him from the bottom of her heart.

"So you said he was a pretty boy, but I still didn't believe him. He dresses like this, doesn't look very good, and doesn't speak well. How could he be a pretty boy? Now I believe him. He really has a way." Chang Minjun He also said with a smile.

When he arrived in the auditorium, Xu Jiaming said goodbye with a smile: "I have to go to the student union. You guys can find a seat. Sit in the front row. My face is there. It's okay. If there is any trouble, just go to the water. Come find me over there."

"Okay, senior, please do your business first." Huang Rui also met such a distinguished young master for the first time, and he spoke politely.

"Hey, let's find a seat quickly." Chang Minjun held Qiang Shiming's arm and smiled.

Several people came to sit near the front row and waited excitedly.

Huang Rui even took out her notebook and took several deep breaths to calm down her excitement.

She knew that this could be a lecture that changed her destiny. Whether it was Weng Qishu or Weng Qishu's senior brother, these two names were too heavy and weighed heavily on Huang Rui's heart.

"I will definitely work hard, Li Fan, just open your eyes and watch to see how big the gap between the two of us will be!" Huang Rui thought in her heart.

At this moment, Chang Minjun accidentally spotted a familiar figure. He was stunned, pointed at that person and screamed: "Ah!"

"What's wrong? What a fuss." Qiang Shiming scolded Huang Rui with some dissatisfaction.

"He, why is he here?" Chang Minjun's eyes widened.

"Who is he?" Qiang Shiming frowned.

"The farmer in the country."

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