Best Son-in-law

Chapter 153 Ashamed

But since Li Fan destroyed the chemical plant, cured the plague, and led the villagers to build roads.

The sealed hearts of the villagers became active again.

They wanted to believe it but couldn't believe it. When they learned that Li Fan met outside the county restaurant owner, many villagers chose to believe it.

I invested all the money I had in my hand and really prepared to live a good life with Li Fan.

But suddenly there was news that the county restaurant had collapsed, which the villagers couldn't accept at all.

Every hope turns into disappointment in the end. This huge psychological gap is not acceptable to everyone.

Therefore, Li Fan could also imagine their mood at this time, so there was nothing strange about it.

It's not easy for everyone, so he can only guarantee that he will not break his promise.

The man spits and nails, what he said must be done!

"Li Fan, don't think too much. Things in this world are unpredictable, and it's hard to explain the competition between merchants in just a few words." Seeing that Li Fan stopped talking, Xia Menglan thought he was feeling uncomfortable, so she quickly comforted him. .

"It's okay, I don't worry about it." Li Fan shook his head and said with a smile.

What he relies on is not Zhou Ji Restaurant in the county town, but on himself.

Not to mention that Zhou Ji Restaurant didn't collapse, even if the restaurant collapsed, Li Fan could still continue to make money.

After listening to Li Fan's words, Xia Menglan pursed her lips and chuckled, but suddenly saw a long cyan creature at the door that seemed to be spitting out red snakes.

In an instant, her brain fell into a blank, and she was dumbfounded.

Fear gradually spread into her heart, and Xia Menglan couldn't bear it anymore. She screamed subconsciously and quickly turned out the white paper in her hand.


Li Fan was startled by the sound and quickly turned around, only to see a disheveled Xia Menglan just pushing open the toilet door to go out.

In line with the principle of "see no evil" in his heart, he turned away with a guilty conscience.

But another scream was heard: "Li Fan, there is a snake!"

Xia Menglan was almost frightened to tears. This was the first time in her life that she saw a snake. Its green body kept spitting out snake bites, as if she saw a human figure shaking, its winding body slowly moving over.

She no longer cared about her image, and rushed out of the toilet. As a result, she didn't raise her pants properly, so she stumbled and fell to the ground.

Before the two of them could react, the little snake had already pounced on...

The pain from her elbows, knees, and thighs made Xia Menglan grin and hiss. Because of the pain, she knitted her brows together and burst into tears.

Li Fan next to him had already captured the little snake and held it in his hand.

"How's it going? Where's the injury?" Li Fan asked with concern.

"Don't come over, I'm scared." Xia Menglan said almost in a tearful tone, feeling deep fear in her heart for the little snake in Li Fan's hand.

"Then you wait for a while, I will collect this snake."

Snakes are full of treasures, and many of them can be used as medicine. Naturally, Li Fan will not let it go.

After saying that, he pinched the snake's seven inches and turned back into the room, only to find that Yang Meilu had walked out of the closet and was sitting on the edge of the kang with an unnatural expression.

She also heard clearly the conversation between Li Fan and Xia Menglan just now, and naturally she felt a little sour in her heart.

"Is Village Chief Xia okay?" Yang Meilu asked softly.

"She should be fine. Sister-in-law, please leave now. I'll get her some medicine to treat bruises and apply it on her." Li Fan said.

"Okay." Yang Meilu was also afraid of being discovered. She couldn't explain clearly for a while, and it wouldn't be good for the matter to spread, so she nodded and walked to the gate with Li Fan.

"Li Fan, please go back and see how Village Chief Xia is doing." Yang Meilu looked at Li Fan and couldn't help but dodge a little.

"Okay, sister-in-law, please slow down on the road. The restaurant should be fine. Just treat it as a holiday these days. You are usually very busy." Li Fan said.

"Yes." Yang Meilu walked out of the door, waved goodbye to Li Fan, and left.

Li Fan also watched Yang Meilu walk away from the door, then turned his head and immediately walked to the back of the house holding the medicine in his hand.

At this time, Xia Menglan's face gradually became very pale, and her lips turned purple. She sat on the ground and waited for Li Fan.

After Li Fan came over, he saw Xia Menglan who looked haggard, and he was suddenly shocked: "Village Chief Xia, were you bitten by a snake just now?"

Xia Menglan felt weak all over and her head was a little dizzy. After listening to Li Fan's words, she nodded repeatedly.

"Where did you bite? Show me quickly." Li Fan was anxious. It seemed that Xia Menglan had been poisoned by snake venom. The little snake just now seemed to be very poisonous. He did not dare to neglect and asked quickly.

Xia Menglan glanced at Li Fan, feeling a little embarrassed to speak. She just pursed her lips and lowered her head deeply: "Take me to the hospital."

"You've been poisoned. It's too late. Quickly show me where the wound is. Otherwise, the poison will spread in a while, and even the Great Luo Immortal won't be able to save you." Li Fan's expression was far less calm than before. After all, this is a matter of life and death. thing.

Hearing the word "wound", a blush appeared on Xia Menglan's face. It was difficult to speak. After hesitating for a long time, she turned over, knelt on the ground, and pointed to the position of her hind legs.

"I'm a doctor." Li Fan was afraid that Xia Menglan might be concerned, so he comforted him: "This snake venom must be sucked out now, otherwise even if you are taken to the hospital, you will definitely not be able to save your leg. Trust my medical skills. I can cure you."

Li Fan promised.

After Xia Menglan heard this, her body couldn't help but tremble. She was extremely embarrassed.

After coming to the village, she also learned about Li Fan's situation and heard about his treatment of the plague. In addition, I have also seen the plot of sucking snake venom on TV, and I already believe it in my heart, but I am still embarrassed.

Seeing that Xia Menglan was still hesitating, Li Fan couldn't help but remind him: "Village Chief Xia, this snake's venom is very powerful."

Xia Menglan became even more embarrassed, her face turned a little pale, and her head was still a little dizzy.

She stopped talking and gently lifted her clothes with her little hands to express her attitude.

"That's OK, I'm a doctor." Li Fan looked at Xue Bai in front of him and felt very confused. He said this to comfort Xia Menglan and remind himself at the same time.

"Okay." Xia Menglan also made a small mosquito-like sound from deep in her throat.

"Don't be too nervous. Relax. Snake venom is transmitted through the blood, so don't be too mentally burdened." Li Fan comforted him a few more times before slowly starting to inhale the snake venom one bite at a time.

"Yes." Xia Menglan lay on the ground, her body trembling involuntarily. She felt so ashamed that she closed her eyes.

After the black blood was sucked out one after another, Xia Menglan's face became slightly better-looking, and gradually returned to rosy.

"Okay, it's okay. Just apply some medicine later." After sucking the last mouthful of poisonous blood to make sure everything was okay, Li Fan breathed a sigh of relief and said.

Xia Menglan also seemed to be relieved. She stood up immediately, put on her clothes, and said softly: "Thank you."

Then he turned around and left.

Before she had taken two steps, she turned back again, with a bit of pleading in her eyes. She looked at Li Fan and said hesitantly: "Just pretend that what happened today never happened."

"I'm a doctor." Li Fan spread his hands with a smile on his face.

"Okay, that's it." Xia Menglan nodded and said.

"After all, the village is in the mountains, so it is normal for there to be a few snakes."

Then, the two walked side by side, and Li Fan said helplessly on the road.

"Is it too dangerous? Or is it a poisonous snake that just broke into the yard?" Xia Menglan recalled what happened just now and couldn't help but feel a little scared. If Li Fan hadn't been here, she might have died.

In addition to being embarrassed and annoyed by Li Fan, she was also a little grateful.

After all, this is the second time he has helped himself.

But when she thought of the embarrassing scene before, her heart felt like it was tied in a knot, and she kept comforting herself: "He is a doctor, and there is no gender to speak of in front of doctors."

Thinking of this, Xia Menglan felt slightly better.

At the same time, there was a bit of sadness in her eyes. Life in the city was very safe, but life in a village like Laoshantun was not that safe. Being with the mountains, she often had to face wild beasts, poisons, and the conditions of doctors were so poor. Difference.

The road leading to the county seat and the city has not been repaired yet, and the traffic is also very troublesome.

If you really have a serious illness that cannot be cured in the county hospital, you will basically not want to go to a big hospital in the city and go home to wait for death.

A slight chill came from Xia Menglan's neck, and she couldn't help but shrink back.

She began to feel lucky to have this person next to her. Although he had not graduated from junior high school, he had good medical skills and had sales channels in county restaurants.

It's amazing that I was able to buy a minivan under such dire circumstances.

Suddenly, Xia Menglan's eyes showed a little more admiration for Li Fan.

"Thank you just now for saving my life." The barrier in her heart suddenly seemed to have been cleared, and Xia Menglan came up to express her thanks again.

"It's all a trivial matter. You were bitten by a venomous snake in my house. How could I stand by and watch?" Li Fan smiled and said, "Besides, you are now the head of our village. They are still waiting for you to lead them to get rich!"

"Well, I will definitely work hard and use what I have learned to make everyone in the village rich." After hearing this, Xia Menglan nodded subconsciously. She also had a dream at the beginning and resolutely applied for the exam regardless of the opposition of her family. The unpopular agriculture and forestry major, I just want to change a village with my own efforts, just like my family proves myself, and finally see if I can escape the destined fate...

Soon we arrived at Xia Menglan's residence, and it was indeed pitch black.

Xia Menglan turned on the flashlight on her phone and illuminated Li Fan, focusing on the soles of his feet.

She was bitten by a snake once and had been afraid of well ropes for ten years. She was afraid that some venomous snake and insect would pop up from the ground and bite someone.

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