Best Son-in-law

Chapter 154 The man behind the scenes

"It just tripped." The circuits in the village are aging, and this kind of thing happens frequently. Li Fan has long been used to it.

He picked up the screwdriver and other tools he brought and repaired it with ease, then the lights in the room came on again.

"Okay, no problem. If there is another power outage next time, come over and see if it has tripped." In order to avoid trouble next time, Li Fan simply taught Xia Menglan how to repair circuits.

And Xia Menglan was listening very seriously and attentively.

"Understood." Xia Menglan nodded heavily at the end. She had learned about circuit conditions before, but had never practiced them. After Li Fan talked about it, she understood it immediately.

"Okay, I'll go back first." Li Fan smiled and nodded, wanting to go back.

"Won't you stay for a cup of tea?" Xia Menglan asked one more question.

"No, I have to clean up the house when I get back." Li Fan resisted.

"Okay, thank you very much."

That night, Li Fan went back to his kang and thought for a long time. He still had to go and find out the situation in the county himself in order to know the specific situation and solutions.

Li Fan already deeply hates Wang Youcai and Gao Duozi. What he wants now is that next time he sees these two people, he must not be merciful anymore. He must take some measures to deal with evil people like them who do anything to achieve their goals.

But speaking of it, in Li Fan's eyes, they are just two disgusting cockroaches.

They weren't exactly what he was thinking about.

In the end, Li Fan was still worried about Zhou Xiaoman's current state. After all, Zhou Ji Restaurant was all her hard work. She saw the business go from average to booming, and even opened a branch, attracting the attention of the county magistrate. Then due to the mischief of Gao DaZi and Wang YouCai, the business fell to the bottom again.

Zhou Xiaoman must be the saddest now. Her mood must be like riding a roller coaster, which cannot be explained in just a few words.

Thinking of this, Li Fan has made up his mind to go to the county town to find Zhou Xiaoman tomorrow to find out the specific situation. Where is Zhou Ji Restaurant now? Can you continue to do this? Then think about how to deal with it, how to solve this matter.

As he thought about it, Li Fan became more and more sleepy, and fell asleep while lying on the kang.

Early the next morning, as soon as the rooster finished crowing, Li Fan got up from the bed. After washing, eating, and checking the growth of vegetables in the garden and eels in the fish pond, Li Fan drove his The small truck went to the county town.

Naturally, there were many potholes along the way. After a bumpy ride, we finally arrived at the county seat.

Li Fan drove around the county town and found that Zhou Ji Restaurant on Fengshui Street was closed at this time. He couldn't knock the door. He called Zhou Xiaoman but the phone was still turned off, so he could only drive to Lao Zhou Ji on Yueyuan Street. The restaurant is here.

At this time, a valuable red sports car was parked in front of the restaurant. It looked very cool. The door was still open, but there was no customer. It was deserted. Even the waiter inside had disappeared. trace.

In desperation, Li Fan parked his pickup truck on the side of the road and walked into Zhou Ji Restaurant.

At this time, a very unfriendly female voice sounded from the office at the back of the restaurant.

"Xiao Man, I only want to do your best. Why are you so ignorant? You are really hopeless."

"Stop it, I can't accept your kindness. Didn't you tell me? From now on, we will be people from two different worlds. That's fine. Don't come to me. I'm not the same person as you. There is no need to contact people in the world." This time it was Zhou Xiaoman's voice, and her voice had become a little hoarse.

The door of the office was wide open. Li Fan looked inside and found Zhou Xiaoman sitting in the innermost seat. A very coquettishly dressed woman with a jewelry necklace around her neck and various rings on her hands was sitting there. Opposite her.

At this time, both of them looked unhappy, and they were obviously sulking.

"Xiaoman." The charming woman said in a sharp voice. She was very dissatisfied with Zhou Xiaoman's attitude: "Why can't I make sense to you? Why do you have to do this when you have such a good life?" Are you suffering in a small place? My family is urging you to go back. We are best friends, and the words I say are all good things from the bottom of my heart. If it were an ordinary person, do you think I would still ignore you?"

"Come on, we used to be best friends, but that's not necessarily the case now. Let's be clear, are you leading this matter? I really don't believe that these two rumors can make the business so deserted. "Zhou Xiaoman looked at the charming woman opposite, and his eyes gradually became cold.

Zhou Ji Restaurant has consumed a lot of her hard work. If this hard work is ruined by someone like this, she will definitely not be able to accept it.

"What rumors? Aren't they all true? Zhou Xiaoman, I have said all the good things to you. It's all for the sake of friendship. Don't hold on to it. Your family also asked me to come this time, just to give you something. Let me teach you a lesson, let you recognize yourself clearly. Do you think business is so easy to do? The shopping mall is like a battlefield. If you violate the interests of others, this is the end!"

"Of course, we are also our own people, so Gao Xiang didn't do anything cruel. If it were others? If they dared to jump like this, they would have died a thousand times ago. You don't know. Some things are so cruel. Do you think you can do it? Is business so easy to do? It all depends on the accumulation of connections, understand? If you say more unpleasant words, it will be a matter of time that you can't survive in this small county. Even if you don't make a move this time, some other food industry The boss will also take action."

"Yannan's cake has been almost divided. Now many people are eyeing the butter in the rapidly developing surrounding counties. I'm not trying to scare you. Your Zhouji Restaurant has touched the interests of too many people. They have long since I want to take action, but if I wait for them to take action, it won’t be as simple as bankruptcy.”

The charming woman spread her hands with a cold face and said casually.

These things were like a trivial matter in her eyes, there was no trace of remorse on her face, and there was no trace of hesitation in her words.

"Sure enough, it was you who took action!" Zhou Xiaoman's eyes turned completely cold: "Yang Li, everyone has good days and bad days, so don't go too far in everything!"

"I'm really sorry. I'm afraid I won't have any bad moments. You wouldn't have any bad moments in the first place. It's just because you insist on having your own way. In the end, you asked for it, right?" Yang Li took out a He took out a cigarette from the cigarette box, lit it gently, took a long puff, and exhaled the smoke.

"Our Yang family is deeply rooted in Yannan, and we have cooperative relationships with many big bosses. Few people want our family to fail, and our family will not collapse."

"My boyfriend Gao Liang, as you also know, their family is a giant in the entire Yannan food industry. From now on, just wait for his father to step down and he can come up. At that time, connections, connections, money, whatever you want. What, even if you do nothing, you will be happy for a lifetime, how can we have bad times? Are you kidding me?"

"I really don't know if you're angry or for something else. You just want to live a good life. But if you have to come to such a remote place to compete with those gangsters for food, I can't stand it anymore. Is it worth it? Is it interesting? Oops. , I don’t know what you are thinking.”

Yang Li took another puff of cigarette and put out the remaining half of the cigarette in the ashtray.

"Some people will never smoke a cigarette like this in their lifetime, but I can smoke it casually, smoke half of it or throw away half of it. I have money." As she said that, Yang Li put her famous brand lighter in front of Zhou Xiaoman. Throw it directly into the trash can.

"Do things according to your mood. If you feel something is not good, just throw it away. You don't care at all. Can you do it? Look, you have to worry about daily necessities. You are almost turning into a yellow-faced woman. After all, women are like that. After all, some things are just fate and cannot be avoided, so why bother yourself?"

Zhou Xiaoman, who was opposite her, didn't pay attention to her actions. He crossed his arms and leaned back on the boss's chair. He narrowed his eyes and looked at Yang Li opposite him with sharp eyes. He said bluntly: "Say After all, these are given to you by others, nothing more."

"Yang Li, are you still like that, relying on things given by others to be complacent? Sorry, I am really not the same person as you. I don't have many things now, but as long as I have it, I will do it step by step. We managed to survive, this is the difference between the two of us."

Zhou Xiaoman turned over his hands and said, not taking Yang Li's words to heart at all.

When Yang Li heard Zhou Xiaoman's words, her face suddenly turned ugly, as if she had been stabbed in a sore spot. But soon, her expression softened again, and she said with a casual smile: "Isn't everything you said finished? Do you have a chance? It's so easy to bring you down, casually, your restaurant is already finished, and it will continue Just be careful, right? That's up to you. Anyway, I've told you all the good things. When we meet again next time, I won't talk to you about sisterhood."

"We are no longer sisters. When you asked your so-called boyfriend to destroy my restaurant, we already broke up with each other. There is nothing to say. Do you think I will collapse if you do this? Will I give in? Don't even think about it!" Zhou Xiaoman also stared wide-eyed and slammed the table, his unwillingness to admit defeat came back to him.

At this time, Li Fan had clearly heard the conversation between the two outside, and he probably knew what was going on.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, whether it is Wang Youcai or Gao Duzi, even if they say that the food in Zhouji Restaurant is imported from Laoshantun, no one may believe it. Even if everyone believes it, the business of Zhouji Restaurant will not be so deserted. , there must be a big promoter behind the scenes.

At this time, Li Fan's eyes also turned cold.

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