Best Son-in-law

Chapter 161 Global Scenery

While speaking, Li Fan glanced at the girl's body, shook his head, and reluctantly took a dagger to cut a hole in his clothes, then pulled the corner of his clothes with one hand and tore off a long strip of cloth with fierce force.

"Here, let's use this cloth to bandage it first." Li Fan put down the medicine basket, and took out a medicinal material from it. He squeezed it into small pieces with his hands and sprinkled it gently on the girl's face. The wound.

"Ah!" The girl's face changed greatly in pain, she bared her teeth, and her little hands couldn't help but dance, trying to push Li Fan away, but seeing the serious look on his face, she couldn't bear it, so she had to grit her teeth and silently of enduring pain.

The girl's injuries were unclear. He shouted that it was difficult. It wasn't that he couldn't cure it, but the medical conditions in the countryside were really poor. It was not easy to stop her bleeding under such circumstances. If he wanted to cure her completely, , it takes considerable effort.

However, Li Fan would not ignore the situation. He crushed all the medicinal materials one by one and sprinkled them gently on the girl's wound. Then he carefully took the strip of cloth torn from the clothes and slowly gave it to her. She bandaged it up.

"Hiss." The girl burst into tears of pain. Her face was pale without any blood. The scene in front of her eyes was sometimes clear and sometimes blurry. Her breathing became rapid, and big beads of sweat fell down.

Gradually, the girl only felt that breathing became a little difficult.

"No, if you treat her like this, she will faint from the pain soon. Girl, cheer up and hold on." Li Fan had no choice but to temporarily give up the treatment, because if the girl falls into a coma, it will be even more troublesome to deal with it.

After Li Fan stopped, the girl's face looked slightly better, but her lips were still very dry, as if they were covered with a layer of white frost.

He quickly picked up a kettle he carried with him and gently fed the water to the girl.

"Are you feeling better?" After a while, the girl's face returned to rosy, and Li Fan quickly asked again.

"Head, I feel dizzy, and my mouth is so dry." The girl said in a weak voice.

"You have lost a lot of blood. After I finish treating your wound, I will send you to the hospital for a blood transfusion." Li Fan said softly.

"Thank you." The girl said weakly. She could do nothing now but choose to trust Li Fan completely.

"You're welcome." Li Fan waited until the girl's complexion improved again before slowly applying medicine to her and gently bandaging the girl's wound with gauze.

At this time, Li Fan introduced himself to the girl very politely: "My name is Li Fan. I live in the village next door. I came here to collect medicine. I don't know why you appear here?"

Li Fan's eyes were very sincere, and there was a warm smile on his face, which made the girl gradually dispel all her wariness, and slowly said: "I am a reporter for a travel magazine. Seeing that the environment here is good, I just I thought I would come here to take pictures, but unexpectedly the brakes failed and the car overturned."

Speaking of this, the girl's face couldn't help but look a little sad, and she looked very disappointed, but soon she adjusted her mentality, raised her head, opened her big, clear eyes, and smiled at Li Fan. Said: "By the way, my name is Li Zhen, Li from Dawn, sincere Zhen, thank you for saving me, I will definitely repay you in the future."

Li Fan was stunned after hearing this, and then he smiled again and shook his head: "Let's talk about repayment later. Can you walk now? Let's go back. Your injuries are unclear and you need a hospital with relatively complete medical facilities. For treatment, I have a car that can take you to the county hospital, which is close."

After hearing this, Li Zhen nodded to Li Fan: "It should be possible!"

She gritted her teeth and supported Li Fan's shoulders before she reluctantly stood up, but cold sweat broke out on her forehead. She pursed her lips lightly, and suddenly she felt dizzy and her calves were numb. It's so soft that I can't hold my body any longer. Then she fell straight back. Li Fan quickly stepped forward and caught her slim waist with one hand to prevent her from falling to the ground.

Li Zhen's big eyes were tightly closed, her eyelashes were long, and her soft and pure face had a hint of weakness. Her small mouth was slightly open, so pitiful that people couldn't help but feel pity.

However, Li Zhen only fainted for a short while, and soon she woke up. She saw Li Fan's face in front of her, and it was so close, which really made her feel a little panicked.

"You fainted just now." Li Fan saw this and quickly explained. He was afraid that Li Zhen would misunderstand and think too much, and added: "You have lost a lot of blood now. It seems that you can't leave. Forget it, I'll carry you." Bar."

With that said, Li Fan bowed with his back to Li Zhen.

Looking at Li Fan's back, Li Zhen couldn't help but hesitate a little. Looking in the distance, she saw that it was not close to the foot of the mountain. As the saying goes, a long journey is not easy. She was too embarrassed to bother with such a long journey. Li Fan, and she had never been betrayed by a strange man before, so she still had some grudges in her heart.

"Come up quickly, it will be dark soon." As Li Fan spoke, another wolf howl came from the distance, and Li Zhen was so frightened that he quickly lay on Li Fan's back.

Li Fan took advantage of the situation and held her thigh, dragged it up, picked up the medicine basket and put it in the crook of his arm, took back the dagger, and walked out of this place step by step.

"Hold tight." Li Fan instructed as he walked.

"Yes." Li Zhen agreed softly, but she felt dizzy and dizzy, which made her press her head tightly against Li Fan's back before she got slightly better.

Since receiving the inherited power of the Water God, Li Fan has become much more powerful. It was no problem to carry Li Zhen, who was not too heavy on his back. Soon he was on the path and moving forward steadily.

Rapid breathing came from behind, and Li Fan felt the heartbeat and soft pressure on his back, which made clear ripples ripple in his heart.

Soon, Li Fan carried Li Zhen down the mountain.

It was completely dark at this time, and Li Fan could only vaguely see a few scenes in front of him.

In addition, there are no street lights in the village, making walking difficult.

Li Zhen was lying on Li Fan's back and fell asleep slowly. She had been excessively frightened just now, but lying on Li Fan's back actually made her feel a little safe. For a moment, she felt very special. Feeling tired, she simply lay on his back and fell asleep.

"Miss Li, wake up." Li Fan came to his pickup truck. When he looked back, he found that Li Zhen was lying on his body and fell asleep. He quickly shook his shoulders and woke up Li Zhen on his back.

"Ah? What's wrong?" Li Zhen suddenly woke up and looked at everything around her in confusion. She was just too tired.

"Get in the car and I'll take you to the hospital." Li Fan said.

"Okay." With that said, Li Zhen slowly got off Li Fan's back, and with his help, got into the truck.

At this time, he looked at Li Fan with gratitude: "Thank you very much."

"It's okay. There is still some hot water in the thermos in the car. You can take a few sips." Li Fan pointed to a kettle in the car and said to Li Zhen.

"Yeah." At this time, Li Zhen did feel a little thirsty, so he was not polite. He picked up the kettle and opened the lid, took a big sip, and breathed a sigh of contentment.

The injuries on her body have been controlled by the medicine given by Li Fan, and she no longer bleeds. Now she is just a little weak after losing a lot of blood before.

"Well, let's go." Li Fan got into the driver's seat and started the car.

As soon as the headlights were turned on, the minivan turned onto the road to the county town.

On the way, Li Fan started chatting with Li Zhen.

"Why did you think of coming to our place to collect materials? We are quite remote here." Li Fan asked while driving the car.

"I just drove my car and wanted to take some random shots outside to see if there was anything good to see, so I turned here. But the scenery here is really good, very beautiful, with mountains and rivers. It's no better than some tourist attractions. The scenic area is not good. The mountains here are soaring into the clouds and green pines grow there, which is very beautiful. I got out of the car and took a few photos. I wanted to go into the mountains and take some photos of small animals for an issue of Man and Nature. , and then the brakes failed..." Li Zhen said somewhat helplessly.

"Yes, our original scenery was more beautiful and the air was fresher, but now, alas." Li Fan said a little discouraged after hearing Li Zhen's words.

But soon, he had an idea and asked quickly: "Li Zhen, which travel magazine are you a reporter for?"

"I'm a reporter from Global View. What's wrong?" Li Zhen saw Li Fan suddenly getting excited and thought he had thought of something, so he couldn't help but shrink back his neck.

"Global scenery?" After hearing this, Li Fan's eyes widened even more, and at the same time, he became even more excited in his heart.

Global Scenery is an extremely famous magazine in China, and a large number of people buy each issue. Moreover, several sections of this magazine are in line with international standards and are sold overseas.

Moreover, the influence of Global Scenery Magazine is also very large. Basically, every time an issue comes out, many people will go to the places where it is published to travel and taste the food introduced.

So Li Fan had an idea in his mind.

If Li Zhen can be asked to do a special report like this for Laoshantun, then Laoshantun's popularity might be spread, and it might attract local attention. The restaurant he wants to open might also be able to take advantage of it. This is a good opportunity to also gain popularity. Coupled with the good taste and good effect on the human body, it will definitely attract a large number of customers, and maybe it can change the situation of Laoshantun.

In addition, the road will be repaired soon, and maybe a large number of tourists can be attracted to Laoshantun for sightseeing, thus changing the situation of Laoshantun. In that case, he can really lead Laoshantun to become rich. Got it!

Can Li Fan not be excited?

Isn’t this kind of positive and fair reporting what Laoshantun lacks now?

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