Best Son-in-law

Chapter 160 Rescue

"Forget it, are you so happy that something happened to Li Fan? I heard that that tall idiot is back. You should stay away from him. Don't forget that he almost killed you." Liu Cui couldn't stand Huangshan's behavior. With such a proud look on his face, he quickly tried to persuade him a few words to put his mind at ease.

After hearing this, Huang Shan snorted coldly, knocked the cigarette in his hand, and shook his head: "What do you know? The world of men doesn't have the kind of emotions you ladies have at all. It only knows interests, right?" As long as his stupidity can make me make money, he will be my biological son and nephew. In this world, if you have breasts, you are a mother."

At this time, Huangshan returned to his previous state, with only money in his eyes. Originally, he had said that he would bow his head to Li Fan again in exchange for him taking away his own food. Now that I heard that Li Fan's matter may have been exposed, I felt relieved in my heart. This saves trouble.

"As long as Gao Duzi charges half of the market price, let's sell the remaining vegetables in our house." Huangshan said while looking at Liu Cui who was busy in the yard.

"You are really sick. You have to recruit Wang Youcai and Gao Ducai. They are working together in collusion. What kind of good people are they? If nothing else, Wang Youcai is the one who spread the news about the plague in our village, which has caused harm to us for many days. Did you forget that you didn’t sell the livestock at home? And that idiot kicked you, which almost sent you to the grave, and you also forgot? What kind of things can you do with these two people? You forgot that your daughter was almost unable to go to school because she was killed? Sooner or later, you will finish the harm to this family! Just wait." Liu Cui said angrily.

After listening to Liu Cui's words, Huang Shan took a few more puffs of cigarette and sighed: "Oh, isn't there nothing we can do? We begged Li Fan so much before, but he just refused to help our daughter, let alone let him accept her. Our family's food is gone. I think I won't be able to talk to this Li Fan from now on, so it's better to just let his affairs get dirty. Maybe there is a way out." Huangshan said to himself.

"Bah, why did you forget about what you did to Li Fan? You still blame others for treating you like that. They are all benevolent and righteous, and you still have the nerve to criticize them? What happened before was all your fault. It was all your own fault. Anyway, Something happened to Li Fan this time. If you don't help make amends, you can't interfere anymore, otherwise you will lose face and I will lose face. You must stay away from that idiot and Wang Youcai from now on. They are selfish, but they are not. What kind of person can you do anything to achieve your own goals, how can we beat others?" Liu Cui's voice suddenly turned cold.

Huangshan looked back at Liu Cui and stopped talking. He started to think about it in his heart. However, he was still very disdainful of Li Fan in his heart. He thought that he must have collapsed this time, and he would just follow farmers like them from now on. Farmers are no different.

And he can also hope that after his daughter studies well in the city, she will find a good job, marry a good family, and bring them all into the city.

"I heard that this happened. The girl from the Han family is going to marry someone else?" After a while, this sentence suddenly appeared from the Huangshan Pass.

"Who did you listen to?" Liu Cui was still very interested in such gossip, and her expression immediately changed.

"When I was working before, many people said this. Hu Shulan found an in-law for her daughter. I heard it was from the city and from Yannan Medical University. The husband's father was also a director of Yannan City Hospital. Look at our family situation, I would be satisfied if our Rui'er married so well." Huang Shan said.

"Isn't Li Fan good with the girl from the Han family? Why did Hu Shulan find her husband's family? Does she agree?" After hearing this, Liu Cui became curious and asked quickly.

"With such a good condition, the girl of the Han family is stupid and doesn't agree. I heard that the man's father will come over tomorrow to discuss the engagement of the two children." Huang Shan said.

"What? So soon? If Li Fan knew about it, wouldn't he cause trouble?" Liu Cui asked.

"What's the point of making trouble? This matter has been arranged by the two adults, and I heard that the boy is not bad looking, and the girl of the Han family will definitely like it." Huang Shan said with a smile: "Besides, now Li Fan But what a mess. Without the channel of the county town, he is no different from our ordinary farmers. How can he be worthy of the girl of the Han family? And even if the girl of the Han family is willing, can her mother Hu Shulan be willing? You are not the one I don’t know how powerful this Hu Shulan is.”

"That's true. Alas, it's the reality in today's society." Liu Cui also sighed and said.

At this time, Li Fan went to the back mountain to collect a basket of medicinal materials. When he wanted to go deeper, he found that the road was blocked by a huge stone.

The stone wall was very slippery. Li Fan tried to climb it several times, but had to give up halfway.

This huge rock seems to reach straight into the sky, and you can't even see it.

"No, if you want to go to the back of the mountain, you have to take a detour." It was already getting late, so Li Fan naturally would not take another detour before going to the back.

Seeing that the medicine basket on his back was almost full, he sighed and walked back.

At this moment, he seemed to hear several faint calls for help.

The sound was not far away from him, as if it was on the way back.

"Who would come to this place?" Li Fan looked surprised, took out the small dagger he used to collect medicine from his arms, and held it in his hand.

If someone calls for help, it means there is danger. Although Li Fan has touched back and forth on the mountain several times, he does not dare to be careless.

These birds, beasts, and predators are naturally indispensable on the back mountain.

Although Li Fan has the inheritance of the Water God, he is still just a human being, only flesh and blood.

Sure enough, Li Fan walked back a hundred steps with the medicine basket on his back, and found that the sound was getting louder and louder. The source should be in a wild bush on the roadside.

This bush is eerie and quiet, with only a few insects chirping from time to time.

Li Fan picked up the dagger, teased a piece of long grass, and stepped in.

Because he couldn't tell the specific situation, Li Fan didn't dare to say anything at this time, but just moved quietly step by step.

There were thorns under his feet. Fortunately, Li Fan was wearing long pants, but he was still pulled out one after another.

He only felt an itchy and painful touch from his ankle.

They were getting closer and closer, and the grass was getting longer and longer, even reaching Li Fan's chest. He could hide it perfectly with a slight bow.

"Help, help."

These sounds gradually became clearer, mixed with cries.

"Is there anyone? Come and save me."

Li Fan took the dagger and pushed aside the long grass to see clearly what was going on inside.

An off-road vehicle overturned directly in front of him. A woman was lying on the ground, covered in blood, desperately calling for help, tears falling down.

Li Fan took a closer look and found that her right leg was still stuck in the off-road vehicle.

"Help, is there anyone? Help me." At this moment, a wolf howled in the distance, and the woman was startled, and her body trembled involuntarily.

The woman did not give up hope. While asking for help, she moved her body desperately, like a beautiful snake, meandering forward. She hoped to pull her legs out of the off-road vehicle so that she could leave this place. .

But unfortunately, her right leg was completely numb. Although she tried her best, it was all in vain.

Moreover, the amount of bleeding on her body was very large. After screaming for a while, the woman became dizzy and almost fainted.

Her lips were pale, and her voice gradually became weaker.

"Is there someone, please help me, okay?"

Li Fan glanced around and saw that there was no other person or situation. After ensuring safety, he walked out and put the dagger in his hand on his waist.

The woman saw Li Fan at first glance, and her eyes were full of surprise at first, and then turned into fear. Her body couldn't help but trembled, and she begged Li Fan in a weak voice: "Please, can you save me? I don't want to die. .”

Li Fan did not speak, but walked over directly, which made the woman even more scared, fearing that Li Fan would do something wrong to her or have other intentions.

"I have money. If you save me, I can give it to you." The woman couldn't help the fear in her heart and said.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you." Li Fan walked to her side and slowly squatted down. When he looked at the car door, he found that the girl's leg was stuck in the windshield of the car door.

"Thank you, thank you." The girl thanked her gratefully. She was so excited that tears and runny nose flowed out.

She was unconscious for a long time, and when she woke up, she found herself in such a situation. The severe pain coming from her body told her that this was not a dream, and she heard the howling of wolves again. The girl was extremely scared in her heart. He wanted to pull away, but found that his leg was stuck in the car door and could not be pulled out.

And he didn't have any strength at all.

Pain and fear filled her heart, and the girl screamed many times. She was desperate at first, but she didn't expect to actually call someone out.

"Don't worry, don't use force yet, I'll break the windshield first." Li Fan looked at the situation for a while and found that he couldn't pull it out forcibly, otherwise it would probably cause greater injuries.

So I decided to completely crack open the broken windshield first.

Just as he said, Li Fan touched a stone next to him and smashed it hard, causing a large piece of the glass on the car window to crack and shatter.

The girl's legs were pulled right out of the available space.

"Thank you, thank you." At this time, the girl's eyes were full of hope, and she thanked Li Fan repeatedly.

"Girl, your injury is too serious. You must bandage it to stop the bleeding, otherwise you won't be able to hold on." Li Fan saw the speed of the blood flow and realized that it was not possible. He quickly used his concentration to collect blood on his fingers. With the power of the water god's inheritance, he tapped the acupuncture points on the girl's body a few times, which initially stopped the bleeding. However, this was only temporary. If not bandaged, the blood would still flow out continuously.

"Okay, but where are the bandages here?" The girl looked around, and the despair in her heart rose again.

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