Best Son-in-law

Chapter 159 Discussion

Gao Duazi praised Wang Youcai as a kind man, and everything he did was for the sake of the villagers.

Naturally, the villagers present did not believe it, and only a few were dubious and undecided. They all focused their eyes on Li Fan, hoping to hear his answer.

After all, Li Fan purchased vegetables entirely at market prices.

"Idiot, are you accepting all the dishes?" Zhu Yongzhong was also dubious and asked abruptly.

"Yes, all the dishes are collected." Gao Duzi said with a slight smile.

"Are you crazy? The price has been cut in half and you are selling it? Didn't Fanzi still say nothing?" Sister-in-law Guihua said dissatisfied.

"Do you think he can still afford it? Haven't you heard that all the restaurants in the county have collapsed?" Zhu Yongzhong scolded.

"Everyone trusts me and can sell me all the vegetables. I will still charge them at the market price. There is indeed a problem in Zhouji Restaurant, but it has nothing to do with whether I accept the vegetables or not. I thought about it, the worst I can do next year Our village is running a restaurant like a farmhouse, and I will be the boss, and I happen to have a lot of money." Li Fan instantly saw through all Gao Duzi's thoughts and said with a sneer.

After Li Fan finished speaking, not only Gao Duzi, but also Zhu Yongzhong and some of the villagers started laughing.

"Open a restaurant? Li Fan, you really want to do it all at once. If it doesn't work, it won't work. Just make some money and you can spend it. Why bother? All the big restaurants in the county have collapsed. You open a restaurant in the village and sell Food for our fellow villagers to eat? Who is going?" Zhu Yongzhong couldn't help but sarcastically said.

"Stop saying a few words. What happened to you today? Did you take some medicine?" Guihua's sister-in-law was still angry when she heard this. He quickly tugged on Zhu Yongzhong's sleeves, trying to get him to stop talking.

"I just can't stand some people who brag. They have no ability and are just showing off. Just listen to him. Go ahead and listen." Zhu Yongzhong is usually too honest. He has only one string in his head and is very stubborn. Even two cows can't pull it back.

After saying this, Zhu Yongzhong turned around and left.

Several villagers who were watching the excitement also followed.

Only a few villagers who had a good relationship with Li Fan stayed and tried to persuade him: "Fanzi, think about it again about opening a restaurant. It's not like you don't know the situation in our village. People think that our family The food is contaminated, and the road is still dirt, so it’s unlikely that anyone will come here to eat. Even the stupidest of us can think of this, but the smartest of you can’t think of it?”

"That's right, Fanzi, don't act impulsively or get angry. This is no small matter. Think about it later." Sister-in-law Guihua also said.

"Anyway, our village has been harmed by Wang Youcai's chemical factory. We can't let this chemical factory move in again. Gao Duzi, don't waste your efforts. Go back. I agree with all your thoughts. Clearly." Li Fan narrowed his eyes and looked at Gao DaZi.

"Don't be so self-righteous, Li Fan, who do you think you are? You're just a country bumpkin, and a country bumpkin still wants to rely on a woman from a county restaurant to make a comeback? What a wishful thinking! You have all the money in front of you, and you still don't know how to make it, hum. Huh... I'm too lazy to tell you, let's see." After Gao DaZi finished speaking, he put his hands behind his back and walked along the dirt road in the village.

Li Fan looked at his back from behind and said in a cold voice: "No matter what I say, I will never make unconscionable money, and it's the money of the folks who usually don't look up when they see you!"

Gao DaZi paused for a moment, but soon a sneer came and he continued to move forward.

His goal has been achieved, some villagers no longer believe in Li Fan, that's enough!

Li Fan watched him leave with cold eyes, turned around and walked home without saying a word.

As soon as I got home, I heard someone knocking on the door outside.

"Who is it?" Li Fan felt upset, but he still opened the door and saw that it was Wang Erxi.

Wang Erxi glanced at Li Fan, then lowered his head: "Fan Zi, I heard that you are going to open a restaurant in the village. Is there any place where I can use my brother? I just wanted to see if there is anything I can do to help."

At this time, Wang Erxi was always thinking about Li Fan's last time repaying kindness with kindness and saving him, thinking that he could repay him one day.

And this thought has been lingering in his mind, and he can't get rid of it. Every time he lies on the kang, he can't sleep.

In addition, he didn't have anything to do on weekdays. After he finished his training, he went to Uncle Chen to help Li Fan build a farm.

At this time, I heard that something had happened to the county restaurant where Li Fan relied. He wanted to open a restaurant, so he quickly came over, hoping to do his best to repay the favor!

"Brother Erxi, this hotel has to be put on hold for the time being. Uncle Chen may need someone. Do you want you to help me and I'll pay your salary?" Li Fan said with a smile, and felt that it was a bit awkward to stand outside talking like this with Wang Erxi. Not good, so I simply pulled him in.

"Brother Erxi, come into the room and talk."

"Well, okay, by the way, there is one more thing. There is a house belonging to our family over there at the entrance of the village. I think it is empty anyway, so why not lend it to you to open a restaurant first." Wang Erxi entered the house. , said firmly after hesitating for a while.

Li Fan was stunned for a moment, but immediately refused, waving his hands and saying, "That's not possible. This house is given to you by your uncle and aunt for your wife. How can I occupy it?"

"You're welcome. I don't have a job now. I've been in it before and no one was willing to marry me. I might as well start a business for you." Wang Erxi said resolutely.

When Li Fan was still about to refuse, Wang Erxi stopped him with another decisive words: "If you treat me as a brother, just agree, otherwise I will feel uncomfortable."

Owing such a huge favor made Wang Erxi feel very uncomfortable. He kept thinking about repaying the favor, but there was nothing he could do to help. This was an opportunity he had finally found, so he was not willing to let go easily.

Li Fan looked at Wang Erxi's sincere eyes and knew in his heart that he couldn't refuse, so he simply agreed: "Okay, thank you very much, Brother Erxi, you have been a big help this time."

This was true. He had seen the house of Wang Erxi's family at the entrance of the village. Several rooms were connected together. They were very large, especially the courtyard, which could accommodate dozens of tables and hundreds of people eating at the same time.

Once the house matter is settled, things will be much easier to handle. There is no need to specialize in building a house or looking for a house.

Sometimes, the road is right under your feet. It is very narrow at first, but as you go further, you will find that the road becomes wider and wider.

"You're welcome, brothers. I've almost recovered from my injury. I hope you can open the restaurant so I can go in and do something." Since the last leg treatment, Wang Erxi has placed great trust in Li Fan.

"Okay, Li Fan, now that we've finished talking, I'll go back first." Wang Erxi was too embarrassed to stay any longer and was about to leave.

"Brother Erxi, don't you want to stay for a meal before leaving?" Li Fan greeted politely quickly.

"No, there's still a lot of work to do when I get home." In the past few days, Wang Erxi Jing went to work on Li Fan's farm, and he hadn't planted any vegetables at home yet.

"By the way, brother, if you want to use that house, go to my brother's place to get the key. I will tidy up the house in the next few days and vacate it. I will lend it to you first." Wang Erxi added before leaving.

"Okay." Li Fan stopped being polite and agreed directly. At the same time, he was thinking that this house was also a new house built by his uncle and aunt for Wang Erxi. It couldn't be used in vain. He had to pay the rent and build another one nearby. One, you can’t always occupy other people’s houses!

At this time, Li Fan felt warm in his heart. He gritted his teeth and said nothing else. He pointed at these simple villagers who believed in him. This hotel must be repaired. He could prove himself and at the same time extinguish the arrogance of Gao Duzi and others. arrogance.

Thinking of this, Li Fan picked up his small medicine basket and walked towards the back mountain of Laoshantun, thinking that he would collect more medicinal materials and prepare more fairy liquid.

In fact, the fairy liquid that Li Fan developed before was not a complete version of the fairy liquid. Many medicinal materials could not be found in the back mountains. He had no choice but to choose a few medicinal materials with similar medicinal properties to replace them.

However, the effect of this kind of fairy liquid is not 10% or 20% worse than the complete version of fairy liquid. According to the memory passed down by the water god, the vegetables cultivated by the real fairy liquid can not only taste the best, but also improve people's physique. Enriching this person in all aspects of spirit, energy and spirit, just eating can replenish the body. These people are very tempting.

But it is a pity that this complete version of the fairy liquid lacks many important medicinal materials. Some medicinal materials are not produced in Yannan at all, so what Li Fan wants to do is to go out to collect these medicinal materials when he has time in the future. Now he can also use the Internet to search Look up some herbs that are less rare than others.

At the same time, he went to the back mountain of Laoshantun to have a look.

The back mountain is very big, and Li Fan has never been to many places. This time he just wanted to check the depths of the back mountain to see if he could find the medicinal materials he needed.

At this time, several villagers spread the word that Li Fan was going to open a restaurant. When other villagers heard this, some of their eyes were filled with confusion, not knowing what Li Fan was thinking.

Some simply shook their heads, thinking that Li Fan was useless. He was no longer clear-headed and started to act randomly.

"It's a shame he came up with the idea of ​​setting up a restaurant in the village. He's probably in a hurry, right? His head is spinning."

"Is there no one to advise you? How can it be so easy to open a restaurant? Many restaurant owners in the county have died. Isn't opening a restaurant in the village just asking for death?"

The villagers started talking among themselves, and the news quickly reached Huang Rui's home.

When Huangshan heard the news, he slapped his thigh and was happy. Isn't this retribution?

"Hahaha... Let's not call this kid arrogant. Who will God spare? When we were in this situation, what did Li Fan do? He didn't expect that he would be here today, right? This kid is too self-righteous. I think There won't be any climate." Huangshan said with a smile while smoking a cigarette in the yard of his home.

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