Best Son-in-law

Chapter 158 Deception

Unexpectedly, the plan went so smoothly. Gao Duzi's bad idea came into effect immediately, and Zhouji Restaurant was really brought down.

In this way, Li Fan's credibility among the villagers will be greatly reduced, and he and Wang Youcai can take advantage of it and obstruct it to achieve their own goals.

After all, most of the villagers in Laoshantun are country folk who have never read a book and only know how to farm. Illiterate people can't even read a few big words, and they live in poverty too many times, so it's hard for them to truly distinguish right from wrong. They can easily think poorly of things, and they can easily be taken advantage of by people with ulterior motives.

Sure enough, after listening to Gao Duozi's words, some of these villagers began to feel shaken.

The other villagers were also suspicious.

They are really scared of poverty.

The previous anger towards the idiot also disappeared, replaced by fear and uneasiness.

They are afraid that they will go back to the old days, where they will be extremely poor, have trouble eating, and have no hope at all.

And at this time, it is even worse than before.

Vegetables cannot be sold, and the livestock raised at home cannot be sold, and now the chemical plant has collapsed, making it even less profitable. They even signed a contract to contract the land, so where can the money go.

At this time, all the villagers present began to feel anxious, and they had to doubt Li Fan in their hearts.

"Idiot, stop making sarcastic remarks and tell me what to do now?" At this time, some villagers couldn't help but ask.

Gao Duozi's mouth curled up slightly, and his goal was achieved.

"You are looking for trouble. It's not good to trust anyone. You have to trust Li Fan. He has been hanging out in the county for so many years, but what has happened to him? I don't know how you can trust him? He just told you a bunch of empty words. Are you there? He is trying to trick you. He has no other skills but the ability to brag." Gao Duzi became more and more proud as he talked, thinking that the situation was under his control.

Unexpectedly, at this time, Li Fan couldn't help but walked over.

"I really don't know how thick-skinned some people are? I'm not afraid of being drowned by people's spitting stars!" Li Fan didn't look good and walked directly in front of the villagers.

"Fanzi, you're finally here. What's going on with the restaurant you're looking for? Why do so many people say it's collapsed? Is it true?" Several villagers who didn't believe Gao Duzi's words quickly grabbed Li Fan's arms were like a drowning person grabbing a life-saving straw. Their eyes were full of hope, hoping that Li Fan would tell them that this was just a rumor and comfort them not to believe it.

But the cruel thing is that Li Fan didn't say that.

"Folks, I, Li Fantan, am an honest man and I will never lie to you. The restaurant I found in the county did have some troubles and may not be buying food from us in large numbers like before..."

As soon as these words came out, these villagers were dumbfounded, their eyes filled with disbelief and despair. They had worked hard to cultivate the land for so many years, and thought they saw hope from Li Fan, but they did not expect that... This is the result.

These guys were as skinny as chicken feet, and their dirty hands covered with dirt couldn't help but tremble. At the same time, their hearts were beating wildly. My heart was shaking, but when I raised my head and saw Li Fan, I couldn't complain.

This kid also tried his best!

After all, he was out there alone, supporting the livelihood of a village. You can imagine the pressure.

The villagers all remembered Li Fan's hard work in brewing medicine to treat the plague, his repeated confrontations with chemical plants, and his leadership in building roads...

Facing Li Fan, their moods became extremely complicated and they suddenly fell silent.

After a long while, their hands that tightly grasped Li Fan's sleeves slowly loosened their grip.

Words that sounded like frustration or comfort, containing various complex emotions, squeezed out from the mouth of a villager.

"It's okay, kid, it's really okay. This is how big business is done outside. No one can guarantee that it will always be fine. It's okay. Everyone didn't take it to heart. It's okay to collect the vegetables and then go to the county town to shout. My child, I'm sorry for you, everyone. I really don’t blame you." The old man said bitterly as he looked at Li Fan with tears in his eyes.

Now his grandson is still in high school, which requires a lot of money for tuition, accommodation, food, and review materials. He has to keep farming because of his poor health, just hoping that his grandson can go to college. This is the hope of the whole family. .

He thought that Li Fan's life would be easier by paying the market price. After the road was built, his life would get better and better, but what he never expected was that something like this would happen.

The meaning of Li Fan's words was very clear. The restaurants in the county town were in big trouble. They no longer needed so many vegetables. It was very likely that their vegetables would not be sold.

This is equivalent to cutting off the source of income, and the family can only go to the county to work.

However, the villagers in Laoshantun basically don’t know anything, and they can only work as coolies when they go outside. In addition, they have drank a lot of water contaminated by chemical plants in the past few years. Some of their bones are no longer strong, and they can only work hard. Carrying it on.

Even this old man who is over sixty years old may have to go out to work after the New Year.

"This is life!" Several villagers said with tears in their eyes.

Every family has sutras that are difficult to recite, and the days to come will be even more difficult.

After hearing such words of relief, Li Fan was stunned. He originally thought he would face a lot of accusations or abuse. But he never expected that none of the villagers would scold him or blame him.

They all lamented their bad fate, or simply didn't say a word.

Seeing this situation, Li Fan felt uncomfortable. After all, he had failed others' hopes.

Li Fan's heart became extremely entangled and sad.

"How did I come back? Humph! If I didn't come back, you would have killed the village. Folks, you have to keep your eyes open. What else does Li Fan do besides curing the plague? The road, the road has not been built. , half of the vegetables were collected, and everyone was in trouble. I think Boss Wang is the one who is really dedicated to our village." At this time, Gao Duzi did not forget the agreement with Wang Youcai, and said I quickly moved him out smoothly.

"Who is Boss Wang?" Zhu Yongzhong couldn't help but ask.

"Who else could it be? It's Wang Youcai. They are working together and they have done some harm." Sister-in-law Osmanthus looked at Gao Duzi with a sullen face.

Zhu Yongzhong fell silent after hearing this.

After hearing what Sister-in-Law Guihua said, Gao DaZi was not angry at all: "Folks, you have a big misunderstanding about Boss Wang. You don't know that, right? Boss Wang has been thinking about us since he left Laoshantun. He is so kind to the folks, and he always remembers them all in his heart. He often tells me that it was the folks who took him in in the village that allowed him to create the factory he has today. He cannot forget the folks, and you still say bad things about him. I really I don’t know what to say, it’s so indiscriminate!”

Gao Duzi rolled his eyes and made up lies, telling lies as if they were true.

"Come on, he destroyed the village to build roads. Is this his gratitude?" Guihua's sister-in-law immediately poured cold water on the side.

"Oh, you don't understand this. Boss Wang arranged for these people to go there, they went there themselves. Boss Wang is kind and righteous, and he treats his people well. These people also want to repay their kindness, and see When you treat their benefactor like this, you can't bear it, so you stand up for him behind Boss Wang's back. Do you really think it was arranged by Boss Wang? If he arranged it, it would definitely not be as simple as destroying and building roads. It's really I don’t know what you think.” This idiot is very good at telling lies, and he didn’t even blink when he finished speaking.

Wang Youcai was immediately portrayed as a great philanthropist.

Then he saw some villagers in a state of doubt, and immediately struck a chord while the iron was hot: "After Boss Wang found out about this, he immediately reprimanded these people. He felt sorry for the villagers in his heart, and wanted to make compensation. As long as everyone agreed to the chemical industry When the factory moved in again, he would immediately pay a pollution fee, give priority to hiring people from the village to work with him, and directly increase their wages by 300! Moreover, he guaranteed that the chemical plant would no longer cause pollution or damage to the ecology. He will hire someone to deal with the process waste, which only takes up a little space outside the factory."

"And!" Gao Duzi was afraid that he would not be able to persuade everyone, so he added another heavyweight condition thrown by Wang Youcai: "From now on, he will collect the vegetables grown at home and the animals fed! All at half the market price. Accepting it is enough to show your sincerity. In this way, everyone’s income will be much higher than before!”

Sure enough, after listening to Gao Daazi's words, everyone started talking. The several conditions he proposed were really tempting to the villagers, especially at this time. Instead of starving to death, it would be better to move the chemical plant to another place. return!

"By the way, I almost forgot. In order to express his sincerity, Boss Wang said that he would still build the roads in the village and he could change the route at will." After saying this, Gao Duzi glanced sideways with the corner of his eyes as if he was showing off his power. He glanced at Li Fan.

"Half the market price, what a good calculation!" The villagers who didn't know the situation naturally didn't understand the goings-on inside, but Li Fan knew all about it.

He had heard from Zhou Xiaoman that her best friend Yang Li's boyfriend's family was also in the food industry. They must have tasted the high-quality ingredients they cultivated themselves, and wanted to kill two birds with one stone without any effort. Obtaining this batch of high-quality ingredients at half the market price, they can also defeat Zhouji Restaurant and achieve their certain plan.

This is really a good plan.

It can also become a condition for chemical plants to enter Laoshantun, pretending to share benefits, but in fact they are taking a big advantage.

"Thinking of some good things." Li Fan touched his chin and almost laughed out loud. However, although their ideas were good, they only knew one and not the other.

"Half the market price?" Zhu Yongzhong couldn't help but question. He could accept the others, but the money given to sell vegetables was really too little, so he only gave half the price.

"Well, we all know by heart that our Laoshantun vegetables are really not good. Before, outsiders only gave us 30 to 40% of the market price, so why don't you still sell them? We may not even sell them, Boss Wang. But he is considerate of our fellow villagers, so he is willing to collect vegetables at a loss and ask his friends to sell them. The main reason is to solve the problem of selling vegetables in our village. Don’t be dissatisfied!"

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