Best Son-in-law

Chapter 157 Calculation

"Hey, Uncle Zhou, Xiaoman still refuses to give up, and she even hates me." After the red sports car drove to another street, Yang Li in the car suddenly received a call.

"Yang Li, this has wronged you. Xiao Man is still ignorant. This child is like this. I think she won't give up until she reaches the Yellow River, so there is no need to show any mercy. This matter will be troublesome. ." The person on the other end of the phone showed no mercy at all. There was not even a trace of emotion in his words, and his voice was very cold.

"Uncle Zhou, you are being polite when you say this. We all want to help Xiaoman and prevent her from taking another detour. Besides, these are all small things. Gao Xiang and I are happy to do such things." Yang Li listened. After hearing this, he immediately said humbly.

"Hmph." The other end of the phone snorted coldly: "You don't have to speak for Xiaoman anymore. You have to make her stumble, and she will know how high and thick the sky is! Yang Li, leave this matter to me You and Gao don't have to worry about things getting serious, uncle will support you from behind."

"I know, Uncle Zhou, just rest assured, we will try our best to make Xiaoman come back." Yang Li said with a smile.

"Well, that's good." After saying this, the other end of the phone hung up directly.

Yang Li narrowed her eyes, smiled at the corner of her mouth, and shook her head, thinking in her heart: These father and daughter are really enemies. Other fathers and daughters are not close to each other, but they are like enemies.

This was the first time Yang Li had seen a father who asked someone else to teach his daughter a lesson.

But she didn't think much about it. Punishing Zhou Xiaoman was something she had always wanted to do in her heart. She was no longer the same Yang Li!

At this time, Yang Li's eyes bloomed with sharp light. If there was no profit in this matter, why would she bother so much?

Thinking of this, Yang Li took out her mobile phone and directly dialed the loudspeaker number.

"Hey, dear, are you busy?" At this time, Yang Li seemed to have become another person, with a smile on her face and a sweet voice.

"What's wrong? Honey, is something okay?" Gao Xiang was sitting in the office at this time, leaning against the boss's chair, crossing his legs, and bringing the teacup in his hand to his aquiline nose, and asked with a smile. .

"I met Zhou Xiaoman today, and she asked me why I did this. You say it's funny or not? How could there be such an innocent person like her in the world? If it weren't for the Zhou family, she would have died countless times." Yang. Li said with a look of disdain.

"I have seen this kind of rich lady a lot. If you are so gullible and brainless, you will definitely suffer bad consequences in the future. But then again, my baby is smart, thoughtful, and a perfect actress. You are better than those actors, and you deceived the Zhou family, hahaha... Thanks to you, we can save so many years of struggle."

When he said this, the loud voice suddenly became colder, the corner of his mouth curled up slightly, and he placed the tea cup in his hand on the table. His eyes were also very sharp, looking sinister.

"Stop praising me. When I was still in school, I discovered the conflicts in their family and felt that these could be exploited. Originally, I didn't think so much. I just wanted to use Zhou Xiaoman to get close to the Zhou family, so as to It would allow my dad's company to gain greater benefits and gain support from the Zhou family. But I didn't expect that Zhou Xiaoman would have such a big conflict with her dad. It turned out that I was quite panicked, thinking that if Zhou Xiaoman really got into trouble with her dad, Her father is at loggerheads, and our family can no longer rely on this relationship with the Zhou family."

"But then I thought about it, isn't this an opportunity? After all, Zhou Xiaoman is also his daughter. The greater the conflict between them, the more opportunities I have to get more resources from the Zhou family. So I said in front of Zhou Xiaoman I tried every possible means to encourage her to leave the Zhou family and said that I would always stand by her side. However, when it came to Zhou Xiaoman and her father, I expressed my position with an angry attitude. In the end, both of them believed it. It’s mine.”

When Yang Li said this, she couldn't help it anymore and laughed loudly, feeling very proud.

"Well, honey, you still have an idea, but Zhou Xiaoman's father is an old fox and is difficult to deal with. After going through so many things in the mall, his eyes are not as vicious as usual. Some people can't stand a few words in front of him. He will show his true colors, you must be careful when you talk to him, don't let our plan slip, otherwise, the matter will not be solved." Gao Ling's thoughts were deep and he warned gently.

"Don't worry, I'm measured, and my dad has made other preparations." Yang Li curled her lips slightly: "This time is just the beginning, the fun is yet to come."

"Okay, honey, I'm just waiting for the good show you mentioned. I have a meeting here later, so I'll hang up now."

Almost at the same time, Gao Ling and Yang Li put down their mobile phones, with completely different smiles on their faces.

At this time, Li Fan also drove his minivan back to Laoshantun, but his heart sank along the way.

The current situation is very serious, and Li Fan feels pressure that he has never felt before.

As soon as the minivan drove into the village, Li Fan saw a familiar figure among the villagers. He looked very proud, winked, and raised the big gold watch on his wrist as if to show off.

This person is none other than the instigator of the previous plague in the village, Gao Duzi!

"You still have the nerve to come back? You're not afraid of being beaten to death." Li Fan suddenly remembered the time when Gao Duzi slandered him and led some villagers to smash up his house and ask for prescriptions to ruin his reputation. Immediately he became angry, his fists were clenched tightly, and they made a crackling sound, and he couldn't help but go forward and beat Gao DuoZi.

But what he couldn't figure out was why the surrounding villagers could tolerate this idiot when he revealed such a big thing.

But soon, he understood the reason.

"Li Fan? What's the use of bragging about this kid? He was so loud at the time, but now? Isn't it over? You can only rely on the ability of women. I really don't know how you can trust a person like him. , It’s weird, it’s weird, I really can’t do anything to you.” Gao Duzi held the old poplar tree at the entrance of the village with one hand and shook his head in front of so many villagers.

"You idiot, stop talking nonsense here. Your bad news has been spread all over the village. I don't know how you can still stand here." At that moment, Sister-in-law Guihua couldn't help but cursed. She deeply hated what Gao Duzi had done before.

But soon she was pulled by Zhu Yongzhong next to her. At this time, Zhu Yongzhong's face was gloomy, but his mouth was closed tightly and he refused to say a word.

"What's wrong, why don't you scold such a person? What else are you thinking about?" Sister-in-law Osmanthus was immediately dissatisfied with Zhu Yongzhong, but because of her face, she didn't speak too loudly, she just wanted to persuade him.

"What's your reason for this?" Zhu Yongzhong thought for a while and said with a frown.

"Don't you find it irritating to see a person like this? He said before that he wanted to dig up Li Fan's grandfather's grave, but he was just out for revenge. He was extremely evil. Then he encouraged everyone to ask for prescriptions and smashed Li Fan's house. In the end, he almost He killed Huangshan who was with him. How can you not scold him? He is just showing off in this place." Sister-in-law Guihua could not stand Gao Duzi and thought he was not good enough.

"What does it have to do with you?" Zhu Yongzhong said with a cold face: "He deserves what happened to Huangshan. How can he blame Gao Duzi? Besides, it makes sense for Gao Duzi and Li Fan not to deal with each other. You see Look, Li Fan is messing around with everyone and has contracted the land, but the restaurant he was looking for outside is no longer available. Isn't this a trick?"

Because his interests were in danger of being damaged, Zhu Yongzhong naturally didn't have a good attitude towards Li Fan at this time.

"Yongzhong, you have to make this clear. What's wrong with Li Fan? Did he do this on purpose? Isn't it something that can't be helped? Besides, he took so many medicines and saved our lives, and even brought us with him. You can't forget these things as you help everyone build roads and lead us to get rich." Sister-in-law Osmanthus looked at Zhu Yongzhong in surprise, she never expected that he had such a deep misunderstanding of Li Fan.

"That's all in the past. It's not like you don't know how much money we invested. It's all your fault." Zhu Yongzhong complained with a stern face.

"After all, you still want to blame me, Zhu Yongzhong, you have to have a conscience." Sister-in-law Guihua couldn't help but said.

"Okay, stop arguing. Our quarrel can't solve the problem at all. Now let's listen to what the idiot has to say. After losing so much money, don't you want to live your life?" Zhu Yongzhong didn't want to quarrel with Guihua's sister-in-law, so he said in a deep voice One sentence.

"Hmph!" Sister-in-law Osmanthus was still a little angry after hearing this, but it was hard to get angry in front of so many people, so she thought about talking about it after she went back to clarify the matter.

"Sister-in-law Osmanthus, what's the matter with me? I'm just a little busy recently. Did some villain say bad things about me while I was away? Folks, you can't be deceived. Time will prove everything. You Look, is retribution coming now? Did you all get tricked when you didn't listen to me? There will be times when you will regret it." Gao Duzi became more and more proud as he spoke, and couldn't help but narrow his eyes. His revenge plan was simply perfect. , and also got the support of a big shot in the city and a big group, which was unexpected and quite flattering.

Since the last road construction, Gao DaZi has been at odds with Li Fan and has been thinking about how to get revenge on him.

As a result, there was another plague in the village. It can be said that Gao Duzi stole the chicken but lost the rice. He was not a person who would suffer losses. At this time, he was outside thinking about how to return to the village and take revenge.

Hearing that Wang Youcai had also fallen into the hands of Li Fan, he approached him and wanted to gather the strength of the two of them to teach Li Fan a lesson.

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