Best Son-in-law

Chapter 173 Han Changgui breaks out

But his words were full of disdain for Li Fan.

Not only him, but also some other villagers laughed when they heard this, thinking that Li Fan was just talking in his sleep, and almost no one at the scene believed this.

After all, Li Fan is not the same as before. If he gave the villagers some hope before, they thought he might actually achieve results in the future.

So now few people believe that Li Fan is building a profitable industry.

Many villagers even labeled Li Fan as a failure.

"It's just that you don't know how much you weigh in your heart? Our Qiaoqiao is at best deceived by you. If she really wants her to live a poor life with you, she will regret it sooner or later. In-laws, don't listen to him. Qiaoqiao has been with this kid since she was a child, and they only have a good impression of each other at most, and this kid will not have any future, so I, the mother, must keep her in check to prevent her from going astray."

"I think your family's Jia Ming is quite good. When the two children met, Qiao Qiao really didn't say much or push back. It's definitely going to be fun."

Hu Shulan was afraid that Xu Chahong would misunderstand, so she said quickly.

Xu Chahong nodded repeatedly after hearing this: "Our family, Jia Ming, likes Qiao Qiao very much. You see, in the next few days, please ask me to come over and meet you first to let you know."

"It's impossible for Qiaoqiao to like that Xu Jiaming. Wasn't it because Qiaoqiao was at odds with me last time? You deliberately made me angry so you didn't refuse. When Qiaoqiao comes, ask her face to face to see who she likes. Auntie, why do you insist? Do you want to break up the two of us? Last time you said 50,000 yuan, I took out all of it, indicating that I can make more money in the future, and I will never let Qiaoqiao be wronged. Why don't you believe me?" Li Fan said. He said with clenched fists.

"Okay, you can take the 50,000 yuan. I don't want it anymore. It's really hard for you. It's so hard to collect 50,000 yuan. Look at this person, they just took out 200,000 yuan. This is the difference. What else is there to say? Who doesn’t want their daughter to marry well? Besides, you don’t have much of a future now. The restaurant you’re looking for in the county is over. I guess you’ll have to lose money in the future. Okay, okay. , There is no point in trying to save face like you. For the sake of past friendship, just let it go. It is impossible for my Qiaoqiao to be with you." Hu Shulan waved her hand and said with a look of disgust.

At this moment, Han Changgui stood up and stopped in front of Li Fan: "I am Qiaoqiao's father, and I also have a say in Qiaoqiao's matters. Your thoughts alone cannot represent Qiaoqiao's thoughts, or Let's wait until Qiaoqiao comes back from the holiday and let's talk about what she means. Whether it works or not depends on fate. By the way, let the three children come. Then it depends on what the three of them mean. As for other things, my daughter is already old. This You can't make the decision." Han Changgui showed a rare strength and said without fear.

"Why can't I make the decision? My parents' orders, the matchmaker's words, I will make the decision for Qiaoqiao today." Hu Shulan stared and slammed the table.

"You also said it was her parents' order. In this case, I don't agree with her and Xu Jiaming being together. Do whatever you want. Am I not Qiaoqiao's father?" A wave of anger burst out of Han Changgui's heart. He pounced on him. He didn't care what Hu Shulan would say today, he had to express his position.

Don’t you want your daughter to marry into the Xu family? I disagreed with this matter in front of the other party.

Sure enough, when Hu Shulan heard this, she immediately became anxious. She gritted her teeth and wanted to tear Han Changgui alive.

Xu Chahong's face next to her also didn't look good, and even the young men next to her had started to pick up things.

After all, they could see that this matter was about to be blown, so they wanted to take the things away.

At this time, Hu Shulan was completely anxious. She nodded to Han Changgui repeatedly and suppressed the anger in her heart. After all, now was not the time to make trouble. She and Han Changgui were making trouble now, and then they made the golden turtle son-in-law they finally caught go away. No matter how bad it is, even if people don't leave, the impression may get worse.

Especially when she saw the money on the table, Hu Shulan immediately calmed down. At this time, she had to say a few nice words to make Xu Chahong stay.

"Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, in-laws, he is just a country boy. He has never read a book and can't speak. You can't take it seriously." Hu Shulan said repeatedly: "That's not what he meant. He just sees our two families moving around. "Man, he's not familiar with me, and he wants to get married so quickly, and he's easily worried about it, so he definitely didn't mean what he said."

At this time, Xu Chahong was already a little unhappy. After all, he had brought so many people, so many gifts, and money. Even if he went to the city to propose marriage to a wealthy lady, this might not be possible. It’s done.

Coming to your country, you still say such things. I can look down on you. Do you have the right to look down on me?

But after all, this was also the girl that her son liked very much. He couldn't just walk away and make the relationship stalemate. Xu Chahong still felt very sorry for her son.

So he didn't say anything harsh, but his voice became a little softer: "I understand, I understand, after all, the two children have not been together for a long time. Our two families should move around more, and let the two children see each other more. Let’s meet, if we can’t settle things today, let’s talk about it another day.”

Xu Chahong also suppressed the anger in his heart and said.

Hu Shulan became anxious when she heard this, and quickly pulled Xu Chahong's sleeve: "My dear, we really have no other intentions. He is just a farmer who doesn't know a few Chinese characters. He is very pedantic and can't speak or do anything." Yes, you can’t mind.”

"Don't think too much, I just want to ease this matter. I think a lot of people can't accept it." Xu Chahong's tone was still very cold.

After hearing this, Hu Shulan's heart slowly cooled down. She turned around and glared at Han Changgui, wanting to eat him.

Han Changgui also glared at Hu Shulan. He felt that the quarrel had already started anyway, so he might as well say all the rest of his innermost thoughts. This quarrel was unavoidable.

"We farmers should sit up straight. If you want to marry your daughter, you should also respect your daughter's opinion. I don't want to hear other people's gossip that our family is selling their daughters." Han Changgui said with great integrity.

"Look, he's just a farmer. He's a good face. Don't be angry. Otherwise, if you see this, just follow what his father said and find an opportunity for the two children to meet again and sit together to talk or something. I'd like to trouble you to come over again so that we can get acquainted with each other and take a look at what the two children are thinking. If there are no other words, then the marriage will be decided, so that no one will talk about it."

Hu Shulan now understood that the marriage could not be decided today, and then another thought came to her mind. Qiaoqiao was her daughter, but she had always been a very filial and obedient child. She basically did not disobey her. In addition, her If you are not brave enough, I will say a few more words when the time comes. If it doesn't work, just make a fuss, put on a fake show, put a little pressure on the girl, push it, and maybe it will happen.

As long as Han Qiaoqiao lets go, whatever he says will be justified. Not only does Han Changgui have no objection, but Li Fan should also give up.

Hu Shulan suddenly thought of this idea, and she breathed a sigh of relief and narrowed her eyes.

It just so happened that there was a seven-day long vacation recently, so it was better to take this opportunity to force the matter and forget it. This also put an end to one of my thoughts.

"Well, okay, since it's not confirmed yet, let's talk about it later." Although Xu Chahong looked unhappy at this time, he couldn't say anything more, so he could only stand up and obey. Walked down the steps.

"Well, it will be a long holiday then. I won't bother to go there again. It just so happens that Qiaoqiao is also on holiday, and Jia Ming should also be on holiday. It just so happens that he can come home to have a casual meal, let the two children talk, and promote their relationship." Hu Shulan A smile forced out of his face.

"Okay." Xu Chahong had nothing to say at this time, nodded, and turned back to wink at the young men behind him.

Several young people understood and picked up all the things they had brought over, just as they were about to follow.

Xu Chahong sighed: "Keep it for your in-laws, it can be used as a meeting gift."

As he spoke, he took away the two hundred thousand yuan in front of Hu Shulan.

Hu Shulan watched this scene eagerly, her heart trembling, and she quickly said: "Our family is killing chickens today, so let's stay and have a light meal."

She said this because she sincerely wanted to entertain Xu Chahong and the others. If she said a few more nice words while eating, she might be able to eliminate the estrangement in their hearts.

But Xu Chahong was really unhappy, so she didn't give her this chance. She waved her hands and said: "Forget it, we still have things to do. There are a few patients in the hospital who need me to see them. I have to go back. I'll come next time." Let’s try your in-law’s craftsmanship when the time comes.”

Xu Chahong also smiled reluctantly and walked out.

The villagers outside quickly cleared a road and let them out.

At this time, Hu Shulan was the only one to follow.

"I'll give it to you in-laws. Why don't you have a cup of tea at home? Specially prepared good tea." Hu Shulan kept staring at the 200,000 yuan that Xu Chahong was carrying. She wanted to keep all the money, but unfortunately she didn't have this chance. .

"Next time." Xu Chahong's tone was still very cold. He had always been arrogant, and his son was his heart, so he naturally couldn't tolerate others saying anything bad.

"In-laws, don't take those words to heart. He is just a farmer. He hasn't even gone to school for a few days. He can't say anything. He thinks it's a dead end. He just feels that his daughter is unwilling to marry far away." Hu Shulan explained on the way. .

"I know, but I didn't take it seriously." Xu Chahong forced a smile and opened Daben's car door.

"Well, let's go first. Next time I call Jia Ming over, I will do as you say." Xu Chahong said the last thing.

"Then walk slowly." Hu Shulan had no choice but to say this.

"Well, let's go back."

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