Best Son-in-law

Chapter 174 Farce

While talking, Xu Chahong had already gotten into the car, pulled down the window and waved to Hu Shulan.

Seeing the God of Wealth leaving like this, Hu Shulan felt a lot of reluctance in her heart, but there was nothing she could do.

Today I was supposed to gather all the villagers together to let them know that my daughter was going to marry a wealthy family in the city, so that she could show off and be beautiful.

It was good now that instead of being successful, she had lost face in front of everyone. Hu Shulan suddenly felt ashamed, and the more she thought about it, the more she hated her.

If it weren't for Li Fan and his useless guy, this would have happened.

Besides, the money on the table was two hundred thousand. I almost got it, but now it was taken back. The more Hu Shulan thought about it, the more she hated it. She waved to everyone distractedly on the way home. : "It's all gone, it's all gone, there's nothing to see here."

After hearing this, the villagers all sighed, waved their hands, and dispersed like birds and beasts.

Anyway, the opera has finished. It seemed like it was Hu Shulan's show, but she immediately stopped singing and turned into a farce. The neighbors and villagers saw a living joke and started pointing at Hu Shulan.

"You haven't seen her like that. When she saw someone driving in a big car, she would call her in-laws directly. She was stunned when she called her, but it made me laugh to death. This is a typical example of being blinded by money. Qiaoqiao stall is like this My mother has been so unlucky for eight lifetimes that she will marry even a fool as long as she is given money." A few people who couldn't stand Hu Shulan immediately spat and cursed, their eyes full of disdain.

"That's who she is, don't you see clearly? She called us here just to show off. What's there to show off? Qiao Qiao Fanzi and Qiao Qiao Fanzi are so good, they insist on being separated."

Most of the villagers' comments were about their disdain for Hu Shulan. After hearing these words, Hu Shulan became even more unhappy. Today, he lost his wife and lost his army. The in-laws did not explain it, but instead offended others and made a joke.

For a moment, Hu Shulan squinted her eyes and was filled with anger. When she saw that all the neighbors were leaving one after another, and only a few wanted to watch the rest of the show outside, she couldn't wait to rush into the house.

She wants to settle accounts with Han Changgui and Li Fan! Especially Han Changgui.

"Han Changgui, you bastard, get out of here." As soon as Hu Shulan entered the courtyard, she saw Han Changgui brewing the tea he used to entertain distinguished guests and giving it to Li Fan. Aunt Lianhua and several others drank it, and she became furious immediately. As soon as he came, he stood in the yard with his hands on his hips and started yelling curses.

Han Changgui also knew in his heart that Hu Shulan would make such a fuss, so in desperation, he sighed and walked out.

At this time, whether it was Aunt Lianhua, Uncle Sun, or Li Fan, they couldn't sit still at home and came to the yard.

Seeing a few people coming out, Hu Shulan stared, her face suddenly turned red, like a tigress, she looked very scary, she grabbed the flowerpot in the yard with one hand and threw it directly to the ground.

He slapped her and cursed: "Han Changgui, mother, you are so brave next door. You can't survive this day."

There was a loud bang, and the flower pot and the flowers fell to the ground and shattered.

Hu Shulan had no intention of stopping, so she grabbed another pot of flowers and threw it to the ground.

"Since you can't survive, then let's just destroy everything that needs to be destroyed in this family. There is no hope anyway. If you don't think about it anymore, what else are you thinking about? What else can you live for?" Hu Shulan became angrier and angrier. He was actually crying.

Aunt Lianhua narrowed her eyes and watched this scene without saying a word or stopping her. She was the one who was not dealing with Hu Shulan just now, so naturally she would not try to stop him at this time.

On the other hand, when Old Uncle Sun saw this, he felt that it was not good for the fellow villagers to stand still, so he thought of stepping forward to stop Hu Shulan from smashing her. If there was a quarrel, everyone's face would be disgraceful and they would not look good.

Just when he was about to reach out and pull it out, Han Changgui also yelled: "Smash it, hit it hard, don't pull it down, don't worry about it, just pull it down, don't be embarrassed."

Han Changgui was so angry that he also grabbed the flowerpot and threw it to the ground. He usually worked in the fields and was a man. He was naturally much stronger than Hu Shulan. The flowerpot smashed to pieces on the ground. In addition, he Her voice was also loud, and the sound of smashing flower pots and roaring immediately covered Hu Shulan.

Moreover, Han Changgui was so angry that he smashed the most expensive flower in the house. The flowerpot was made of beautiful blue and white porcelain.

Hu Shulan usually liked this pot of flowers the most. Seeing it being smashed to pieces by Han Changgui, she was stunned for a long time. When she came to her senses, she immediately rushed forward and tried to strangle Han Changgui's neck with both hands.

"Damn it, you dare to smash things if you don't think so? I'll strangle you to death."

Han Changgui had always been angry in his heart, and he was holding it in for a long time. When he saw Hu Shulan approaching, he pushed it away with one hand: "Go away! Aren't you going to smash it? It's expensive to smash it, and our color TV was also smashed!"

As he said that, Han Changgui really picked up the big hammer placed in the yard and went to smash the TV at home.

Old Uncle Sun was standing nearby. When he saw this scene, he felt that he couldn't hold on anymore, so he grabbed him with one hand and repeatedly advised: "Changgui, calm down, don't be impulsive, you still have to live."

"What kind of life do you want to live? Does this woman want to live like this? I'm going to risk everything today, don't you want to make a fuss? Let's make a big fuss today. Whoever doesn't smash the house to pieces will be a grandson!" Han Changgui My hands were shaking with anger.

"Smash, smash, smash, smash everything." As he said that, Han Changgui went to smash things at home again.

Hu Shulan was really calmed down at this time. This was the first time she saw Han Changgui like this. When she usually made trouble, he would stay silent and smoke cigarettes. Now he not only resisted, but also smashed things.

However, Hu Shulan is not a simple woman. Her thinking is different from that of normal people. She is also very temperamental. At this time, she is thinking of taking more extreme measures to scare Han Changgui.

Without saying a word, she touched a brick in the yard and threw it at Han Changgui's head.

"Han Changgui, you deserve to die. You're a murderer. If you can't survive, I'll kill you. This matter is over. Just wait. If you have the guts to hack me to death today, if you don't hack me to death, I will hack you to death!" Hu Shulan Cursed.

A big brick like a human face was smashed over. Seeing this, Uncle Sun quickly pushed Han Changgui away, smashing the window glass.

"You bitch, if you want my life, I will chop you to death today. Bring me a knife from the kitchen." The two of them were getting more and more playful. Li Fan and Aunt Lianhua couldn't fight at this time, so they could only watch, or It was to pull Han Changgui.

On the other hand, Old Uncle Sun was very busy at this time. He held Han Changgui for a while and Hu Shulan for a while, complaining terribly.

"You two, how can you still live like young people? Is it worth it? Just for today?" Uncle Sun tried to persuade him, but sooner or later something would happen if he continued to do so.

So Uncle Sun asked Aunt Lianhua: "His aunt, please help me. I can't handle it by myself, so you just let them make trouble?"

Aunt Lianhua was just about to take action, but then she thought about it and took her hand back halfway, and instead crossed her arms.

She knew Hu Shulan's temperament. This girl had a bad temper. The more she got her involved, the more fun she would have, absolutely.

"Uncle Sun, stop it. Just let them make trouble. Don't you want to chop people? Just let them go. Whoever doesn't chop is the bastard. We'll just watch here. I've never seen this scene of hacking people in reality. I've seen it before, so tell me to open my eyes today." Aunt Lianhua pretended not to care and said deliberately.

"His aunt? What are you talking about?" Old Uncle Sun had an honest temper, and his mind didn't turn around for a while, and he didn't understand Aunt Lianhua's intention.

"Uncle Sun, stop pulling. It's useless. Anyone who wants to die will die no matter what. You can't hold back at all. Why don't we just watch their family's show here, so we can talk to the neighbors later. This Hu Shulan is really capable. What a skill, if you can't stick to your daughter, you will be killed when you get home. That guy is like a singer in a big opera. He sings with a big face, not to mention how wonderful it is. When the time comes, someone will definitely say it and make the neighbors and villagers laugh along. It has been a long time. No more fun."

"Hu Shulan, you're a bastard if you don't chop. I'll get you a knife. If you find it uncomfortable, I'll sharpen it for you. What do you think?" Aunt Lianhua said teasingly.

After hearing this, Old Uncle Sun felt very anxious. He quickly reached out and gave Aunt Lianhua a hand, signaling her to stop talking. If this didn't go well, something would really happen.

But Hu Shulan stopped what she was doing after hearing these words. She looked outside the door and saw that several villagers had not left. Coupled with Aunt Lianhua's contemptuous look, she thought in her heart that she could not make such a fuss again. Went down.

Isn't this making your enemies laugh? Besides, her original intention was not to cause such a big fuss, but to calm Han Changgui, and she deliberately said harsh words.

Now that she saw these few people making fun of her own family, she immediately quit.

"Oh, I'll chop it off if you want me to? Do I listen to you so much? What kind of thing is your lotus? I won't chop it off yet." At this time, Hu Shulan stopped making trouble, and Han Changgui naturally turned off the fire, and the two of them unexpectedly Stopped the dispute.

Only here did Old Uncle Sun realize what was going on. He gave Aunt Lianhua a thumbs up. She had an idea.

"Why don't you chop people? Aren't you quite smart? Come on, I opened my eyes and saw that you are a bastard if you don't chop people. This is just like killing a chicken, but it's so fast." Aunt Lianhua mocked said.

Hu Shulan glared: "You wicked bitch, what are you talking about? Why should I ask you to see our family affairs? Get out of here, you are not welcome here, and Li Fan, you little bastard, get out of here too." It’s impossible for Qiaoqiao to marry you, so just give up.”

"By coincidence, it is impossible to marry Li Fan. I have taken a liking to Li Fan's child, so I will marry him." Han Changgui finally became a man, and finally felt proud. At this time, he wanted to enjoy this man. Feeling like this, he slammed the sledgehammer on the ground and said confidently.

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