Best Son-in-law

Chapter 175 Thoughts on making money

Han Changgui was completely at odds with Hu Shulan today and did not give in at all. The quarrel was already over, so he didn't care anymore.

Hu Shulan glared at everyone in the yard. Except for Old Uncle Sun, all of them were in trouble with her, but she was helpless. After all, Aunt Lianhua standing next to her was her mortal enemy. How could she wait? It's just a joke, so it's okay to make a fuss today, but not at this juncture. If the incident spreads, won't it become a joke to the neighbors the next day?

"Okay, Han Changgui, you are so stubborn. Let me see what happens to you in this matter! Chen Lianhua, you are not welcome in our family, go away." Hu Shulan said this, pointing at Aunt Lianhua Yiqi and instructing.

Aunt Lianhua snorted coldly: "Do you think I want to see your stinky face or something? Let's stop making trouble, right? Just leave if you don't make trouble. Let me know when there is trouble. I, Chen Lianhua, don't like anything else." , I just love watching operas."

After saying that, Aunt Lianhua didn't stop much, grabbed Li Fan next to her with one hand and walked out: "Fanzi, let's go, they are making trouble."

At this time, even if Li Fan and Aunt Lianhua stayed, it would be of no use. Anyway, it seemed that the two of them would not make the matter worse, so there was nothing to say.

What's more, Hu Shulan was resenting the two of them at this time. The most they would do if they stayed was to listen to scolding.

But Li Fan stopped. He looked solemn, looked back at Hu Shulan, and said a little uneasily: "Aunt, whether you believe it or not, I, Li Fan, am by no means a thing in the pool. Just take a look, I will I have to get some results. At that time, let’s talk about whether I can match Qiaoqiao!”

"I'm afraid the grass on my grave will be two feet high by then. Okay, stop talking. I don't want to listen to your big words anymore. Let's go." Hu Shulan said disdainfully.

At this time, Li Fan didn't say anything. He just glanced at Hu Shulan, then turned around and followed Aunt Lianhua and the two of them.

The only ones left here are old Uncle Sun and Han Changgui and Hu Shulan.

The two couples are still angry with each other, and Uncle Sun is now unable to move forward or retreat, which is very embarrassing.

After Aunt Lianhua and Li Fan left, the yard suddenly became quiet. Several villagers stood outside, wanting to watch the show inside. When they found that there was no movement among the people, they felt bored and dispersed.

Old Uncle Sun stayed there for a while, looking at their appearance, he felt that the two of them had calmed down and would not continue to quarrel, so he started to persuade him: "The husband and wife had a quarrel at the end of the bed, they are already so old, and they have been married for so many years. , you see the children are about to get married, how can you still be like children? Don't care about making trouble? Don't let the neighbors laugh, you are a grown man, the backbone of the family, what things can't be solved through discussion? Are you going to make a fuss? Okay, I'm old enough, so I won't worry about it. I still have something to do at home, so I'll leave first. You and your wife come together after discussing it. Isn't it all for the sake of the children? What are you still thinking about?" Old Uncle Sun gave a few words of earnest advice, then waved his hand and walked outside.

At this time, Han Changgui had been squatting on the ground for a while and had calmed down. When he thought about things, he really couldn't control his temper. After all, there was Qiaoqiao. He was really angry just now and got over his head.

He naturally listened to what Old Uncle Sun said, and stood up with a long sigh: "Okay, Uncle Sun, I've caused you trouble, can I see you off?"

"No, it's just these two steps to walk home." Uncle Sun waved his hand and said.

"Send it off." At this time, Han Changgui was upset and didn't want to look at Hu Shulan's stinky face, so he insisted on sending Uncle Sun off.

After hearing this, Uncle Sun didn't say anything, and the two of them walked out of the door together.

Outside the door, Old Uncle Sun glanced at Han Changgui and said: "Changgui, listen to your uncle and stop making trouble. Men can still be as knowledgeable as women. Besides, isn't your wife doing this for the family? She doesn't want her daughter to marry well. What's going on?"

"No, uncle, Li Fan has been helping out at home before, and he is so good with Qiaoqiao. After Qiaoqiao figured it out, he turned him away. This is unkind." Han Changgui sighed.

"Chang Gui, you are just stupid. You are not as bright as your wife. This is the way society is now. This is the reality. Benevolence and righteousness are of no use. Look at Cao Cao in ancient times. Did he talk about benevolence and righteousness? Can he talk about benevolence and righteousness? Are you going to lead the troops to fight? There are some things in this, and you can't accept death. Okay, that's all I'm going to say today, you can think about it yourself."

"Well, sometimes, two people with different ideas cannot live together for a long time. Qiaoqiao is a college student, and Li Fan has not graduated from junior high school. Do you think these two children can talk to each other in the future? There is no common language between them. To put it bluntly, I agree with your wife's point of view. Having money is at least a guarantee. If you don't have money, you have nothing. You have been poor all your life. Why don't you just want your children to live a better life? What else is there to say? Changgui, you have thought about it. Besides, you have forgotten Yang Meilu in the village. Isn’t her family just to repay the favor? What is the result? What is it like now? This is a lesson learned from the past, you have to Just keep an eye on it, okay, no more words, no more words."

When he arrived at the door, Old Uncle Sun said a few words to Han Changgui sincerely, which made Han Changgui fall into deep thought.

To be honest, what Old Uncle Sun said was not unreasonable. If his family had not received so much favor from Li Fan in the early years, or if the relationship between the two had not been so good, Han Changgui might have actually agreed with Xu Jiaming's matter.

After all, I have money, a house, a car, savings, and connections. I graduated from a prestigious university. I have everything I want. I can even have a good job after graduation. My daughter has followed suit, and I have peace of mind for the rest of my life. Maybe it can get some light or something.

But that's not the case now. He, Han Changgui, had always been favored by Li Fan's grandfather. His daughter went to school, and Li Fan used the money he earned from part-time work to sell blood. The relationship between the two of them was there. , Han Changgui would never be able to care only about money and not think about his daughter's thoughts.

But today's social reality is like this. If this girl follows Li Fan, it will be easy to make money in the future. What if she can't make money? Even if Hu Shulan didn't speak, she would feel guilty for the rest of her life.

At this time, Han Changgui was caught in a conflict. He didn't know what to choose now, so he took out a cigarette from his pocket, lit it and squatted at the door to smoke.

One after another, he smoked for a long time. Seeing that it was getting dark, he didn't think of any ideas.

He could only sigh and walk in the door.

I saw Hu Shulan sitting on a stool in the yard.

In desperation, Han Changgui touched his nose and said softly: "I'm afraid the neighbors will gossip."

After hearing this, Hu Shulan turned around and looked at Han Changgui with a faint smile: "Neighborhood joke? Are you afraid of this? You are about to betray your family, are you still afraid of this?"

"Okay, I don't want to quarrel with you. Old Uncle Sun is right. We both do it for Qiaoqiao's best. This matter has to be discussed. It's not like you don't know who Qiaoqiao likes. Why do you insist? How about breaking them up? I'm confused." Han Changgui waved his hand. After he calmed down, he didn't want to argue with Hu Shulan at all.

"I tell you, it's just because of money. Oh, let's forget it if we don't have money. We have been farmers all our lives. Do you still want your daughter to become a farmer? Poor for the rest of your life? Han Changgui, don't you even think about it? Who is talking about benevolence and righteousness with anyone now? Ah? If anyone likes to gossip, let him or her do it. Anyway, as long as Qiaoqiao gets married well, we are destined to move into the city in the future. Will we still have to deal with them by then? Everyone will forget it in a few years. Who did you offend? I have nothing to say. Now I have offended someone. If he doesn't come, I tell you, I can't live like this anymore and I will definitely divorce you!" Hu Shulan said angrily.

"Anyway, I'll give it up. Qiaoqiao is your daughter, and she's also my daughter. Everything depends on what she wants." After hearing this, Han Changgui said something and went back to the house.

Hu Shulan looked at Han Changgui's back and fell into deep thought.

On the other side, Li Fan was pulled out by Aunt Lianhua, and he was thinking in his heart that he had to find a way to make money quickly, otherwise he and Qiaoqiao might really be separated by Hu Shulan and the Xu family.

"Fanzi, what are you thinking about?" Aunt Lianhua was walking beside her and asked when she saw that Li Fan was silent.

"I didn't think about anything." When Li Fan said this, he suddenly remembered that Aunt Lianhua's cookies were delicious and he often went to her house to eat cookies when he was a child.

The taste of this pancake is so unique in Laoshantun that it has spread to the neighboring village. Aunt Lianhua used to love baking this pancake, but later she became too poor and had no choice but to sell the pot for baking pancakes in order to treat her mother-in-law's illness. , Aunt Lianhua no longer bakes cookies.

Thinking of this, Li Fan couldn't help but smacked his lips and glanced at Aunt Lianhua, thinking that her cooking was not bad, so he might as well invite her to work as a cook in his restaurant.

"Aunt Lianhua, it's very tiring for you to plant so much land by yourself." Li Fan suddenly said something very tactfully, which stunned Aunt Lianhua.

She looked back at Li Fan, somewhat confused as to what he meant, and blinked her eyes and asked, "Well, I'm really tired."

"I remember you made delicious pancakes before. Do you still make them now?" Li Fan asked.

"Hey, what did I think you were talking about? Did you remember the cookies that my aunt baked before? Isn't it because I have no money? I sold all the pans for baking cookies. I remember how to bake them, but my hands are raw. , after all, I haven’t been branded for so many years.” Aunt Lianhua said with a smile.

"If I buy the pan for baking pancakes again, Auntie, can you continue to bake them?" Li Fan asked tentatively.

This sentence stopped Aunt Lianhua. She used to like to bake pancakes and share them with the neighbors, but since she sold the pot, she has never thought about it. After Li Fan mentioned this, My heart started to move again.

"What are you buying? I've spent a lot of money. Will the steamed buns taste different?" Aunt Lianhua was also stunned, then smiled and waved her hand, not taking this seriously.

But Li Fan said solemnly: "Auntie, I am serious. I want to buy you the pan for baking pancakes. Then we will sell pancakes!"

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