Best Son-in-law

Chapter 176 Too Many

"How can this be the same? Aunt Lianhua, the pancakes you made back then were considered a specialty in our village. Didn't everyone give them a thumbs up after eating them? Since it tastes so good, I never thought of using it one day. Make money?" Li Fan asked tentatively.

After hearing what Li Fan said, Aunt Lianhua was stunned. She once had some thoughts on this, but she was extinguished by reality. In Laoshantun, it is not just good taste that can be sold. If you go, someone has to buy it.

Aunt Lianhua reacted immediately and laughed sarcastically: "Fanzi, please stop teasing me. It's not like you don't know the situation in our village. If I use the pot you bought to bake pancakes and sell them for money, I won't be criticized by the neighbors." Swearing down your spine? That’s not okay.”

"Hey, Aunt Lianhua, you don't understand what I mean. You definitely won't sell it to the villagers. I have never planned it at all. The folks in our village are so poor, who would be happy to sell it to? I just don't want to open a store in the village. Are you in the restaurant yet? I just thought about selling it together with the cakes you baked. There will definitely be many people coming to eat." Li Fan looked at Aunt Lianhua and said.

"What, Fanzi, you have to think clearly. Do you really want to open a restaurant in the village?" Aunt Lianhua thought that Li Fan was just impulsive and wanted to persuade him to give up this idea.

But Li Fan said solemnly: "Yes, our village has a lot of resources, why can't we open a restaurant? There are rumors about our village outside, aren't they all rumors? Can't we just accept these rumors? , otherwise they will spread it more and more true."

"But outsiders now think that the vegetables in our village are contaminated by chemical plants and cannot be eaten. It's not like you don't know. Even if you are innocent, outsiders don't believe it. They won't come and buy it." Aunt Lianhua only thought that Li Fan was here for She is so eager to marry Han Qiaoqiao that she doesn't care about the situation now.

"No, actually what we lack is positive publicity. If we can do some positive publicity for the village, maybe we can publicize other people's misunderstandings. I have an idea for this." Li Fan said with a mysterious smile.

After hearing this, Aunt Lianhua couldn't help but widen her eyes and looked at Li Fan again: "Really? I didn't lie to you, aunt. How can you eliminate other people's misunderstandings?"

"Hehehe, does Auntie know about the magazine Global Scenery? This magazine is a magazine that integrates travel, food, and customs. I have a friend who writes articles in the magazine and is a reporter. Now I have asked her to cover our Laoshantun I’m going to write a magazine article. If it is published then, maybe it can be promoted to the neighboring county or city, those places that don’t know much about our village, and some tourists may be attracted to it. It just so happens that there is a small town recently. Long vacation!”

Li Fan paused for a while and continued: "And now that people outside have better living conditions, naturally we can't sit at home during this short holiday. Don't we just want to go out and play? Many of our scenic spots in Yannan are deceptive. The tickets for some scenic spots are very expensive, but you can’t see anything. Even some of the delicacies in the scenic spots are very expensive. You can’t get good food even after spending money! It’s also very crowded. I looked online a few days ago and there are quite a few. People are complaining that when they go to the scenic spot to see the scenic spots, they are stuck on the mountain. They can’t go up or down, and they can’t even go to the toilet.”

"Of course some tourists don't like to crowd into these scenic spots, but they want to find a place with a good environment to go out and play. Doesn't this give us Laoshantun an opportunity? As long as we win the reputation of these people, we can bring them with us in the future. Is it getting better?"

At this time, Li Fan was very confident about the future, and he had nothing to hide from acquaintances like Aunt Lianhua, so he told them all.

"That's true." Aunt Lianhua was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but give a thumbs up: "Fan Zi has also learned his skills in the county over the years. He talks and does things in the same way, maybe It’s really done, okay, then my aunt will go to your restaurant and bake you pancakes for free.”

"No, no, no, Aunt Lianhua, I won't let you help in vain. When the time comes, your pancake pancake treatment will be the same as that of our chef, and you will be paid." Li Fan said quickly when he saw this, his relationship with Aunt Lianhua That's good, but no matter how good the relationship is, you can't let others give help in vain. Besides, every family has its own difficulties, and Aunt Lianhua has to support her bedridden mother-in-law, which is not easy.

Moreover, Li Fan admired Aunt Lianhua from the bottom of his heart. After so many years after her husband's death, she had no other thoughts, and she also diligently supported her sick mother-in-law. Logically speaking, she was not very old at this age, and not to mention beautiful. It was quite interesting, and she could definitely find another one. Even her mother-in-law tried to persuade her to remarry, but Aunt Lianhua just refused to obey. She lived peacefully at home with her mother-in-law and didn't think about anything else.

Many villagers heard her mother-in-law say in the yard that it was a blessing that she had spent eight lifetimes to marry such a good wife.

Therefore, many villagers in Laoshantun admire Aunt Lianhua as a person, but Aunt Lianhua's temperament is too strong, and there are many people who gossip with her and do not deal with her.

However, Aunt Lianhua was open-minded and naturally did not take these words to heart.

Li Fan naturally admired Aunt Lianhua, and the relationship between them was so good. He often went to Aunt Lianhua's house for dinner when he was a child. Naturally, he couldn't take advantage of her at this time.

"You're so outspoken. It's just a matter of baking a pancake. Isn't that easy for my aunt? What about the money? Don't you know who your aunt is? She doesn't need the money to buy a pot. , I will bake it for you for free!" Aunt Lianhua said proudly.

Li Fan didn't dare to answer the question and waved his hands repeatedly: "That's not possible. Auntie, you don't want money. I don't dare to ask you to help. If you are willing, I feel bad about it. I am looking for a long-term goal. I just want Auntie to help me." You will be working at my place to bake pancakes for a long time from now on, as long as you can do it."

"What, long-term? This..." After hearing this, Aunt Lianhua hesitated. Originally, she thought she was just providing short-term help to Li Fan, just to finish the short vacation, but she didn't expect that she was going to do it long-term. , In fact, it's not that she doesn't want to, it's just that the fields are too busy. She has to farm several acres of land as a woman, and she doesn't have much time. If she helps Li Fan for free, what will she and her mother-in-law have to eat?

But if she asked for money, Aunt Lianhua would feel bad. After all, something happened to Li Fan now, and now it was all about money. It would be unreasonable for her to ask for money again.

If not, just get tired and farm at night with a flashlight!

Aunt Lianhua gritted her teeth and thought.

Seeing Aunt Lianhua like this, Li Fan smiled: "What are you thinking, Aunt, I'm officially hiring you as a chef, how can I not pay you? Besides, it's not easy for you, a woman has so many crops." Land, and you have to serve your old mother-in-law, how can you help me in vain? You have to give me money, so you come first when the time comes. If it works, don’t farm the land, just work here exclusively. If you have money, we can Let’s make money together!”

After hearing this, Aunt Lianhua finally came to her senses and glanced at Li Fan a few more times: "Okay, Fanzi, it seems that you are very ambitious. You want to be the boss and get rich together with your aunt. That's okay." As long as you let me know, I will come to help you."

"Okay, I happen to still have some money on hand, which is definitely enough to pay wages." Li Fan promised.

"Why can't I still believe you?" Aunt Lianhua chuckled: "You have been growing up here since you were a child, and you have grown into a young man before your eyes. How can I not know your temperament?"

At this time, Aunt Lianhua simply didn't ask how much the salary was. Even if Li Fan didn't pay her, she would still be willing to help. For no other reason than the good relationship between the two families.

"Okay, I've also chosen the location for the hotel. Brother Erxi lent me his wedding room. The place is large and can accommodate at least thirty or forty tables. Come over when the time comes and organize a few more With the chef and a few dishwashers helping to deliver the food, this restaurant will be completed and will be opened during the short holiday after the report." Li Fan made the calculation in his mind and was very happy. After all, he was about to have his own business. .

"I'm going to be the boss. I'm going to make you happy. You grew up eating a lot of food in our village. The boss of the boss and the boss of the west are actually kissing you. If you want to help, everyone will definitely If you are willing to help, you will definitely respond to your call." Aunt Lianhua also said with a smile.

"That's it, that's it, by the way, Aunt Lianhua, I'm going to buy a pot in a few days. Can you practice baking pancakes at home first? It will be a long holiday by then, and you will have to make them ready-made when you open. "Li Fan said.

"That's natural. Auntie actually likes to bake these cookies. Seeing others eating them so delicious makes me happy too. When you said you wanted to buy a pot, my hands were itchy. Of course I will bake a few pots first." Aunt Lianhua smiled.

"Hahaha, okay, let me agree first. During the short holiday, that is, when the hotel opens, Auntie, you can come and work. I will give you a salary of three thousand yuan a month. What do you think?" Li Fan weighed it in his heart. , offered a price.

After hearing what Li Fan said, Aunt Lianhua's face was shocked: "Three thousand yuan?"

Three thousand yuan is a high income, let alone in Laoshantun, even in the county. Only white-collar workers who have just graduated from college can have this kind of income. She, an ordinary peasant woman, can get it by baking a few cookies.

Therefore, Aunt Lianhua's first reaction was to think that she had heard wrongly.

"Yes, Auntie, do you think it's too little? After all, this is my first time opening a restaurant, so I don't know much about it and have no experience. But if the hotel becomes stable, I will increase the money according to the income and expenditure." Li Fan Looking at Aunt Lianhua's face, she said with some uncertainty.

"It's not less." After hearing this, Aunt Lianhua became anxious and hurriedly waved her hands: "It's too much, too much. How can anyone give me such a high salary?"

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